We had the good fortune of connecting with Francesca Sayan and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Francesca, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
I wanted to build something that allowed me a creative outlet, that I enjoyed doing, that would bring others joy and could become a family owned business and a legacy all in its own. I want a success where I can have the financial freedom to get out of life all that I can and be able to look back and say I did that

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
I would explain to people that I am in the business of creating an experience through my miniature cheesecakes. I have created a cheesecake unlike any you’ve ever tasted and have presented it in a way that is as appealing to the eye as it is the pallet. My cheesecakes are always creamy and rich but light. The best part about them is that they are small enough for the perfect indulgence with the ability to go back for more in a variety of flavors. I have taken a top shelf dessert and have made it affordable and as convenient as a traditional cup cake allowing my customers to elevate and wow their guests, friends or family at any occasion.

It was not easy to get to this point that is for sure. When I started, I just wanted to share my love of cheesecakes with as many people as possible. What I wasn’t prepared for was all of the specific licenses and permits etc that was required for such a dessert. It was a long road with tons of paperwork and costs and a lot of unknowns to have to educate myself on but looking back, I’m proud of myself for doing it and successfully obtaining all that was necessary to legitimize my business.

I’ve truly reinforced the notion that anything worth having is worth fighting for and that we are all more capable than we give ourselves credit for. I’ve learned patience and what it means to set boundaries and the power of no. As a people pleaser by nature, that was one of the hardest parts of my business.

I want the world to know that it is still possible to follow your dreams and passions despite your circumstances. Growing up poor, facing racism,being abused physically and sexually as a child and adult and even freeing myself from a six year long domestically violent relationship were catalysts to wanting better and more out of my life. I now look through a lens of gratitude for the life I have now and even more fire to get out of it all that I can. I would love for my story to inspire other women in similar circumstances to find that fire within themselves

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Oh boy there is so much to do in the Lacey/Olympia area where do I begin?! OK I think it would be so fun to take my friend to the Billy Frank Jr Nature reserve because it is absolutely beautiful 😍 We would then have to have drinks and eats at my favorite little bar Pints and Quarts. Another must is a walk around Capitol Lake in downtown Olympia followed by an incredible shopping experience at the Olympia Farmers Market and then wine tasting at the Wine Loft. Coffee would also be on the menu at one of my favorite places-Cutters Point. We would also have to check out the new Tumwater Craft District for a variety of ciders, wine and brews and of course their amazing eats and since I clearly have food on the brain, I would have to take them to the Lacey Food Truck depot for a smorgasbord of amazing food and treats! And lastly, if I’m working a pop up event while they are in town they would have to come with me to the Swae Night Market to not only shop from an amazing line up of other small business owners but to also grab a bite from the amazing food vendors, grab a coffee from the amazing Voyager Espresso, grab a cocktail and dinner from the incredible Ricardo’s Kitchen and Bar but also dance the night away to the DJ!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would have to say without hesitation that my husband, Tommy Sayan, deserves so much credit for any of my success. His love and support as well as encouragement has provided me the space to dream and to create and to pursue this passion. From helping me with deliveries, grocery shopping for Ingredients and supplies, setting up and tearing down at pop up events, taste testing and even therapist like sessions when I’m feeling burnt-out, exhausted or discouraged- he always keeps it real with me and reminds me of how far I’ve come and my end goal. He’s truly remarkable

Website: www.teasecakesbyfrancesca.com

Instagram: Teasecakes_by_francesca

Facebook: Teasecakes_by_francesca

Image Credits
Lex Wettlaufer Emilio Sayan Tommy Sayan Kristyn Bierer

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