Meet Heidi Parra | Photographer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Heidi Parra and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Heidi, we’d love to start by asking you about lessons learned. Is there a lesson you can share with us?
The most important lesson my business has taught me is that it is so important to not compare yourself to others. In my case, I constantly compared myself to other photographers when I first started and it brought many insecurities. I lacked confidence and didn’t believe in myself for many years and when I finally gained confidence I believed in myself and so did others.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I believe that we were all created to create, and the beauty of it is that we all have something unique about us all. I am inspired by the beauty that surrounds all of us, Gods’ creation- mountains, sea, birds, fields, wind, etc. I look for the real, raw, authentic moments in all of my work. I am drawn to shadows and light, as cliche as it sounds I am a chaser of light. Light that comes in through any windows in a home or building, light that peeks through a cloud on a cloudy day, or the way the light hits a mountain top as the sun is setting.
I give God all the glory for where I am in my business and career. He has put me in places that only he has the power of doing so, and has put specific people in my life as well. The people he has placed in my life have truly changed my life and I am forever grateful. Getting to where I am in my life professionally has not been easy, there were lots of tears and challenges but also have made me who I am today. Some of the lessons I have learned through out my journey are that comparison truly kills a creative, there is always room for growth, and always believe in yourself God created you for a reason.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
One of my favorite places in California is Yosemite National Park, I would take them to my favorite look out points Glacier and Taft point. Depending on the time of year, we could stay in a cabin and make food and sit by the fire place. Play games, bake cookies, and watch movies!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I personally would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for the support, love, and encouragement from my friends. In the first years of my career, I really lacked confidence and did not believe in myself but I had my friends always pushing me to jump into the unknown and encouraging me. They believed in me way before I believed in myself.