Meet Jenn Drakes | Author, Life Strategist and Accelerator

We had the good fortune of connecting with Jenn Drakes and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Jenn, what role has risk played in your life or career?
This question is interesting since I not too long did a podcast episode about risk tolerance that aligned risk to change. Essentially, in life we hear the terms “risk tolerance” or “risk aversion”, usually related to financial and investment matters. However, the reality is that risk is with us every single minute, hour, and day. When we send a loved one off or hang up the phone from them, we never know if that is for the last time or not. When we wake up each day, we never know if that is our last day or not. In those situations we walk in complete faith without ever thinking about the concept of risk. So, I accept living life is in of itself a risk, and I’ve seen that play out as such. A co-worker comes into work like everyday, goes to lunch and passes away while eating. That was a real experience, as was this. Someone I knew speaks about and saves for the chance to travel around the world before they settle down. They finally reach the point to afford that dream and we send them off with good cheer and well wishes. Only to eventually get the news that they died in a mudslide halfway through that dream. Life is precious and everything we do is a risk. The only preparation is to mitigate to our best ability with good diet, exercise, safety precautions etc. Even then there is no guarantees. so, risk is very much a part, and an accepted part, of my life; no different to change. As such, I don’t take chances, I just live life, and posture to do so fully.
What should our readers know about your business?
After years of building out The Divintastical Living Institute, my practice is now fully launched to support others with their health and wellness journeys. New clients are welcomed and location is not a barrier because my services can be effectively done remotely. My credentials cover 42 countries (I’m currently servicing clients living in Ireland), and the services come with a results guarantee. Individuals are taken through catalytic transformations and mentored towards a ‘divintastical living’ state of existence. That is you becoming the artisan of your own life. Not only do I deliver the results needed, I do so in less time.
My own catalytic transformation took me out of a 30+ year career in corporate America, and unto a path of service and healing. I am proud of the journey, which while necessary, was not easy. Even while in corporate America, I was helping others grow in their awareness and careers, yet I had become stuck and was no longer experiencing growth for myself. I came to realize I was unfulfilled, which was a frustrating epiphany that had me contemplating exactly how I got here. An OMG moment for sure! Then one day, travelling a major highway to get back home from a client, I heard a strong, loud, and persistent voice (what I now term as ‘my calling”) that I was needed and had to pivot. It was so loud with a nagging unrelenting pitch that pushed a verbal response from me – “All right, all right, I will”. At the time of that response, I had no clue of next steps or anything. In fact the only sentiment motivating me, beyond the desire to get home and out of traffic, was a surety that I had so much more to offer and to do. I knew leading up to that moment that I was worth so much more; hence why I was feeling such discontent and lack of fulfilment.
Following that animated response, every morning I awoke to divine guidance in the form of words. Seemingly unrelated situations proved related and guided me to courses, concepts and people that would move me forward. Before long, the foundations were laid – I had a podcast, a published book, live shows, an established and respected brand, and the education I needed to be credible in my chosen industry. I also had clients that I was helping.
My lessons in all of this is summarized in my 2024 word – Surrender. There is a divine spark in each of us, and being open to blind faith, in practice, will lead us to our possibilities and potential. I learnt that we are all unique and powerful in our own rights. We can create our own realities, and can accomplish anything we set our minds to achieve. We need to wrap ourselves in the right people, communities. as well as the right resources and tools that will elevate our beliefs, behaviours, and aspirations.
I want the world to know that we cannot get beyond our past, our hurts, our challenges in isolation. We need others to help in one way or another. I help through mentorship, coaching and have the resources and tools needed to up level your life. I guide you out of doing the things that are not producing the results you want, simply because you don’t know. My results, to name a few, are more energy, clarity, empowerment, holistic healing and recovery, mindset tuning, improved decision making and priority setting. Explore the immense possibilities of you by reaching out to
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
The person that trains and mentors my progress in this field is Dr. Kim Redman of Creatrix Transformation. This community provides the support for practice excellence, because no one achieves growth on their own. I’m also supported by my children who encourages me to explore all that life has to offer, and loves where it’s taking me. Finally, I’m supported by friends and colleagues – Katey, Kelly, Tom, Michelle, Jennifer, Marwan, Mercedes, Laurie, Kelly, Kim, Jouvell, Zia, Claire F., Gosia and so many others.
Twitter: @JennDrakes
Youtube: @jenndrakes