Taking Chances

We asked some of the most interesting folks in the community to open up about how they think about taking chances and the role risk has played in their lives and careers. Risk is by far the topic folks talk to us most about and we hope the responses below will help shed light on many different perspectives.
“I have always been a risk-taker, and I genuinely believe that the risks I’ve taken have been instrumental in shaping my career and personal growth. Whether it was starting a clothing line in my thirties, two decades after graduating from fashion school, or investing in a restaurant, each decision has empowered me and contributed to my growth. These experiences have made me stronger, more resilient, and more creative, directly enriching my work as a Costume Designer, a career that truly fulfills me.” Read more>>
Risk is often perceived as a negative force — something to be avoided or feared. However, those familiar with risk management understand that not all risks are detrimental. In fact, there are positive risks, often referred to as opportunities. These are the moments when stepping outside of comfort zones can lead to innovation, growth, and success.
Every decision we make, whether in business or life, involves an element of risk. From entering a new market to introducing a groundbreaking product or service, growth often requires challenging what’s traditionally accepted. In these challenges, we find new possibilities and redefine what’s achievable. Read more>>
For me, without risk, there is no change. Without fear, there is no motivation to become a better person. Doing what scares us takes us further. If I hadn’t taken the risk of being in a long-distance relationship for 8 years, I wouldn’t be living in Los Angeles by the beach with the love of my life. If I hadn’t taken that leap, I would still be preparing to revalidate my dentistry degree, when it wasn’t truly making me happy. Taking risks, to me, means going after your dreams, even when the path is uncertain or intimidating. It’s the risks we take that allow us to transform our lives and find the happiness and fulfillment we seek. Read more>>
Since I left Colorado after high school to study dance and performance in New York, diving into unknown adventures has been the theme of my adult life. That’s true of both my work as an artist and equally of my career in wellness. Most fitness teaching jobs in New York require an audition, and the first one I walked into as a new yoga teacher was with around 70 other people hoping to get hired to lead yoga classes at Equinox Fitness Clubs. I had two minutes to get up, lead the group, and try to communicate something about who I was as a person and a teacher. Such a limited time makes for a limited exchange, but I think all the previous experience I had auditioning for schools and then having to show my art and performance for critiques and for audiences really prepared me to be present and get up and do my best in the short time I was given. Read more>>
I believe that risk is inherent in the entrepreneurial journey. The process of starting any new venture will require some sort of risk – stepping out into an unknown without the assurance of a specific outcome. Many people seem to think about risk as taking a chance on the world – taking a chance that your product or service will “stick” and become successful. But to me, risk is really about taking a chance on oneself. Risk means that I believe in myself enough to leap into an unknown trusting that I will navigate the outcome no matter what it is. In this way, risk-taking in my life and career has provided opportunities for me to deepen in my trust and belief in myself. I have started a few businesses in my life, some were successes and some were failures. Read more>>
Risk taking is essential for business owners and self employed individuals. I risked a lot by leaving one of the best job opportunities I had at ESPN. But I wanted to make more money “right now” and set my own hours, I wanted control of my work life. It was very risky but worth everything looking back. And I will say this, being self employed isn’t for everyone, it’s for risk takers and resilient individuals. Read more>>
Like the old saying, high risks can equal great rewards; I subscribe to that same notion. Working in entertainment, you take nothing but risks, hoping that one day, it will all come together. In my early thirties, I took a risk, leaving a stable job as an Executive Assistant at MTV (Paramount) to become a freelance PA because I needed to be creative. During the height of Covid, my dreams told me to move to Los Angeles. My husband and two-year-old daughter (at the time) believed in me, and we moved from New Jersey to Los Angeles. I think my whole career has been about taking risks, I believe in having no regrets. I told everyone when I moved to LA that even if it doesn’t work out, I never want to regret or think, “what if.” I’d rather fail at trying than live in regret of not trying. Read more>>