Meet Laura Dority | Actress

We had the good fortune of connecting with Laura Dority and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Laura, what role has risk played in your life or career?
I think risk taking is how you discover what you truly want for yourself. If you let the fears that come along with risk stop you, you’ll never see what you were actually capable of. Risk in my career has been a huge impact. I moved across the country from Kentucky to California to be a dancer. Not knowing that months later, acting would be my true passion. If I had not risked the life I knew before, I wouldn’t have ventured into other avenues that proved better for me.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
So, I’m an actress; like many that move from the south or midwest. I grew up doing dance and theater and always felt that acting and dancing were so connected. I always believed so deeply that a single show, performance, or speaking of words had the ability to change someone’s day. This kind of impact seemed so crucial to me even as a young kid. I couldn’t believe we could all be a part of that magic. I remember as a kid, I always thought I felt everything way too deeply. I was always the most emotional, or the most excited, or the most bored. I thought I was crazy when I’d cry next to my friends who hardly shed a tear in my years of knowing them. I think acting, dancing, the arts in general, allows you to embrace that vulnerability you naturally carry. It allows you to connect with someone in a way you would’ve never connected with them normally. On the business side of things, acting is certainly a marathon. If you asked me when I first moved here what’s my plan I’d say ,” Well I just need to get an agent and then I’m famous!”. First off, love the enthusiasm. But that was quite a bold assumption. I’ve been in LA two years and have learned an insane amount. Not only the craft, but also how to market myself and where I fit into the industry. I had to know who I was on TV. That takes time and maturity. Things I didn’t exactly have when I first moved out here. I’ve been fortunate enough to book several feature films, short films, and commercials in my beginning stages of my career. The thing that has guided my entire life since hearing it is is a quote from Jim Carey’s dad, “If you can fail at anything, you might as well fail at something you love.”
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I have been in love with Larchmont Village since my first week here. There are so many cute shops and restaurants and it just feels like a tiny beach town plopped down in the city. I love it. I’m also definitely a beach girl. I instantly feel peace when I’m next to the water. I love Laguna beach and Manhattan beach. Great White Venice will always be one of my favorite spots. Amazing food. Amazing atmosphere.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I would love to shout-out my parents. Jeremy and Abigail. They have always shown me to walk towards failure with boldness, excitement, and gratitude. My parents have risked a lot in their lives and built themselves up from places not many could leave. They endlessly supported me, even when I said “Guys, I’m not going to college.” They believed in my dreams alongside me and pushed me when I didn’t believe in them myself. I owe everything to them. Forever my greatest inspirations.
Instagram: @laura.dority
Image Credits
Tandem Photography Wes Klain