There is a wealth of research that indicates that certain habits can help increase your productivity, creativity, and/or drive. So, we thought we’d reach out to respected members of our community and ask them what habits they feel helped them succeed.

Daphne Sweetland | Actor & Musician

Fighting for yourself. I have picked a career that so many people want and are fighting for everyday. You have to be a self advocate, or opportunities will pass you by. In this industry you have to stand out to even get noticed. For me, I found that being myself and talking to literally everyone is the best way to go. When it comes to acting, I am always submitting myself to different projects, whether it be a student film, pilot, feature, etc. I constantly, want to be working, so I grind and always put myself out there. I participate in showcases, mingle at events, take class, and send people my work. Read more>>

Sam Saldivar | Sacred Rest Advocate & Educator

Creating consistent rituals and routines in my daily life. Most importantly, beginning and ending my days softly and intentionally. Every morning I start my day with a cup of tea, meditation, and prayers to my ancestors. Every night I go up to bed around 8:30pm and finish my day with affirmations, reading, and watching my fav comfort show in bed (The Simpsons). Read more>>

Rebecca Cassar | Artist & Creative

I think that surrounding myself with people who fuel me with positivity has been a key factor in my art career moving forward. Separately, planning my year in advance, such as by working on a business plan, content for my website and socials, and what I want my goals and projects to look like, has also proven to be extremely helpful. This is especially the case given that being your own boss means that it can be easy to become complacent and lose motivation. I therefore tend to start my week by writing down every single thing I have to work on during that week. I try to stick to this schedule as much as possible, as I find that the routine helps me to remain disciplined. Read more>>

Jason Hardin | Entrepreneur, Business Owner, & Podcast Host

I start from anywhere. When it comes to taking on a new venture or project, my thought process is never linear. That means I don’t always start from what most people might consider the ‘beginning’ and then work my way to the end, nor will I always start from the bottom and work my way up. The fact of the matter is that I’ll start from wherever is the most fun for me and work my way out. This way, I don’t get discouraged or unproductive. I practice my ABCs of being a “Boss”, and that’s “Always Be Creating”. Whether I’m designing a new collection for MADE IN DENA, recording another episode of “LIFE OF A BOSS The Podcast”, planning my next event, or cooking up a new dish, I’m always creating. Read more>>

Ben Hausdorff | Director and Videographer

There are two habits that helped me succeed which I implemented when I was first starting in the industry. The first was saying “yes” to everything. It was so incredibly important to build a solid foundation of clientele and body of work, and you don’t do that by turning down opportunities, especially when you’re first starting out. I would take free projects, cheap projects, random projects… all things that would allow me to network, grow, and make some money. Everything at the beginning has worth, even if it’s hard to see at the time. Honing your craft and trying new things, while also practicing speaking to random people that need and expect something from you. Read more>>

Jaydy Gonzales | Third Wheel Tours Adventures

Consistent goal-setting and disciplined time management are two fundamental habits that greatly contribute to success in business. Setting clear, achievable goals helps maintain focus and direction, while effective time management ensures tasks are prioritized and completed efficiently, maximizing productivity and progress toward those goals. Read more>>

Todd McCool | musician, perpetual adolescent and student of life

First off, I love the word Habits. Atomic Habits, Tiny Habits, the Power of Habit, the list of books about the cyclical actions that can change the course of destiny in an automatic and subconscious manner fascinate me. Whether they realize it or not, it’s at the root of every musician’s talent. Some habits that I think have helped me succeed, with success of course being a personally subjective term are, start small, expect mistakes, take notes, compare yourself to the average of your last 5 days and shoot for incremental success. During the pandemic of 2020 I was reminded of a lot of things I learned in (and after) college about habits. Read more>>