Meet Aisha Holden | Entertainer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Aisha Holden and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Aisha, why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
A lot of people are probably going to think this is lame, but whatever it’s the truth. I really believe that I was called to be an actor, mostly because nothing else truly excites me or makes me feel as alive as I do when I am performing. I tried to ignore my dreams for many years, this career after all ain’t for the faint of heart, but doing so left me feeling lost and directionless. I love exploring complex human emotions through acting, I find it to be extremely therapeutic, and if I can offer that feeling to someone else through my chosen art, then I feel like I’m doing my little part to help make people feel good. I was 7 years old when I first felt the undeniable spark I believe everyone feels when they find something that they truly love. It was a local afterschool improv class and I was playing a hotdog. The laughter from the teachers and other students made me feel so powerful, I was moving people, just by being silly ole me. After that, I was hooked and have been chasing that spark ever since.
Please tell us more about your work. We’d love to hear what sets you apart from others, what you are most proud of or excited about. How did you get to where you are today professionally. Was it easy? If not, how did you overcome the challenges? What are the lessons you’ve learned along the way. What do you want the world to know about you or your brand and story?
When it comes to acting a person’s point of view is what makes them different from their peers. It’s hard to say what exactly sets me apart, but I suppose It’s my open and inclusive view of the world and all of its people in it. I am most excited about the future and what it has in store. For the first time in years, I am seeing stories that not only feature people who look and talk like me but star and are centered around people I like. As a performer of color, this is the kind of content I have been longing for a long time time. And feel confident that people are open and ready for these kinds of stories feels really damn good. It has certainly not been a linear path to get to where I am now, I had to come to a place mentally where I was strong enough to stand on my two feet and really go after what I wanted. It wasn’t particularly easy, and it still isn’t, but for me, this was a challenge worth taking on. I am learning so many things about myself and others, mostly how to navigate emotions and relax on expectations. There is no right way to do anything in life, despite what it seems. I have learned how important it is to manage my time and to work smarter not harder. I would like the world to know that my story is a work in progress, that it is filled with love, hope, and ambition, that mistakes will be made and the wrong things will be said, but I’m only human and I am out here trying.
Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
So many things to do, and way too many things. to see. I am mostly a Westside dweller so most of our adventures would take place there. Of course, we’d hit up Santa Monica, play some games at the pier, and chill on the beach. Then we’d watch the sunset on the rooftop of hotel Shingra La. The next day we’d ht the Culver City stares in the am take in the city and grab a smoothie at the local fruit truck patiently waiting for us at the bottom. We’re defo still gonna be hungry, so we’re hitting up Post and Beam in Baldwin Hills for a delicious southern-inspired brunch. Assuming this is post or pre pandemmy we’d hit up WeHo at night, go bar and club hopping spend way too much on drinks, and dance the night away. The next day we’re hanging out in Venice, gonna be bougie for a bit and hit up Abbot Kenny, then walk down to the boardwalk, to catch the sights while listening to the heartbeat of the ever-growing drum circle. That night it’s back in Santa Monica where we’re hitting up The Room and again spending too much on drinks and dancing like the world is gonna end. Idk what day we are at now, but it’s probably time to explore Hollywood. Without getting out of the car we drive up to Hollywood Blvd so they can see where all the magic is supposed to happen, they will likely be underwhelmed, so we’ll drive up to Griffith so they can get a full glimpse of the Hollywood Sign in all of its glory. They will likely be much more impressed b this, especially if it’s a full moon and we’re out at Twilight hour. After that will head home but first pick up some take-out at HU’s Szechwan in Palms. Finally, we’ll check out DTLA. Get some brekkie at Egglsut. Take some bomb pics at the Broad, then head back to Grand Central Market for Lunch. We have to check out the Last Library for more bomb pics then hit up Little Tokoyo for Lunch. That night we’re going to yet another rooftop, probably the Standard or The Pearl, but somehow find ourselves at Guisados guzzling tacos. And on the final day, we’re going back to the beach! This time we’re taking bikes down the Ballona Creek Bike Path from Culver City to Playa Del Rey and spend some time there. On our way back will be joined by more friends and the Kenneth Hahn state park where we’ll have a picnic with snacks almost exclusively purchased at Trader Joe’s and sandwiches from Jackosn Market. And that concludes our jammed-packed LA visit. They will certainly be back, probably for good, because how could you not after a trip. like that?
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
Oh man, there are soooo many great organizations that I have been very fortunate to be a part of! All of them have played a part in getting me to where I am now. I’d love to shout out the following:
The Fulfilment Fund – Helped get me my first industry internships. My journey really would not have started off so well if it wasn’t for the summer internships that the Fulfilment Fund made available to me. I lowkey learned how to drive on the lot of Universal Studios, driving a cart around different offices.
WriteGirl – Helped me find my voice as a young storyteller. The work these women are doing for young girls is so important, I gained a lot of confidence from their supportive environment, not to mention was exposed to women in positions I could only dream of being in someday.
InnerCity Filmmakers – This was the first time I really understood what it took to become a filmmaker. ICF is a boot camp that takes place the summer after you graduate high school. Teens are grouped into teams and put through the rigorous process of producing writing directing and editing their own short film. I am so grateful for the lessons I learned that summer, it was my first real reality check that making movies is no walk in the park lol. And the connections that were made there were invaluable. The best part? because of them I got to participate in the Oscars in 2007 and had the TIME of my life.
The Communication Arts Academy @ Hamilton Highschool – Hamilton is a very unique high school in LA for many reasons, like the fact that the school was divided into majors much like a college, or Hogwarts, whichever reference feels better to you. I was lucky enough to get into the smallest of the schools within a school, called the Communication Arts Acaedmeny or CAA. CAA was filled with young artists like myself, there I was introduced to many areas of the art and entertainment world that completely expanded my idea of what it even means to be an artist. A special shout-out has to go to Ms. I (Kathleen Iannacone) who was the TV Production and animation teacher. I literally lived in her class spending all my extra time there and helping her whenever I could, just to soak up all of the knowledge of the production world. I learned so much from Ms. I and she was always one of my biggest cheerleaders, she helped me find a confidence I did not know I had.
Other: TikTok –
Image Credits
Adaeze Nzegwu Darianna Parra