We love ourselves a good quote and so we asked our community to share their favorite quotes and affirmations with us and we’ve highlighted some below.

Brandi Kim | Illustrator

My favorite quote is “Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living.” I resonate with this quote a lot because it summarizes my artistic life. Everyday I practice to draw, paint and design, but I always fail to master those skills. The main reasons I continue on my artist path is my love and passion for art. Read more>>

Mireya Olmos | Silver Model, Actor, Influencer, & ProAge Encourager

Good question. I tend to be a multi-tasker who naturally juggles many projects at once; it’s a double-edged sword. Recently, I’ve come to the conclusion that I need to take one task at a time and complete it with excellence, however big or small it may be. I get true satisfaction from completing at least one item at a time from my ongoing perpetual “to-do” list! Read more>>

Clarissa Karagosian | Salon owner and Stylist

“ Somewhere out there, he is training while I am not. And when we meet, he will win.” This quote has been fuel for me on the days that I didn’t have the energy, drive or fire in me to give my 110%. The days that I was self doubting or not believing in myself, repeating this helped me push through the negative thoughts and feelings and push myself through whatever felt too hard or too beyond my abilities. I like the fire it ignites in me, and those who refer to it daily..

Disha Shah | Production Designer & Architect

“It is not a bad life, it is just a bad day.” I think most us or well at least I often start thinking about the decisions or the choices that I’ve made in life, doubting myself because some things aren’t going according to plan or there are certain hiccups along the way, in those times its often easy to start doubting your worth/skills. the imposter syndrome is difficult to let go of, Take it one day at a time. keep working, keep your head high cause in the end, after everything, things always turn out for the better.

Jessika Grewe Glover | Author & Artist

“What cannot be said will be wept.” Sappho Holding onto emotions does us no good. Not voicing displeasure, pleasure, joy, or heartache will leak out of us in some form, whether the literal tears Sappho suggests, or in resentment, stress related illness, or cracks in our relationship foundations. This quote resonates with me due to the fact that communication is key in life, business, art, everything. Read more>>

Pantea Ommi | Actor/Writer

I love a quote from Carl Sagan – “The cosmos is within us. We are made of star stuff. We are a way for the universe to know itself.”. There is something about it that simultaneously makes me feel so large and small. The idea that I am made of the same stuff that puts together the starts I look up to in awe each night makes me think “well then, I should also be in awe of myself.” But the idea of me being this small portion of it all makes me think “chill out, don’t take it all so seriously.” You know? Read more>>