We asked folks to tell us about their favorite quote or affirmation and to tell us what it means to them. We’ve shared some of those responses below.

Marc Antonio Navarro DeBlasi | Sound Mixer for TV/Film

A philosophy I try to live by is the idea that we are all literally living one day at a time. I can’t change yesterday, but I can learn from it. I can only do my best to prepare for tomorrow, but I’m not there yet, and I don’t want to waste all of today thinking about tomorrow. I’m living today right now; and I’m going to do the best I can with it while I’m here. This philosophy isn’t very fiscally practical, but it helps keep me mentally grounded. I think most of us can be easily overwhelmed with everything in our lives, our friends, the world, the news, and the internet. It’s easy to dwell on the past and our mistakes. All of our preparations and dreams and goals for tomorrow can be swept away in an instant. It can help to remember that we only truly have the power to affect the moment we are living right now. What are we going to do with that power? Read more>>

Josh Logan Tangney | Music Coach/Consultant, Songwriter & Talent Buyer

These are my two favorite quotes:

1. “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity.”
2. “Work hard enough and it starts to look like talent.” Read more>>

Chelsea Mooney | Meditation Guide & Host of the Guide Next Door Podcast

My favorite quote is “what you’re not changing, you’re also choosing” by Bruce Lee. When I first heard this quote, introduced to me by one of my meditation teachers while I was going through my training, something clicked in me, and it was as if I had taken all of my power back. I felt so in control of my life at that moment. A few years prior to this, I had gone through extreme burnout, complete with constant anxiety and panic attacks, and I had finally had enough, and I made a change. I started putting my health above everything, and that one choice, that one change, saved my life. So hearing this quote affirmed that change I decided to make in that moment, and I felt so justified and empowered. Read more>>

Nekia Whitfield | CEO & Fashion Designer

This too shall pass is my favorite saying because it means to enjoy the time you have now and celebrate while it’s here. It also means no matter how bad things are there will be better days. It works for so many moods when being an entrepreneur. Read more>>