Meet Candace Nicholas-Lippman: Actress, Spoken Word poet & Arts Educator.

We had the good fortune of connecting with Candace Nicholas-Lippman and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Candace, do you have some perspective or insight you can share with us on the question of when someone should give up versus when they should keep going?
Take the focus off of me and remember my purpose is to serve.
The gift(s) that God has given me is not for me but for others. My art, my testimonies, my journey is not for me but to, prayerfully inspire others and make a difference.
I have to keep going for that little boy or girl… that person who feels like they can’t go on. God has put me on this earth to accomplish great things, give Him glory and be a vessel that He can use to, again prayerfully make a difference in lives of His people.
Please tell us more about your work. We’d love to hear what sets you apart from others, what you are most proud of or excited about. How did you get to where you are today professionally. Was it easy? If not, how did you overcome the challenges? What are the lessons you’ve learned along the way. What do you want the world to know about you or your brand and story?
Whoa… this is a lot to tackle all at once haha.
1). “An artist’s duty is to reflect the times”-Nina Simone. This is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite artists. I believe to be an artist is a blessing as well as a huge responsibility. I aspire to always use my art for good; to inspire and invoke change. I want my art to change the world.
2).What sets me apart from others… my JOY! I have had this all consuming joy since I was a child and no matter what has transpired in my life, my joy has remained constant. Also, my FAITH! My faith and passion for God …I am unapologetically me!
3). I am most proud of the fact that I never gave up!!! I am proud that I have had the privilege to be used by God to make a difference in people’s lives through my art, my journey, my testimonies. I am proud that my siblings and nephews can look up to me and see that it’s possible to achieve your dreams! NEVER GIVE UP!!
4). I got to where I am professionally today by hard work, faith and resilience. And no, it has not been easy. I have endured a lot of hardship, a lot of rejection, and a lot of heartache. But because I believed MORE in the calling God had for my life than the obstacles I faced, I had the strength and courage to keep pressing forward. Also, always remembering that my life is not my own and all I endure is not really for me; however, to be used as a testimony for someone else who may be experiencing the same struggles. I am vessel to be used to God and to God willing, inspire and encourage others to not give up!
5). Lessons I’ve learned along the way:
-Have a solid foundation. My foundation is my faith. It keeps me grounded and humbled.
-Have a village. Everyone needs help sometimes. And although my village is extremely small, they are mighty. And I am grateful for them.
-Be YOU! There were so many things about myself growing up that I hated (being so energetic, having so much joy, always known for smiling, etc). But as I got older, I realized these were the very things that set me apart. The things about myself I hated are the things God used to bless me and allow me to be a blessing. So always be YOU. The world doesn’t need another carbon copy. The world needs YOU.
-Life is hard. Life is scary and life is unpredictable. But if you stay the course, if you get back up after falling, if you NEVER GIVE UP… ANYTHING is possible. I am living witness.
6). I want people to know that all things are possible if you DON’T GIVE UP. I know I’ve said this numerous times but I truly mean it. I come from a place where many don’t even finish high school. I know what’s it’s like not to have enough money for for food. I was homeless and lived in my car for over a year. I faced many many rejections in my life but I never gave up on my dream(s). I knew from a young child the calling God had over my life… that I was meant to change the world through my art. And because I believed in His promise, no matter what trials and tribulations I endure(d), I stay focused and faithful on the dream(s) I knew God placed in my heart. So, whatever it is that God has placed in your heart to do… DO IT! And don’t let anyone or anything tell you it’s not possible. Because if someone like me can make it, I promise… you can too!
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Imagining Covid no longer exists, I would take my friend to check out some of the following places in LA:
LA Live (Restaurants, Movie theater, Lucky strikes bowling, etc).
The Grove (Good place for shopping and site seeing).
The Beach (so many to choose from; so this would take a few days of exploring haha).
Disneyland (who wouldn’t want to go to Disneyland)!
Universal Studios (fun fact, I used to be a Tour Guide haha)!
Sip and Sonder (Black owned Cafe).
Hiking (Griffith Park, Runyon Canyon, Baldwin Scenic Overlook, etc).
Westfield Mall Culver City (More shopping)!
Maybe take a day trip to San Diego since it’s not too far from LA (San Diego Zoo, SeaWorld)
Comedy Clubs (I love stand up comedy and who wouldn’t like to laugh)
Nightlife (lounge with live music, open mic- especially since I’m a poet haha)
Theater! (Being a Thespian and a lover of the arts, I’d definitely take my friend to see a play)
And the list goes on haha! So much to do in LA (pre-Covid of course).
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I’d love to shout out my Pastor, Dr. Hosea Collins! I have known and served under Pastor Hosea for going on nine years! And when I say, a big part of where I am wouldn’t be without him, I mean it!
Pastor Hosea has always believed in me; even at times more than I believed in myself. He always knew I’d be successful; but more than that, he always saw the great purpose God has over my life and has been more than just a mentor. He has been a spiritual father, teacher and great friend.
He is an amazing man of God and has helped me through my darkest of times. Again, I don’t know where I’d be today without him. I love him deeply and will always be immensely grateful to God for placing this man in my life!
Be sure to follow my Pastor and church family at CBCHawthorne on all platforms! Love you Pastor Hosea!
Instagram: @candace.nicholas.lippman
Twitter: @candacethepoet
Facebook: Candace Nicholas-Lippman
Youtube: Candace Nicholas-Lippman