We had the good fortune of connecting with Leonard Buschel and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Leonard, every day, we about how much execution matters, but we think ideas matter as well. How did you come up with the idea for your business?
On a single day I realized I had read over ten news articles dealing with my area of expertise. Addiction to, and Recovery from life threatening addictive behaviors. It took dozens of websites to give me the information I felt to be interesting, important and relevant. In an instant, I decided to aggregate all these articles in one place, and send it to my 7,000 professionals contacts. I created the weekly newsletter, and called it the Addiction Recovery eBulletin. For the last 8 years, every Tuesday morning at 9;15 am PT, we have graced th inboxes of our current 22,000 subscribers. Seven years ago we launched our website www.addictionrecoveryebulletin.org which attracts over 9,000 visitors every month.

Me and Christopher Kennedy Lawford
Me and Danny Trejo
Me and Dr. Gabor Maté
Ilene the Goddess and Me
Me on Media Mayhem

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I AM A NEWS JUNKIE. Since growing up in Philadelphia, I’ve read three newspapers a day. When I was a young compulsive gambler, I would read the morning Inquirer, the mid-day Daily News, and the afternoon Bulletin. Occasionally the gang and I would wait at the news stand for the ‘bulldog’ edition, dropped off at 11pm. An early edition of the morning Inky, nickname for the Philadelphia Inquirer. I was mostly looking for sports scores, horse racing results, current events, and recent executions. I was fascinated by local news, news or the country, the world and outer space. The pride and adulation I receive as the publisher and editor of the Addiction Recovery eBulletin, with 22,000 subscribers, and ten thousand additional online readers, makes me realize I was finally doing what the big printer in the sky put me on Earth to do, and all those years as a drug dealer was preparing me for a better fate. To inform, educate, entertain and display photos the all deserve a second look. The dead end of addiction does have an off ramp. It’s called, get off this life subduing drug ramp! Time to trounce addiction.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I would take her to dinner at Musso and Franks, walk back into time to foreign film at the Arc-Light, then Uber to the Viper Room. On Saturday I would take her to Little Tokyo to slurp soba noddles and to feel tall.

Robert Downey Sr. and Me
Angela Davis and Me
Son: Ben Buschel
Nicole Boxer and Me
Buzz Aldrin and Me

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
The continuing success of the Addiction Recovery eBulletin would not have been possible without the tireless efforts of our associate editor, Ahbra Kay. When my dictionary.com app is down, I have only to yell across the office any questions about spelling or grammar, and Ahbra, with her photographic memory and her history of championship spelling bees, I stand well informed.

Website: www.addictionrecoveryebulletin.org

Instagram: AddictionRecoveryeBulletin

Linkedin: Leonard Buschel

Twitter: @leonardbuschel

Facebook: Leonard Buschel

Yelp: Leonard B.

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/WritersInTreatment/videos

Image Credits
Photos: Leonard Lee Buschel Photos: Leonard Lee Buschel Photos: Leonard Lee Buschel Photos: Leonard Lee Buschel Photos: Leonard Lee Buschel Photos: Leonard Lee Buschel Photos: Leonard Lee BuschelPhotos: Leonard Lee Buschel

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