The Decision Makers Series is one of our staff’s favorite because decision making is a topic that so many of us have studied deeply.
Bret Lockett | Entrepreneur, Business Consultant, & Former NFL Player
Betting on myself. I’ve always had to bet on myself throughout my life. It started on the football field and then led into business. I believe most people deal with the challenge of looking for someone else to help them build their dream. Every dilemma always comes down to this. Yes, you will have people who help you along your journey, but the heavy lifting has to be done by you. Read more>>
Demetri Morris | Producer & Digital Consultant
The single most important decision I made that contributed to my success was pursuing a multitude of mentors. To name a few that have personally impacted my life – Jon Ross, Kyle Frazier, Bill Shaw, Bobby Clinkert, Dillon Morgan, Lucas Cortazio, Trey Cockrum, and Ed Bohlke. I believe that everyone has or has had blind spots and limiting beliefs. Oftentimes these decisions and perceptions about ourselves are what lead to our greatest stagnancy, frustration, and a lot of times… Read more>>
David OKU | Freelance Illustrator
Since I started working as a Freelancer, I guess the best decision I have ever taken was to move into the world of animation. I’ve always drawn free hand and digitally but always felt that something was missing and that something was making my illustration move. In 2019 I started watching tons of Youtube tutorials every day, till I start understanding the mechanism of After Effects and that was a truly Blast as it change my game. Read more>>