What are some of the best and most impactful decisions you’ve made?

We asked rising stars from the community one of our favorite questions: other than deciding to work for yourself, what was the single most important decision you made that contributed to your success?
Probably the decision to “just do it” (thanks, Nike) when it comes to going after anything that scares me. I’ve stood at a standstill for too long in the past, wrecking myself of perfectionism, self-doubt, and creative blocks. These days, I’m trying to let every leap of faith teach me lessons that you only get from playing in the ring. Read more>>
The single most important decision for me was deciding not to take the word ‘no’ personally. You’re going to hear a lot of no’s in this life, but every no is a new direction. Read more>>
The single most important decision we made that contributed to our success was committing to creating content non-stop, full-time. In just one year, we reached an incredible milestone of producing 1000 pieces of long and short-form content. This relentless dedication not only sharpened our skills but also kept us consistently engaged with our audience. Read more>>
One of the most crucial decisions I made that had a profound impact on my success was the conscious choice to no longer allow the negativity of others to influence me. I realized that tuning out the voices of the haters and naysayers and instead focusing on believing in my own abilities and potential was essential for my personal and professional growth. Read more>>