We had the good fortune of connecting with TIENSIRIN TIENNGERN and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi TIENSIRIN, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
I have discovered that when people are discussing their fears surrounding the idea of “taking risks”, ironically–and more often than not–it all has to do with taking risks towards things that their heart desires. We don’t consider doing something we don’t want at all as “taking a risk”. Sadly, sometimes we end up not following our heart’s desires, and classify them as not sensible or illogical. In my opinion, the most logical thing one can do is to follow your heart, so that you will be in alignment with your soul’s purpose.

As an Akashic Records Reader, my clients often ask me about their destinies, their soul’s purpose, and what they are “supposed” to do in this lifetime. In return, I often ask them, “What is it that your heart really wants?” Often, their “I don’t know” transforms into a wonderful compilation of fantastic ideas, which turns the confusion in their eyes into bright shining lights! Unfortunately, we have been subconsciously programmed by religions, familial relationships, modern education, and by society. We have been indoctrinated with the idea that what you want is somehow against God’s plan for you, and what you want is unrealistic or illogical. To me, the most logical thing one can do is to take risks towards what your heart truly wants, because this is where you will stand in at the center of your power!

There is no guarantee that taking risks towards what your heart wants will be an easy and smooth road. But one thing for sure is, making choices towards what your heart’s desires will guarantee that you will be happier and more fulfilled–than not. Taking risks doesn’t have to be in blind faith. Taking risks can be a powerful combination of your heart, mind, and will–with a little bit of luck!

I was a successful entertainment photo publicist for over 15 years, before I decided to put all my time, energy, and commitment into my Akashic Records career. I have worked for several top television shows, well-known photo agencies, large scale music festivals, and popular entertainment news outlets. However, in 2019 I knew that this career has reached…its point. I started to strategically take risks towards something that I wanted. I followed my heart, and I used my mind to come up with an exit plan, and I had the will to keep going. At one point, before doing Akashic Records reading full-time, I did readings for people on weeknights, on the weekends, and online on Clubhouse. I was putting in 60-75 hours of my own time towards this risk of stepping away from the corporate world.

Were there times that it was scary for me? Absolutely! Did I ever cry from the fear of scarcity, to leave what seemed to be a reasonably stable job? Absolutely! But my heart kept nudging me towards a new chapter of my life. Now, I manifest more abundance than I ever had in my entertainment career, and I get to see people’s lives transform before my eyes, beyond space and time. Do I think taking risks can be scary? Certainly! But also, not pursuing your heart’s desires can also make you die slowly inside. Small steps towards what you love is better than none at all. I LOVED my career as photo publicist, I left that career with so much love for it in my heart. My advice to those who are thinking about changing their career is: to let you heart lead you, be smart about it, keep on going, and you will know the right timing in your heart. Do it in your own ways, and in your own time. You do not have to prove anything to anyone. You can do it as fast or as slow as you want, as you long as you are headed towards your goals. The Universe hears you and it has your back. Remember taking actions play a crucial part of your manifestations.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
I am an advanced certified Akashic Records Reader. One may ask, “What are Akashic Records?” The Akashic Records are a celestial database of your soul’s stories. It will provide you with information that you need in this lifetime. It will bring you understanding and closure to your struggles and pain, and it can also empower you to step into your evolutionary path–fully and wholeheartedly. Akashic Records are the spiritual library of a human’s consciousness and unconsciousness. I have been studying and practicing this type of work since 2014, but my journey into mysticism started way before then. I grew up in Thailand, where I have always had a deep connection and curiosity toward spirituality. Ever since I was young child, I have been able to sense and feel a spirit’s presence. My father was a brilliant businessman, but also a medium. My pursuits into the spiritual realm led me to teach myself tarot, numerology, and aura reading through photography.

If I must pinpoint what makes my work set apart from others, is that I use information from the Akashic Records. Coupled with inner child healing, shamanism, and past life regression, I create a cohesive, comprehensive, and unique custom healing modality for you! I use the transmissions I receive from the Akashic Records not only to bring in information for information’s sake, but also to create an understanding and acceptance of yourself. In addition to that, I can help you build a new paradigm and reality for yourself, so that you may move forward quantumly.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I have spent 18 years of my life in Thailand, and three years in Portland, Oregon. Since then, I have lived in Los Angeles. I love it here! It has its own quirks, but I love my city.

There are many special places in California that I love, but if I must narrow them down, I would do the following:

Visit the Integratron at Landers, CA. Experience a sound bath like none ever before and maybe you might get to say hello to your alien friends! Stay at Tao Ruspoli’s magical Airbnb. His properties are unique and beautiful, they are in the middle of nowhere in Yucca Valley. It has a magnificent pool and jacuzzi, and during the spring equinox, you can see both sunrise and sunset from it.

Point Dume is one of my favorite beach spots. Have dinner from at The Sunset restaurant while watching the ocean and eating one of the best linguine with clams ever–and I have had many across continents–and having deep conversations with myself, or whoever I am with.

Hike towards the Griffith Observatory and eat Thai food at Wat Dong Moon Lek. It is one of my favorite Thai restaurants in Los Angeles! Inside, you are surrounded with amazing paintings by the owner.

Los Angeles also has the best rooftop bars: the Ace Hotel in downtown LA, and Mama Shelter are my favorites. Good drinks, with no drama!

Last ,but not least, visit the best museum in Los Angeles that I used to work for, the Museum of Jurassic Technology! Grab a quick lunch at Indian Sweets and Spices next door while our brains recalibrate from the museum’s out-of-body experiences.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I would like to say thank you first and foremost to my parents! They have been very supportive when it comes to what I wanted to pursue–from being an artist, to now doing my spiritual work full-time. I also would like to share deep gratitude for both my teachers, Helen Vonderhide and Dr. Linda Howe, who has shared their methods and wisdom on how to access the Akashic Records. My life is changed forever because of it. Deep love and gratitude to my best friend, Jenny Dayco–jewelry designer and stylist extraordinaire–who has been my best friend for over 25 years. She has seen it all! She is also my editor for all my Akashic Records transmissions.

Also, special thanks to Shaman Durek, who invited me to be on his podcast, “Ancient Wisdom Today” to share messages from the Akashic Records. This podcast played a major role in aiding me to be able to leave my corporate job and pursue my healing work full-time.

Another special thank you to Dr. Nikki Starr who created a powerful program called “Ultimate Woman” –this program is truly life-changing! It has a perfect marriage of spiritually and real world practically. It helps me embracing all parts of me as a power female.

I am so thankful also for my friend Derek Jameson who nominated me for this interview. Derek is an absolute dear friend and a powerful channeler and past life repressionist! He takes past life regression to another level!

Also, my friend Alys Kenny who taught me everything there is to know about crystals and how to connect and having a relationship with them. She truly take my relationship with crystals to another level. She is also one of the top five entertainment photo editors in town in my opinion!

My college roommates- “The Power House” who we have been friends for over 20 years, Shyanne Hughes, Lindsey Evans, and Charlene, Charlene Melhorn-Caposecco –These women are powerful educators, counselors, and forces of change for female empowerment. I won’t have today without your love and supports with all of my endeavors. Your friendship is priceless to me.

There are so many people that I am so grateful for that I don’t have enough room to mention them all here, but they know who they are! I love you guys! You are like family to me.

Website: www.tiensirin.com

Instagram: _tiensirin_

Image Credits
Photo Credits: Tyla Michas, Avery Whitmore, Derek Jameson

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutLA is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.