Meet Nicoletta Gauci | hairstylist
We had the good fortune of connecting with Nicoletta Gauci and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Nicoletta, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
Kismet Collective was born when I along with my two business partners Roxanne Schreiber and Daisy Quimby decided we wanted to create a space where beauty artists could come together and support each other with complete transparency of how the business is run. We operate on a collectivist cooperative structure where every one has an equal amount in decision making based on the amount of effort they put into the company. We were tired of artists being micro managed and it resulting in burnout and a general dislike for our industry. The Kismet concept is that everyone does what they love, works the schedule they want and grows to be as booked and busy as they personally desire. That work life balance leads to better flow and in turn more growth. With that we have systems that unify us as a collective such as quarterly check in meetings, a unified booking system and supporting each others friends, families and clients through our art retail areas. We wanted to bring the community feel back into the salon after the onslaught of independent suites and an exodus of stylists after a massive pandemic split us all apart.
Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
In the beauty industry we combine the world of art, science and business. Like with most things, from the outside looking in it seems so easy. After 16 years in the beauty industry I can assure you…it isn’t. While it is about art, science and business this industry is mainly about people. Connecting with people, empathizing with people and catering your skills to those people. The hardest lesson to learn is you can be the best hairstylist in the world and you aren’t going to vibe with every client that sits in your chair. Another lesson, and in this case catch 22, is that this industry is a luxury industry. This means that when a recession hits, a pandemic, anything like that….we get hit. We essentially are in the business of building sandcastles on peoples heads and faces and the minute they leave the salon the wind starts chipping away at them. Except it’s not wind but hair growth and other elements. With that comes the beauty of what we do, it is beyond the art people leave with and more about how we make them feel. but combining those two things together is what makes it a luxury, one that either people choose to invest in or not.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Oh! Thats hard!
Lets go with the Burbank Toluca Lake area since it is our stomping grounds!
Lets pretend it’s a Friday. We would start the day with a Paco’s delight from the Unincorporated Coffee Roasters and then get a fresh baked croissant from Lou the French on the block. We would enjoy those and then drive up pass to barham and take a walk around Lake Hollywood….or a hike to the wisdom tree if we felt up for it. After that we would get a resort pass for the day and cool off at a local hotel like the Tangerine or Safari Inn and order lunch from Kings Deli. After a cool off we would go for some awesome thrift/vintage shopping on Magnolia. We love Sloane Vintage, It’s a Wrap, Play Clothes and Mystic Museum. At this point we would decide if its time for a Matcha or a beer. If its matcha time we go to the best matcha in town at The Palm Cafe…if it’s beer time we go to Tony’s Darts Away. We could end the day with a bike ride along the chandler bike bath or go to a neighbor friend for a chill back yard hang. We love our neighborhood :).
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
We would love to shoutout all of the people who helped us with out creation. Richard & Rosemary Schreiber. Antonietta Gauci . Piervittorio Risso. Katie Mongan. Dante Rizzo. Vince Cluzet. Anita Laughlin. Tasher Willet.Tate Gibson. Sean Whaling. JGA Electric. Hex Appeal. Jamieson Winans at Global Scenic Shop.Wendy Vanguard. Neat by Noey B. The Congregation at Pasadena North.
Instagram: @_kismetcollective_
Twitter: @KismetSalon4111
Image Credits
Colleen McPhillips @cardboardsweater