We had the good fortune of connecting with Erica Robin and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Erica, what role has risk played in your life or career?
I think the higher the risk, the higher the reward. I have been a risk taker my whole life. It’s gotten me into some trouble and injuries, however those challenges served as key teaching points and pointed me in the right direction. The Universe rewards bravery. Being a full time artist is very risky as there is no guaranteed security. However I think some people are finding especially this year, is that nothing is guaranteed or secure. We all live our lives each day with limited control. Some think they have full control, then God tells you otherwise. I would not have life any other way than to live every day as if it’s my last. 

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I always knew I wanted to be an artist from a young age. I studied fine art in college, however I took a 10 year detour and did graphic design for practical reasons. I didn’t think I could make money with fine art. After staring at a computer for hours day after day, my soul was crying out for paint again. At age 30, I quit my graphic design job and started oil painting full time. The first few years were very hard. I wasn’t used to creating people, and all my work looked very cartoonish. I wasn’t selling at all the first few years. I questioned if I was doing the right thing. But I kept going and I shared my work on social media and art shows. My work got better after many years of blood sweat and tears. My determination to improve is what kept me going. I am proud of the fact that I didn’t give up and showing others they can do the same. Listen to your soul’s calling. I think what sets my work apart from others is the magical and spiritual element in the paintings. I’ve heard people tell me that just one image has changed their life. It brings me great joy to inspire others. I know without art, I would probably be dead. I use my art as a personal form of therapy to help heal myself as well as others. I have lost 3 people who were extremely close to me to suicide, including my brother, best friend, and stepdaugher. I believe one of the reasons why so many people are unhappy today is because we have lost our connection to ourselves, to nature and to one another. I intend for my art to serve as a bridge into consciousness that we are all one and connected. I strive with every finished work to invoke feelings of empowerment within oneself and the divine connection that unifies us all. I would describe my style as a combination of surrealism, visionary, and fantasy.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
My favorite spots are deer creek beach near my house. I live in farmland and it’s very peaceful out here. We have goats chickens and mules on our street. I love doing yoga and dog walks around the neighborhood. There are some beautiful hiking spots not far from here as well. In addition to all that, there are some great seafood restaurants that I enjoy occasionally. Fire pits at night while enjoying some wine.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I owe a lot of my success to my Dad. He wasn’t like other parents telling me to get a “real job”. He encouraged and nurtured my art. In Kindergarten class, my teacher pulled him aside and showed him our class artworks of Christmas Trees. She pointed out that I had some talent and that he should put me into art school. And he listened. I took oil painting lessons from age 6 till my teen years. He tells me everyday how proud he is of me.

Website: www.SurrealismArt.Net
Instagram: @ericarobinart
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EricaWexlerArt
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/EricaWexler

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