We had the good fortune of connecting with Natasha Spitzer and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Natasha, can you walk us through the thought-process of starting your business?
The first time I went full time freelance (designing) I realized I had much more potential growing as a freelance designer rather than keep working at the studio where I was.

A few years later (with loads of clients and successful work upon my sleeve) I started teaching, only to find out I liked teaching even more than designing and that a lot of young designers could benefit from my expertise.

Hence, another opportunity for growth.

Fast forward a few years later and most of my time and efforts are on running my online school, and getting better by the day, this time not only looking for my own growth but for others as well 🙂

Can you give our readers an introduction to your business? Maybe you can share a bit about what you do and what sets you apart from others?
Ever since 2010 I have been designing textiles, and growing my freelance business designing for fashion brands. While I was getting booked for more gigs that I could work on, I realized I needed to hire more designers. But that was no easy task, as most of my design skills were learnt at the workplace and not in college. Therefore, I needed to train almost from zero every single designer I hired.

It didn’t take long till I decided to book a classroom and started teaching, just for the sake of it. I loved every minute of it (and so did my students apparently!). Slowly but steadily, I transitioned to full time educator, now having my online school 🙂 While my first courses focused on textile design only, they have widened to pricing, client management and collaborating with specialists to give students real-life, practical skills.

More than 3,000 students later (and 32K sunday newsletter subscribers!), I’m confident my school mission is to help women designers showcase their talent, gain confidence in their skill set, and develop a successful creative career.

While it sounds lovely as a story, I had to overcome big challenges like being in front of a camera, getting comfortable with generating constant online content and making digital marketing part of my daily life. But also, making peace with the fact that maybe, I needed to step down from design for a bit and assume an entrepreneurial role.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I’m a bit of a foodie myself so this would be my list: Breakfast at Oli BA for some french toast or medialuna (sweet croissant) with ham & cheese
Coffee at Cuervo Cafe, my favorite! Best lattes and people watching ever
Get your art flow going on at MALBA, Museo de Bellas Artes & Museo de Arte Decorativo, my top 3 museums in BA.
For lunch you might want to get a Shokupan or Sheikobs Bagel on the go.
If you’d rather have a proper meal, El preferido can provide you with local dishes premium quality. Don’t miss the faina, milanesa (schnitzel) and french fries. Ahh everything is great, really.
In the afternoon visit Librosref, Buenos Aires best kept secret book shop.
For dinner you might want to see if you can score a table in Anchoita, Anafe or Gran Dabbang!
And if you fancy some late night drinks, El Limon or Sede are quite fun!

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
My husband, Sebastian Hendel, supporting me to go above and beyond to accomplish what I thought would be impossible (and putting his project management skills at work!)

My students with their tenacity, progress, and amazing accomplishments!

All of Austin Kleon’s books, definitively (and so many others!)

And my grandmother, superheroine of it all. The first businesswoman in my family!

Website: www.natashaspitzer.com

Instagram: @natashaspitzer

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/natashaspitzer/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLFSTcU3rR62zM1wtOIGTWg

Image Credits
Ayres, Trosman, Justa Petra

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