Are you a risk taker? Do you think you have a stronger appetite for risk relative to your friends and family? We asked some folks from the community about their approaches to risk and have shared their thoughts below.

Nerida Bronwen | Actor & Voice Over Artist

I think a little risk is pretty important in all aspects of life. Without some risk, there can’t really be much reward. I saw an illustration on social media the other day by Ramin Nazer that showed a human, part way up a seemingly endless staircase. It was captioned “You’re afraid to take the next step, but wouldn’t it be scarier to be standing in the exact same place a year later?” Yes it would, I said. You have to take the risks to get to the next step or honestly, what’s the point? Read more>>

Brock Kingsland | Director & Producer

Well, for starters I wouldn’t advise most people to take the same risks I have, at least not in the same way. For example, I drove across the country without any prospects of work, let alone shelter or much of a savings, in a car that was quickly falling apart, when I was 20 years old. Less than a year into my LA tenure, the car was gone and I had to work super hard to recuperate. I volunteered on student films all over the city to learn my craft. I road busses that would sometimes stop running for the night. Read more>>

trish andersen | Fiber artist

I am a big fan of the “no risk no reward” philosophy when it comes to my life and business. I am constantly thinking “what’s the worst thing that could happen” and that worst thing never out weighs the potential for things to be better so I just go for it. Have my risks failed? many times but all those leaps have added up to where I am in my career and so I have no regrets. It’s important to be uncomfortable and try new things. We are always evolving so shouldn’t our businesses do so too? Read more>>

Mehregan Pezeshki | Multimedia Artist

There is always a fear of being trapped in an ordinary life for me. I always try to get out of my comfort zone and situate myself in a new environment.
Whenever I create a new body of works I question myself how much risk I was taking in the creation. And how can I push it further. To experience something new and learn more. I believe to be librated is to take risks. The excitement and adventure that taking risks brings to my life is worth the risk! Read more>>

Sloan Lee | Musician & Local Good Samaritan

The way I think about takings risks resembles a baby bird learning how to fly, which I know is so corny. But, it’s true the bird’s first risk in life is to fly and most of them fail because they don’t know how to, so they just fall or crash and they get up and do it again and again until they get it right. So what the risk is is that no matter how much you fail or succeed, you’re doing the thing that you want to do. For me becoming a full-time musician was my biggest risk. I didn’t know if I was going to get any gigs or will I get paid for these events. Read more>>

Gui Duvignau | Musician – bassist and composer

As a jazz musician and therefore an improviser, risk is a constant in my practice. When you improvise, you open yourself up to risk; that is one of the inherent qualities of improvisation and also what makes it so thrilling. The wonderful thing about music though, is that if we take too many risks on stage and something goes “wrong”, nothing bad happens to anyone -except maybe to our egos, and possibly our careers. It is not like, say, if a surgeon takes a risk and makes a mistake. Read more>>

Erika Broussard | Psychic Advisor

Taking risks are how you get the most out of life! It is key to have discernment on which risks are worth it and which are not. All amazing things in life come with some level of risk. Risking rejection when going on an audition, an interview, a date but all needed to get to where you’re meant to be in the aligned opportunity or romance for you. Taking a risk on starting a business, following a goal or dream, trusting yourself, yet all needed to reach your customized version of success! There is risk in giving birth to a child but the rewards most would agree are worth the risk! Great things in life require risk! Read more>>

Julia Jabur | Visual artist and illustrator

I believe that taking risks is essential for creative growth in any profession! When we create something new, we feel fear and butterflies in the stomach, and for me, that’s the feeling of giving life to the unknown. In my professional career, held entirely in São Paulo – Brazil, I decided that I would work as an artist 4 years after I graduated and worked as an architect. It was a time of great change, where I began to feel directly responsible for what I produced and also where I felt I needed to build a new way of working. This new journey was and still is full of risks chosen little by little by me. Read more>>

Rene Villa | Musical Artist & Model

I guess being a musical artist is an act of risk-taking in itself – you really have to put yourself out there in a public way, be vulnerable & think positively that people might actually like you & your work. You could be a sensation or a flunk! My attitude to risk & the taking of it is simple, even if it is definitely easier said than done – just go for it! just do it!…nobody wants to live a life of regrets and in most cases, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain. Read more>>

Jennifer Walton | Storm Chaser & founder, Girls Who Chase

Risk has always caused some strange and interesting internal tensions when it comes to how it has played out in my life. Growing up, I was taught to avoid risk to my own well-being by carefully and thoughtfully ensuring my own security and stability when it came to major life decisions and finances. Yet, I’ve always been passionate about and most drawn to activities that are inherently physically risky, such as storm chasing, wildland firefighting and being an equestrian eventer. I consequently grew up believing those risky activities I truly loved were great as fun “hobbies” but could never intersect with a career, or become my life’s work. Read more>>

Kaitlin Flynn | Host, Pot Moms Podcast

Being involved in cannabis always carries a risk- judgement of others, potential legal issues, loss of friends. But there’s also a lot of upside. Through risking taking a stand as a cannabis advocate I’ve found a new community and more confident in myself and my opinions and values. I think starting The Pot Moms Podcast when I did was really the universe telling me that I needed to step out of my comfort zone and create something that would allow others to have a comfort zone around the subject. I remember my mom specifically being worried about it because some employers might not consider me for a job after hearing my thoughts on weed. Read more>>

Pedro Garcia | Filmmaker & Entrepreneur

The way we’ve thought about risk has been a reflection of our lives prior to ever starting any business. Kellen and I don’t come from wealth, and while most see that and think it’s safer to go the college route and get a regular 9-5, we didn’t see it that way. We always say, what’s the worst thing that could happen by following our dreams? We either succeed or end up doing what most people would expect us to do anyway: get a regular job. Read more>>

Anya Spielman | Visual Artist

As a painter, my sense of the world has always been one of wonder and adventure. An explorer at heart, I often feel driven to take risks; traveling, moving to different states and doing things in an unconventional way. A pivotal risk I took at 20, embarking on a solo journey around the world, still informs my work today. As I traversed, Micronesia, Southeast Asia, and Africa, I was constantly taking risks to navigate my curiosity of the physical and emotional terrain of a place: flying a plane off a tiny atoll in Kiribati; trekking through the jungles of the Golden Triangle and staying with the Akha, Yao, Karen, Lahu, Lisu and Meo people; Read more>>

waves | music video director & photographer

Taking risks is essential to success. There’s no argument against it. Because if you yourself aren’t willing to take the chance on yourself in order to achieve what you want to accomplish in life then who will? Taking risks on ideas or investing in myself has become a huge factor in the reason as to where I am today, because there were moments where I thought things wouldn’t pan out due to them being so unconventional and irregular that there was a fear that it wouldn’t connect. Read more>>

Radheya Reinkarn8d | Musician and Poet

Many of us confuse risk and uncertainty. If we don’t know how something will turn out, it feels risky. And because we don’t like that feeling of uncertainty, we don’t put ourselves in unfamiliar situations. I’ve learned that uncertainty and risk are two completely different things. In my view, risk is the potential for actual harm. For example, the possibility of losing all my money and ending up on the street. Or the possibility that someone hurts me or my family. Even though uncertainty feels uncomfortable, uncertainty by itself does not constitute a real threat. Read more>>

Cait Madry | Actress & Host of The C L E A R H E A D E D Podcast

Risk is such an interesting thing in my life. I feel like in my career I take “risks” all the time. I mean Improv in itself is just risk after risk. When I’m interviewing someone and I ask them a candid question that’s a risk. But what I’ve learned the most about what a “risk” can look like is that doing nothing is the biggest risk of all. Read more>>

Doug Rhodes | Artist. Creating Paintings and 3D Multimedia representational pieces.

I think that risk is an essencial part of creating anything new and interesting. As an artist I take risks on a lot of different levels. From trying new un proven apraoches in the creation process or by spending several weeks on a new piece to bring to a gallery not knowing how it will be recieved. Read more>>

Scott Holman | Reiki Daddy & Master and Transformational Coach

How often do we hear family, friends, and/or acquaintances say that they hate their jobs and wish they could have their own business, but are too afraid? So, they stay stuck and miserable where they are. I was like that. I was in staff jobs working for people I didn’t like, who didn’t respect me, and doing work I thought I liked doing, but I really didn’t. I thought I was doing what I was suppose to do and I was miserable. Now, there’s nothing wrong with a staff job. That works for many people. But, there are those of us that want to take that road less traveled, be our own boss, and live life by our own rules and schedules. So, one has to choose their risk. Read more>>

WxLF | Singer/songwriter

Risk taking has been my best friend, and motivating factor when it comes to my career. I’ve received so many opportunities by taking risks. I’ve also got into a lot of trouble by taking risks too, but in the end it’s always brought me full circle with where I need to be in my music career. The outcome has always been rewarding no matter what. This business is TOUGH, and you have to be mentally, and emotionally strong. Strategic even. Everything you do has to make sense even when you’re taking risks. Read more>>

Dani Menkin | Film writer/director

I love the line: The Biggest Risk In Life Is Not Taking One. I always like to be proactive and if that means taking a risk I always prefer it from the alternative. Read more>>

Jimmy Ramirez | Owner of The RecycleGallery & Aircraft Mechanic

Taking a risk or risks is something so important to pushing the boundaries of any form or art or profession. I learned to embrace this as an adult and have finally found a balance that works for me. It allows me to continue creating and ideas to be birthed. Read more>>

Marlow Fox | Real Estate Agent

Calculated risk, that is the type of risk I like to take. I truly believe I wouldn’t have a fullfilled life without risk. I always think about the future, from the start to the end. Although you never know what the future may bring, being prepared has helped me navigate through the risks I take. I feel like a big flaw in our society today is not thing about what consequences risks or chances may have. I think of all the possibilities before I take any risk. Although I won’t know the exact outcome it helps me prepare and plan for what is to come. Having back up plans up front has helped me steer from one direction to another when I see need to. Read more>>

Chetna Mehta | Educating Artist, Facilitator and Speaker

Risk is like that wild and fun friend who inspires me to skinny dip in the sea and move my body fierce and free. I love and appreciate her; she adds spice to my life and has lead me to some of my most rewarding experiences like opening up to love, starting and growing my business, saying “no” because my heart isn’t in it even if I’m afraid of losing something, and investing in my self and others. At the same time, she doesn’t carry the fears and traumas of my humanity so she doesn’t always understand why I hold back from spending thousands of dollars on PR for my business, or speak the truth about what I’m looking for in a partner on a first date, or tell a friend how their behavior hurt me. Read more>>

Malcolm Roberson | Executive Producer/Writer/Director

When it comes to risk, I embrace it. I don’t move in fear, I move in faith. The serenity prayer says, “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” This itself speaks to risk; the worst thing someone or an opportunity can do is give you a “no,” but you’ll never know unless you try. Taking risk has played an immense role in my life and career; it is the risk I have taken that have truly propelled me in the Entertainment Business. Read more>>

Jana Rahimian | Licensed manicurist/ editorial nail artist

Risks, this word has a negative or fearful meaning behind it to many. I feel like risk in my case is a very positive game changer. I was a freshman at UCSB when I started doing nails and when the pandemic hit, I decided to finally take the risk and take my business seriously and risk dropping my entire scholarship and everything I had at the time to pursue the amazing job I have now. I feel like risk is important when it comes to bettering yourself and growing. Read more>>

Tracy Sunrize Johnson | Designer / Animal Lover

I hate to admit this, because it reveals a great weakness of mine, but I do not think about risk very much. Risk is for people who can afford to lose things—I can’t afford to lose anything, so I must stay safe. Because I am like the tortoise and not the hare, I carry a picture of myself inside as a tedious sort of person where my career is concerned (certainly as compared to many of the brilliant people I went to school with); I have never felt that I was living up to my potential, or making a difference, or saying anything new. Read more>>

Kaylyn Poleto | Registered Nurse and Model

Risk is a necessary part in both of my careers! In order for me to be a professional Registered Nurse, I had to risk going to nursing school. Was I smart enough? Would I be able to handle the pressure? Can I afford only working part time or not at all in order to go to nursing school. Once I finish pre-nursing, will I be accepted into nursing school? Will I even be a good nurse? Failure wasn’t an option for me. When I truly put my mind to something, I go all in until I achieve my goal. And that’s exactly what I did. I worked and went to nursing school, which made it take longer for me to get my degree. Read more>>

Sasha Khis | Hair stylist- Sherman Oaks

Ability to calculate and take risk is a very important part of being entrepreneur. If you follow basic rules of risk management such as not to bet more than you can afford to loose or always have plan B, C, D etc. then risk comes along as a part of the progress and not as an obstacle to achievement. In my carrier as a hairstylist there is always a risk, especially because throughout the day I work with different people, personalities, moods, products. To minimize it I always have to stay up to date, follow the trends, adopt them to real people and never stop learning. Read more>>

Chris Cunningham | Founding Member, ClickUp

This question is my absolute favorite because my entire career has been based on risks. With each of these risk I wasn’t sure of exactly what I was doing or what it would take, but I always just dove right in! I turned down many top notch companies to take a risk on Cvent. From there I became the youngest manager and the company grew from 200-to 2,000 and went public. Read more>>