Our community is comprised of some absolutely brilliant entrepreneurs and so we asked a few of them to tell us the story of how they came up with the ideas for their business.
Ivy Welburn & Jazmin Erving | Crystalogists
Something that we say almost daily In our business is that “This rock chose you.” We believe this is also true when it came to how we stumbled upon becoming crystal miners. Our previous lives as event planners brought enough excitement and thrill, but lacked in satisfaction and left us both wanting more out of life. Read more>>
Donna Delao | Registered Nurse
I came up with the idea for my business due to the health issue I was going through. I had fought migraines for a while, and I had taken every medication my doctor gave me, and nothing was working. Then my doctor suggested Botox, which inspired me to learn more about the aesthetics field. After two treatments of Botox, I was 95% migraine free. Then I started looking at what else Botox could do, which led me to look at other procedures such as PRP, Bio-Filler, HA filled, this doesn’t stop there. Read more>>
Kris Chaney | Business Owner, Entrepreneur, & Podcast Host
I didn’t have a clue at first. I was a senior in high school when my teacher asked what I wanted to go to college for and I said the only thing I enjoyed besides sports were movies. He told me to go to film school and it was the first time anyone ever said anything to me that made sense. He was teaching us to follow our passions and what made us happy, figure out a way to make a career out of it, and we would never work a day in our lives. Read more>>