We had the good fortune of connecting with Jósa Goodlife and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Jósa, how do you think about risk?
Risk is to me = living life fully
Risk means : I don’t know the outcome, and am not supposed to!
It takes 100% trust to lean into risk-taking. It can be fun and it can be frightful.
Taking a risk will always stretch us farther than we usually dare to imagine.
In general my point of view is that we are always taking risks, every time we make a choice.
The little choices can be everything from picking a place to eat my lunch, which could include the risk of
getting a digestion upset or being disappointed over the taste of the meal
– or even drastically bigger choices like moving from one continent to another,
not having a clue on how that might manifest my future.
I have personally taken many big risks in terms of moving in my life. As a 15 year old I chose to leave my home and all my friends and my ‘security’ as I knew it and move 5h bus ride away for high school, where I knew no one.
Something quite untraditional and unexpected in my culture.
A few year later I took my next big step of a risk, by moving 3h plane ride from my birth country Iceland,
for seeking a greater cultural perspective in Denmark.
I of course knew that I could always return back to my little island in the North-Atlantic,
but never did (other than for visits). Sometimes I think back, knowing I might never have taken that step
would I have known I was leaving my home country for good.
I made my next big jump of a risk by deciding to move to New York, for getting married to my then American boyfriend
I had met in Copenhagen. That was quite a big risk for both of us, as we did not feel ready to make that big of a commitment, but as this was the only way for us to be together in the US, we received each other hand and said yes to that risk.
New York became one of my biggest adventures in life!
The Big City grew me up like nothing has ever done before, and stretched me into actualizing more of me;
the artist, the weird and the wild fairy, willing to acknowledge my gifts of healing and expressing myself freely
– embracing my life fully amongst some of the most creative and risk taking people I ever have met,
who became my best friends and inspired me dearly on my path.
I would never choose to be without that chapter.
…and here I am, now based in California since early this year, have taken yet another risk in my life,
to leave my magical living in Brooklyn to try out the West Coast life. It is strange, it is wild and it is a big risk factor!!
Even though I have known for quite a while that we would make a big move and how that is required for our lives,
it doesn’t take away the reality and the hardship of saying goodbye to comfort of the discomfort
– (as I like to call my life in NYC).
We can never know what our risk-taking will truly bring us until we choose the big leap into it.
It can go either way; become a fiasco or a success. (- Usually it isn’t all that either // or though!)
No matter what, I do believe that our heart will always lead the way when taking bigger risks.
Or at least if we are connected to ourselves and remember to listen carefully.
Whenever I have to make some bigger choices today, I like to ask:
What will this choice create for my next 2 years? For my next 5 years? What will this choice create for the world?
If the energy is light, I know it is a right choice for me. If the energy is dense or heavy in my body, I have to look further into
the possibilities. In general I do trust the flow of life and I open my arms for all the abundance in life.
As I am tuned to my inner power, the Universe has a better way to communicate with me.
For instance, I have known for the last 3-4 years that we would move to California from New York.
In my impatience (which is my biggest challenge!) it could sometimes be hard to trust and keep up my faith,
as I felt the Universe was really taking its time to help us actualize a move!
Now looking back I can see how we were granted the perfect timing of ‘a pandemic’ to lean into this transition.
Not only could my husband work remotely from his office, which gave us greater stability and greater flexibility, but also this house we just moved into here in Alameda, was not yet ready for a move-in. I do see clearly how this house is exactly the right one for us, as everything – and so much more we have asked for, is showing up right at my feet!
I do believe that our willingness to take risks are indeed opening up the doors to all our wishes.
Without taking any risks in life, life can become quite stuck and uninspiring.
With that said, not everyone have to move across the continents in order to find fulfillment in life!
We all have to find our truth and our way to fulfillment and success.
Our truth is within us, so if we listen carefully, we can not go fully wrong…
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
I work with healing. My business Goodlifecreation is a container for many good life-creations that I like to share with the world. I do healing work in person; Access Bars // reiki // Akashic Records work. Some of these can be done remotely as well.
Yoga is a part of my offerings. I’ve worked with children, adults and seniors.
The Seniors are my favorite to facilitate Yoga, as they are always so grateful.
Some of my latest offerings is PLAY for Grownups. An online class that got born through these weird times of covid.
It’s been a big success, as people really like to PLAY but don’t seem to give themselves the time to choose it.
These classes are filled with the fun of dancing, meditating on a special creative topic and the actual art of creating.
The sincere joy that actualizes through these classes has filled me up personally so much that I become unstoppable.
I truly believe that JOY and PLAY is needed now more than ever!
I have been mothering a Sisterhood Retreat: ‘Together we Grow’ series every month since fall and that has been such a blessing. I invited in a sister of healing each month, to share her gifts with us global sisters.
Through that creation I have learned more than ever how co-creation is stronger than when I stand by myself only.
We are meant to uplift and work together as a collective!!
By working together we not only strengthen and empower each other to expand beyond our comfort zone,
but realize our own gifts of leadership and where//how we stand out with our unique offerings.
It is not about ‘who is better?’
but rather
‘how are we different?’
and to utilize that diversity to flow and grow the collective.
We are all leaders. Some choose to focus on their own lives mainly // their families life,
while choosing to have a full time corporate job at an office.
Others utilize their leadership talents to become entrepreneurs and to grow a business.
Neither is better than the other. It all depends on who we are and where we are in life.
There is space for all of us and our purpose in life is to embrace what is being gifted to us
through possibilities and through our choices.
I am so grateful for all the people I have met on my path, both through collaborations and in private sessions with clients.
Honestly I can thank all my clients for having showed me how to become more vulnerable in my work and to honor the path that led me to facilitate the healing I do today, which was not an ‘easy’ one.
I do believe that the best work we do with people, is with those who have an insight into our past traumas and suffering through their own path. The greatest facilitators of healing are the ones that have had a life of self discovery through own living.
My aim is to open up peoples’ eyes to their own uniqueness and magic. I am a big believer in magic!
Not of anything outside ourself, but rather the magic within we can BE everyday by choosing to let that old story go,
and instead embrace the possibilities that are right at our feet, here and now
-or somewhere in the future!
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I love hiking the hills of Hollywood! Sometime a nice morning hike//run up to the Runyon Canyon Park or just walking in that neighborhood, dreaming about all the fancy mansions, taking in the views and the nature which is spectacular after living in NY // Europe my whole life.
On the weekends I enjoy going to the Melrose Trading Post Flea Market where I have done many good investments in second hand clothing, artisanal clothing and jewelry. The Original Farmers Market has all the great spots for grabbing a bite after with your friends, as everyone can choose whatever they crave for.
Venice Beach is also one of my favorite places in LA. Rent a bike and ride the beach! Go to Great White for a nice, juicy lunch or a dinner or to Sweetfin for the best Poke Bowl in the world!!
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Louise Hay has through her writings helped me to truly acknowledge that I am worth receiving love. Also (and mainly) from myself!
Anita Moorjani left a big impact on me as I read her book: Dying to become Me (2012).
I got so much awareness for my own healing journey and I encourage everyone to look into that book.
Elizabeth Gilbert was the one who got me on a solo journey to India in my early 30’s.
Her book ‘Eat, Pray, Love’ inspired me truly and changed my life! Later on, her book: Big Magic was a huge gift to my life!
and then I have to mention Bjork, my one and only Icelandic power muse, who always opens up my creativity channels
with her songs, music videos and with her whole being…
Website: goodlifecreation.com
Instagram: goodlifecreation
Image Credits
Para and Andreea and Erik