Meet Lacy Fisher | Actress|Writer|Acting Teacher

We had the good fortune of connecting with Lacy Fisher and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Lacy, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
Risk is at the heart of every great story. As an artist in the world of storytelling risk is a requirement if one wishes to express themselves with authenticity. However risk is not easy because it asks of us to abandon the familiar, surrender relentlessly to our human need to know, and just ride the waves of uncertainty.
I have learned over the years in my development as an actress, and working within the artistic field, that in order to really take on the challenge of being vulnerable in a very public way, mission and purpose are vital. In my many years of mentorship with Diana Castle and her brilliant teaching, that empathy is at the heart of the art of acting; it is through the empathic embrace of telling stories that allows for risk taking in the face of every dragon. Her teaching, “The Imagined Life” has taught me and continues to teach me that our past doesn’t define us, and as she says “Fate are the cards you are dealt, destiny is how you play them”. I am finding more and more that as I continue to let go of the tethering ropes to what once was, allowing myself to live in the precious moments, keep my eyes fixed and heart open to the expansive possibilities, the more courageous I am in taking risk. I think that human beings are incredibly willing to take the risk when they know it is for a greater purpose, when it involves and impacts the lives of others. I feel that the more we empathize with the hearts and lives of others the more we are willing to risk emotional exposure.
Because of the adversities and traumas I have faced in my developmental years in childhood, they have developed my capacity to face challenge. It has cultivated an emotional endurance, and has been the impetus that woke up my desire to be a person who empathizes and take’s on the sufferings of others. However because of such personal adversities it has also functioned to keep me small, limited in my perceptions of inner value, worth and possibility. The constancy or preparing for threat, expecting that at any moment it can all fall apart and that I am never safe. If I didn’t have a teaching that allowed me to see that I am not powerless to effect change, that possibilities are endless and that we are all interrelated, I would not be able to take risks in the face of tremendous pressures and challenge.
The only way I can become great in any of my artistic endeavors is to risk the fact that I might not always be liked or received by everyone that I encounter. I have to risk that my ego might not always be satiated and that my people pleaser self has to take a back seat. Risk taking in the creative work and play, is what has expanded my ability to take the risk to stand up for my life and tell my story no matter what. It is the heart that matters the most, in anything we do. I want to be the kind of woman, the kind of artist, the kind of human that reflects back to others the profound value of jumping off that ledge, with incredible faith the net will always be there. You just have to take the risk to go after the thing that makes your heart beat wildly. To take action through the discomfort, through the uncertainty and through the vulnerability, with a great knowing that there is a gift to be found in it.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Of course the beach, northern beaches I prefer. Leo Carrillo State Beach. If we went a bit further we would go to El Capitan Canyon to do a beach campout. If we really had time, Big Sur.
The Getty Villa
Hiking in any of the various canyons: Runyon, Beachwood, Malibu
Theatre/Live Music
Korean Karaoke
I love me some bars and restaurants. Would definitely have a night Downtown, so many rad little spots to slide into for a cocktail and small bites. Two of my favorite Italian restaurants are “Met Him at a Bar” and “Osteria LaBuca”. If we stay in my hood we would definitely do a night of Korean BBQ or if we are feeling more the Vegan route there is a great little 50’s styled Vegan Burger and Shake joint called Monty’s. Of course coming to LaLa, Sushi is always on the menu.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
The first person I must repay my debt of gratitude to is my mentor and acting teacher, Diana Castle. We have worked together 14 years and during this time of committed, compassionate energy, the one constant is Diana’s steadfast care for and belief in my talent and my capacity. She taught me that I have the capacity to change my life and that the gift of story is the view finder in which I get to facilitate an inner transformation. Diana’s care goes above and beyond; her advocacy for the human story is a constant reminder that we are all profoundly interrelated. She ferociously instills in each one of us, that the power we have as actors to take on the sufferings and joys of others through the framework of a story, we allow others to feel seen and heard.
Her brilliant teaching, “The Imagined Life” reaches into the vast wellspring of our empathic Imagination, where we get to create Inner-worlds, exploring and discovering new lands. We get to discover what makes us human and what gives rise to who we are. She teaches us that we have the power to change the ending and that is what a good story is all about. Facing incredible challenges and becoming victorious because of the inner dragons we slay. Diana’s deeply empathic heart and brilliant skill have been and will continue to be vital to my development. She is the most remarkable woman I get the fortune to know. I Iove and treasure her with my whole heart.
I am also a practicing Nichiren Buddhist, I chant Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo which in essence is a communication that our lives are worthy, equal and filled with boundless potential, and that we can change any suffering into a victory. The Organization I practice with is called the SGI-translated as “Value Creation Society-it as an organization of human beings fighting for world peace and happiness through cultivating inner peace and happiness. It is the only “Religious” Organization that does not discriminate and upholds the dignity of all life.
In Nichiren Buddhism we believe that great change in the outer starts with one person changing the inner; and just because our circumstances might be of great struggle, that does not mean we cannot find joy in challenging them. It is precisely because of our struggles that we win and become profoundly happy.
In my almost 7 years of practicing I have yet to see a prayer go unanswered. I am so grateful for a practice that allows me to cultivate true happiness, to transform my inner suffering and truly become the woman I have always envisioned. This practice is about cultivating a powerful life force that can withstand life’s challenges so that we can each fulfill our dreams.
I have an incredible circle of powerful, ferocious, bad ass women in my life that encourage and inspire me. Women who are undaunted and consistently develop themselves; reflecting back what true warrior spirit looks like in action.
I have to give a shout out to my 4, 4 footed wild’s, Billi, Basil, Honey, and Lucien. They make me insane but also keep me sane!
And lastly I have to honor and repay my gratitude to my family and those on my journey thus far, as they have all been apart of my development. And to all the women who came before me who have paved the way for my opportunities and ultimately my victory.
Instagram: @fisher_priceless
Twitter: @lacycfish
Image Credits
Paola Carleo @berrybeephoto