We had the good fortune of connecting with Anna Midé and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Anna, what was your thought Process behind starting your own business?
My thought process in starting my own business was that I had been working and hustling so hard all my life so why I am not doing it for myself? Working for myself, I find it more rewarding helping my clients and creating my own schedule. I really want to provide a healing and relaxing experience where clients feel comfortable to either sleep during the treatment or talk about anything they like to like a little escape from reality.

Social impact: how does your business help the community of the world?  Mobile Sculpt travels to client’s homes also which can be very convenient if a client works a lot or has children at home and does not have the ability to travel outside the home. Sometimes clients just feel more comfortable in their home to. I always want my business to really emphasize healing and relaxation to all my customers. These days people are always rushing and working really hard, and they can be overworked where they forget to take care of themselves, mind and body. I really want my company to emphasize more natural, non-invasive, holistic self-care. I also only use all plant-based natural skincare products after a TShock facial. I feel it’s very important to be cautious what a person puts on their face and body.

Risk taking: how do you think about risk, what role has taking risk played in your life/career?                                                                                                      I actually love risks although I’m very slow at taking risk I like having a plan in place and then I’ll take action. Some people may think I’m slow or don’t have my stuff together but believe me I’m always meditating on a plan for my business and life. Once I know all my finances are ready and the economy is in the right place, I’ll take the risk. Sometimes Life forces me to do it sooner than expected to, and I always consider it a blessing in disguise to get out of my comfort zone and grow personally and in my business.

If you are parent, what do you think is the most important thing you’ve done as a parent in terms of the impact on your children?                                             I’m not a parent yet. Although, I do not want to have kids physically, I do you want to foster them. Since I have this desire in place I really do you want my business to be successful and be  a positive impact to the community, I want my kids to see the benefits in owning their own business and being their own boss. I want them to know how to hustle but also know how to work smarter in order for them to be successful in whatever dream they may pursue.

What is the most important factor behind your success/the success of your brand?
That’s hard to say because I have quite a few factors in what drives me to make sure my business is successful. I’m a small town girl, and honestly my family was very much on a budget all the time so unnecessary spending was rare, I pretty much came from a poor upbringing. It has taken me years to slowly get out of that poor mindset and realize there is so much more to this life than to live by each paycheck. When I came to LA I had a lot of rough trials in the beginning of living here in the first few years, I’m sure many of us have. I lost myself during that time. It took me time to mentally heal from some of the trauma I had endured and to revive my hustle, drive, and also my passion again. After years in getting experience in working for other companies, mentally and physically healing from my trauma, and much thought and research in what kind of business I wanted to start, I finally narrowed it down to providing T-Shock treatments where I could also travel to clients homes/work office. The travel part was definitely more influenced during COVID where everyone was trying to stay home and stay safe.

How do you know whether to keep going or to give up?
Honestly I have gotten so low in one part of my life where I had no money, no car, and no place to live that I have no thing to lose and so for me to give up is silly. I think everyone is different and some people may have different paths leading to different directions ultimately to their desired goal. I would say many of my plans have slightly changed after doing more research getting more experience in that avenue, and I can’t say I regret any of it because you don’t know what you want until you learn and try.

Work life balance: how has your balance changed over time? How do you think about the balance?
Okay well work life balance is pretty much all work life right now lol but I am a start up small business so I expected that. I am in the works of expanding my business where I don’t have to hustle and physically work all day every day. But honestly I love doing it so I’m happy where I am at, and I know I won’t be working this hard physically for long but will be more successful in the future.

What should our readers know about your business?
Mobile Sculpt travels to client’s homes which can be very convenient if a client works a lot or has children at home and does not have the ability to travel outside the home. Sometimes clients just feel more comfortable in their home too. I always want my business to really emphasize healing and relaxation to all my customers. These days people are always rushing and working really hard, and they can be overworked where they forget to take care of themselves, mind and body. I really want my company to emphasize more natural, non-invasive, holistic self-care. I also only use all plant-based natural skincare products after a TShock facial. I feel it’s very important to be cautious what a person puts on their face and body.

Mobile Sculpt offers T-Shock which is a treatment that can either freeze stubborn fat pockets that diet and exercise cannot rid of or tighten skin and reduce fine lines by stimulating the body to produce collagen in the area. It is noninvasive and there is no down time with minimal risks. There are other beauty and wellness services like Gua Sha Facial, Reiki, Normatec Compression Recovery Lymphatic Massage Suit etc.

I’m a small town girl, and honestly my family was very much on a budget all the time so unnecessary spending was rare. It has taken me years to slowly get out of that poor mindset and realize there is so much more to this life than to live by each paycheck. When I came to LA I had a lot of rough trials in the beginning of living here in the first few years, I’m sure many of us have. I lost myself during that time. It took me time to mentally heal from some of the trauma I had endured and to revive my hustle, drive, and also my passion again. After years of working experience for other companies, mentally and physically healing from my trauma, and much thought and research in what kind of business I wanted to start, I finally narrowed it down to providing Beauty and Wellness services like T-Shock where I could also travel to clients homes/work office. The travel part was definitely more influenced during COVID where everyone was trying to stay home and stay safe.

I have learned that I should have start running my business long time ago lol I love it and I love helping people with their beauty and wellness. I am always learning something new everyday in how to run the business, what next steps I want to take, what clients are needing, and what new wellness and beauty services are out there and that are effective.

I want people to know that Mobile Sculpt provides efficient and relaxing beauty and wellness services either in the home office or in the client’s home or place of stay.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Priscilla owner of @the_Crystal_balance_llc

Arah owner of www.thebraidangel222.com

Website: www.mobilesculpt.org

Instagram: @mobilesculpt

Linkedin: www.linkedin.com/company/mobile-sculpt

Twitter: mobile_sculpt

Facebook: mobilesculptla

Yelp: Mobile Sculpt Marina Del Rey, CA

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCY7v28OXUcooLNbcJnQfSkQ

Image Credits
Mobile Sculpt

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutLA is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.