We had the good fortune of connecting with Brent Estabrook and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Brent, what do you attribute your success to?
The most crucial factor behind my success and the success of my brand is undoubtedly passion. I truly love what I do, and that passion has been the driving force behind all my accomplishments. It propels me forward and pushes me to give my best in everything I undertake. While I can’t claim that every single thing I do will be perfect, I can assure you that I approach all my endeavors with authentic passion.

I’ve noticed that this passion not only reflects in my work but also resonates with others. People with similar enthusiasm and dedication naturally gravitate towards each other, and I find myself drawn to individuals who share this same passion in any industry. I believe this has played a significant role in the success I’ve achieved so far.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
Let me tell you a bit about myself and how I got into my artistic style or approach. For me, it’s all about discovery, exploration, learning, and growth. I never approach the same painting in the same way twice. Each time, I look for opportunities to expand my horizons and delve into new artistic territory.

That’s why you’ll find me painting in various styles, ranging from hyper-realism to abstraction and minimalism. I simply love it all! However, one of my favorite artistic styles would have to be impressionism. There’s something truly captivating about impressionistic paintings. I adore how you can see the energy and movement in the brush strokes. It’s as if the paintings come alive, capturing a moment in time.

Lately, my mindset has been focused on creating in the moment, also known as “Prima” or “Alla Prima.” This approach involves laying down the initial brush strokes and embracing them without trying to fix or perfect them. It’s about painting with confidence and letting those first brush strokes be the ones that remain on the canvas. This mindset not only applies to my artwork but also reflects my personal growth as an artist.

Speaking of literal aspects of my artistic style, I have a profound love for vibrant colors and contrasting tones. In my paintings, you’ll often find a play of intense colors and textures, creating strong juxtapositions. It’s a way for me to express depth and create visual impact.

Overall, my artistic journey is driven by a constant desire to explore, discover, and grow. I find joy in experimenting with different styles and techniques, embracing the energy of impressionism, and incorporating bold colors and contrasting elements into my work. It’s an ongoing process of artistic and personal development that keeps me inspired and motivated.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
First, we’d head to the Huntington Library, spending most of the day exploring the beautiful gardens with our cellphones off and just really soaking in all the goodness of the day. And if you are a really close friend of mine, you know what we will be doing at the garden ;p

After our blissful time at the gardens, we might treat ourselves to a relaxing experience, either getting a massage to unwind or trying out a float tank for a unique sensory journey. Both options are fantastic.

When it comes to food, we’d have a tough decision to make because we love good eats! We’d choose between HaiDiLao or Korean barbecue, as we can’t resist the delicious flavors and exciting dining experiences at both places.

After satisfying our appetites, we might head back to my place and just chill out. Spending quality time together, talking about life, reminiscing about old memories, and making new ones is always the best way to end a perfect day with my best friend.

Throughout their visit, I’d also take my friend to some iconic LA spots, like the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Griffith Observatory, and Santa Monica Pier, as well as exploring art and culture at the Getty Center or LACMA. And of course, we’d have to experience some of the vibrant nightlife that LA has to offer, hitting up some of our favorite bars and live music venues.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Absolutely! There are several individuals and organizations that I would like to give a shoutout to and acknowledge for their contributions to my success.

First and foremost, I owe a great deal of gratitude to my parents. They have always been incredibly supportive of my creative passions, encouraging me to explore art and enrolling me in extra art classes. Their unwavering belief in me has played a significant role in shaping my artistic journey.

Next, I must mention my pre-health advisor at the University of Arizona. When I sought advice on the courses I needed to take for dental school, she asked me a pivotal question: “What do you enjoy doing?” That simple question changed the course of my life and led me to pursue my true passion for art.

I can’t forget to mention Ron at the Long Beach Museum of Art. He provided me with a wonderful opportunity to showcase my work in their bi-annual charity auction. It was during this event that I sold my first piece for a significant amount. This experience was instrumental in boosting my confidence as an artist, especially at a time when I was still establishing myself in the art world while pursuing my dental studies.

All these individuals played vital roles in my journey, and their belief in me and my art fueled my determination to succeed. Their support and recognition have been invaluable, and I am truly grateful for their contributions to my story.

Website: brentestabrook.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brentestabrook/

TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brentestabrook?lang=en

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