Where are you from and how did your background and upbringing impact who you are today?

Through our work we have had the good fortune of seeing firsthand how success comes in every shape, size, color, faith, and orientation. More importantly we’ve learned that success is often the result of people embracing their unique backgrounds and so we’ve asked the community to tell us about their background and how it has impacted where they are today.
Hello, I am Lori Livingston from Harrisburg, Pa! A super small town near Philly & NYC (The Tri State)…I grew up in the projects of Pennsylvania, where poverty & Crime were synonymous! Back then things were May more family oriented…so families looked out for each other much more. I remember my Mom borrowing sugar from the neighbors, & neighbors borrowing things from us! Read more>>
I am born and raised in SoCal, my parents are of Mexican and Salvadorian decent. I think my need to do hard work comes from my father who worked in the avocado fields and continued to seek higher paying jobs, ultimately working as a trucker. He was able to buy a home and get my sisters and I through school. My passion for helping others comes from my mother who has always been into holistic living and using food as medicine. Read more>>
I’m currently based in Atlanta, GA, but I come from the beautiful Caribbean islands of Trinidad and Tobago. My background and upbringing in this vibrant region have significantly shaped who I am today, especially when it comes to my passion for film production and visual storytelling. Growing up amidst the rich culture, diverse landscapes, and vibrant communities of the Caribbean, I was inspired to dive into the world of art & filmmaking. Read more>>
Growing up as a third culture kid certainly impacted my thought processes, perceptions, stories, ability to move between cultures etc. My mother is from New York and father from Zagreb, but I was raised bilingually in Germany before moving back to NYC. Music was a point of connection across whichever groups I was a fish out of water in – a good reminder that if you don’t fit in anywhere it conversely means you fit in everywhere. Read more>>
I’m from The Bronx, New York. Born & raised in a family of hispanics that allowed me to tap deep into my roots along with the street culture while growing up in The Bronx. I was born in 85′ so i did see a lot growing up in the 90’s. My 1st passion was baseball and my dream was to play but due to medical circumstances, music found its way into my heart. Read more>>
I was born in Los Angeles, but I was raised in Atlanta, Ga. My parents both came from humble beginnings, and worked very hard to make sure we were given opportunities that weren’t afforded to them growing up. I spent a lot of my youth in the Boys and Girls Club and other organizations that gave me the opportunity to see and meet people I wouldn’t have otherwise. Read more>>
I was born here in SoCal and raised in Orange County. Both my parents are from the Philippines. As the child of immigrants, I grew up immersed in Filipino culture as well as American culture. Being Filipino American is an interesting experience – one that I’d liken to a balancing act. Read more>>
I’m a bookworm. Always have been. A love of writing followed. I scribbled ‘stories’ with a crayon, penned silly tales about my friends in high school, and wrote for the school newspaper. Fast forward a few decades and I have four grown children, a masters in education, and something I never ever had before…free time! I took the leap into writing a novel. Read more>>
I was born and raised in Kansas City, Missouri, the land of good music and Gates BBQ. My foundation and belief system are rooted in the COGIC church. I come from a family with a musical and athletic background. My grandparents were the pastor and first lady of the church, and this role was later passed down to my parents, yep…making me a PK (preacher’s kid). Read more>>
I’m from Palos Verdes, California, an LA suburb by the beach. It’s a breathtaking place and I’m beyond fortunate to have grown up there, but it was one of those (probably pretty common) situations where I didn’t realize just how lucky I was until I left. I went to college on the east coast, graduate school in the midwest, and spent a year abroad teaching English in Spain. Read more>>
I grew up in Los Angeles, CA (very close to Venice and I went to Venice High School). Venice in the 90s was a very creative and colorful place. I definitely think it brought my creativity to the surface. Read more>>
I was raised in a large Irish American family in Scarsdale, New York, an affluent suburb of New York City. We weren’t wealthy though — in fact we were often just getting by. My parents felt a lot of shame about their lack of status and money. But more importantly there was shame in our household because it was such an unhappy one. Read more>>
I’m am from New Jersey but I am a first generation Indian American. Growing up, my musical journey began in the Indian classical world and its through that that I first experienced music and discovered my passion for singing. Growing up in a diverse community also has allowed me accept the many parts of myself that make me unique, and also value that in the others around me. Read more>>
I’m originally from La Pine, Oregon. A small little town about 45 minutes away from Bend, Oregon. My childhood was an interesting one to say the least. I was born with a heart condition called “Hypo-Plastic Left Heart Syndrome” meaning my upbringing was quite difficult. I’ve had more then 10 heart surgeries and having to overcome the many obstacles that come with that have been quite challenging. Read more>>