Meet Massimo Mcqueen | Akashic Records Reader, Actor, producer and writer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Massimo Mcqueen and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Massimo, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking.
I believe that taking risks is part of life, whether we are aware or not; sooner or later we are gonna face that dilemma…don’t avoid it!!!!!
Usually a risk comes into our consciousness when we seek change and we want to better our existence.
I have taken multiple risks in my life, and besides the initial fear of the unknown or because the way I was brought up -which was to always be cautious- I listened to my heart and followed my guts, and never regretted anything to these days.
I also think that if it weren’t for some mistakes I made, I would not be the person I am today.
Now that I am older, I don’t think twice about making a choice that requires taking a risk because I have reached a point in my life where I am finally able to get rid of old negative thinking and trained my mind to view life differently, and accept the outcome regardless, in other words I DO NOT fear FEAR!!!!!
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
As mention earlier I am an empath; a Spiritual Conduit and I was mentored by a fantastic Akashic Records Reader (Michelle Galoob) who brought out confidence in me and helped me to abolish self doubt.
The way I approach my work is to have an open mind and remove any judgments, opinions, personal experiences, so when I read a client’s soul, the reading is fluid and is not influenced by my own history, and the recipient can ultimately make their own choices.
I am simply a messenger, a vessel for them that facilitates to free any blockages, phobias, traumas, insecurities they are experiencing in their lives; however I cannot emphasize enough that my Reading are NOT therapy sessions nor I am not competent to give any medical advice.
The highlight of my work is when I see a client truly understands the clarification of a message, or if a loved one comes through and sends them a specific so they can make changes to improve their lives, but I always point out that they are the ones (the clients)who can exclusively exercising their Free Will…nobody else should do for them.
I got involved in this line of work during a reading my partner Storm was being given. I was asked to be present and throughout the Reading I was overwhelmed with strong emotions of pure love that I could not explain.
Michelle (The Reader) took my hand and looked into my eyes and said: “ You too must help people and do this kind of work!”.
At first I was skeptical because I lacked of confidence and always thought you had to have some sort of super powers or to be the chosen one, then Michelle and Storm encouraged me and I decided to embark on this incredible journey, and sure enough I started training with Michelle.
I had to overcome the challenge of my shyness and asked family & friends if I could practice the Akashic Records Reading on them (free of charge) and most of them were happy to help. I went back meditating and changed my lifestyle into an healthier one in order to receive messages as clearly as possible. I am not going to lie; it was difficult at first but definitely worth the effort and don’t look back at all.
I learned along the way that in this line of work, there are always going to be skeptical, cynical people, who may challenge you with their untrusted attitude and negativity, and I am always ready for a debate or even an explanation, but sometimes you can’t change the way people feel or think about something, so I let them be.
I offer my service to purely help people who might need some clarity and guidance.
This gift of mine also unlocked my ability to be a better actor and be in touch with my soul, emotions and go deeper when I study a character, because with he help of my spirit guides -Guys we ALL have Guides- I always ask to connect and channel the essence of a character.
First and foremost I want the world to know that when you set your mind to anything you want, sooner or later “IT WILL HAPPEN”, preceded -of course- by perseverance, consistency, studying, researching and be honest on what it is that you truly desire.
It is a cliche’ to say “IT’S NEVER TOO LATE”, but it is an absolute truth and I am the testament of it and will always encourage people (whether they are my clients or not) to dig deeper into their souls and do what their souls tell them who they truly are.
My story is not unique, but it’s a story that I continue to be the writer of it, and I can add (or remove) characters that enrich my life and I can contribute to bring confort, positivity and joy to those around me.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I’d take my best friend to the Griffith observatory at night so they can admire the almost 360 view of the city lit up…the stars gazing of the City of the Angels can’t get any better!!!!
Another cool spot is Moonlight Roller way in Glendale, when you can skate (rent them or bring your own) while listening to the 80’s music; it really feels like you living that era with people dressed like the 80s skating away….it’s a super cool place.
As far as eating, I like to try different food in LA, I’d definitely go to Manpuku in West LA, a delicious Japanese restaurant in the cute neighborhood of surrounded by Japanese stores with interesting and fascinating gadget; and some cool Karaoke bars. I would also go to the authentic Italian restaurant “Terroni” on Beverly Blvd. and Curson; their pizzas are incredibly yummy and the vibe is electrifying., and yes I may be biased but I used to I work there as well.
The abbey is also a good spot in WeHo to get a drink (I don’t drink but I know the drinks are quite pricey) and sit in their garden viewing the beautiful people who come in and out.
I’adventure as well to a more of a chilled bar by the Venice pear, “HINANO”, where the legendary Jim Morrison used to hang out, and we can play some pool and have a beer (I know I do not drink but I got friends who do)
As far as people watching, definitely the Venice Board walk is an interesting spot with people from all over the world and walks of life, playing basketball, tennis, working out at Venice Muscle gym and checking out the souvenir shops along the Boardwalk.
As far as cultural places, I like to go to the Academy Awards museums to learn about the history of Hollywood legends and the industry in general, the Hammer museum where you can find really cool arts from local artists and the Getty museum where famous paintings from worldwide artists are displayed and have lunch at their restaurant with a magnificent view.
Last but not least is the drive to Malibu all the way to Zuma beach where the coastline is fantastic and we can get a glimpse of the surfers riding the Pacific ocean waves.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Well to start off I thank my parents, who have taught me how to be honest with myself, and at the same time to have compassion and empathy towards other people.
Later in life I met my current partner (Storm Di Scozia) who ignited and awakened in me my innate talents which are my ability to read people’s book of life, also called the Akashic Records and also brought back to life my other passion which is the craft of acting and everything that comes into that the realm.
Without Storm’s encouragement I’d not have the confidence I possess today when I conduct my readings with my clients. He believed in me before I could remotely think I could do this line of work even though I have always knew I had a distinctive intuition, but I needed a push.
Storm is also a filmmaker, and when in 2022 he asked me to be part of the short film he wrote, produced and directed titled “Ghostsinger:Genesis” which won several awards, I hesitantly agreed, -I say hesitantly because I was afraid to awaken a passion I had to put asleep for many years for fearing failure- but once I was on SET the love for the craft of acting came back again immediately and I literally felt right where I belonged.
That experience landed me an agent and launched me back into the industry, and ever since I booked few roles in an upcoming Netflix TV series titled “Mrs. Playmen” playing a broadcaster and a feature film titled “Stolen Girl” starring alongside Kate Beckinsale where I played a cowboy and other gigs in a French and Italian miniseries (A prophet and MIKE) and I am extremely grateful and I continue to audition for many important projects.
Thanks to my Akashic Records reading, where I can channel also my automatic writing , I am currently working on a novel that is semi autobiographical and a pilot for a TV series.
Instagram: @massimo_mcqueen
Facebook: Massimo McQueen
Image Credits
Anthony de la Torres, Fabrizio Convertini