Meet Alexsis Love Garay | Legal Document Assistant

We had the good fortune of connecting with Alexsis Love Garay and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Alexsis Love, how has your background shaped the person you are today?
I’m from a small town, about 20 miles south of Bakersfield named, “Lamont”. I’ve grown up here and it’s now where I run my business and raise my family. Growing up, my parents were very active in the community. My mom volunteered for our local women’s club and my dad sat on almost every elected board in the town at one point or another. Seeing my parents so involved and generous with their time and resources really set the standard for my life. I remember thinking I wanted to grow up to be able to give back to others in need. I went back to school in 2017 to become a Legal Document Assistant and went full time in my business (Faith Filled Legal Documents) in 2021. I’m grateful that my business is able to help close the gap in access to justice for my community. Being that my community is a rural, agricultural community, many of our residents are Spanish speaking; Some residents still speak their native indigenous languages as well. Although my community has the same needs for vital, legal services – they don’t always have equal access to assistance like the services I provide through my business. It was very important to me to establish my business in my hometown, like my father had done before me and serve my community in my own way. I truly feel like I’m on that journey now and it’s only going to get better.
What should our readers know about your business?
Faith Filled Legal Documents (FFLD) is a local, growing legal services business that specializes in assisting self-represented litigants in their family law matters. I provide quality legal document preparation as a registered and bonded Legal Document Assistant (LDA), case management, filing services, Notary Public services, and pride myself on assisting survivors of Intimate Partner Violence with budget based services that they can afford. Everything I do at FFLD is done through the lens of grace. Ensuring I extend the same grace to my clients that Jesus has extended to me in my time of need is very important to me. I feel the overall client experience with my business is what truly sets FFLD a part from other LDA businesses. Often times, people come to me in the worst and scariest moments of their lives. Many times, families, the safety of their children or their lives are on the line. It’s important to me that they know they’re not alone, they’re doing everything they can and that anything is possible with Christ. Legal document preparation done right can open the doors to justice for people, who’ve historically been inadvertently shut out for various different reasons. Roadblocks to justice like language, safety concerns and access to capital can be torn down with a little collaboration, reputable resources and most importantly grace.
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I’d like to dedicate my shoutout to my parents, my husband and God. My parents lived a life of prayer, gratitude and service to others through their business and community volunteering. They blessed me with a beautiful and rare example of a marriage steeped in faithfulness to the Lord and gave me a wonderful childhood. Though we’ve definitely had our struggles as a family, they’ve always been steadfast in love and support for all of us. I wouldn’t be half the woman I am today without the influence from my parents.
I’ve learned throughout the years, that in order to chase after your dreams and boldly take risks – you need to have the support and encouragement of those closest to you. My husband is my safe place. He has shown me what true love acts and feels like. He has pushed me to pursue my passions and challenged me to actually, truly believe in myself. He is steady and strong and is the glue that holds our family together.
The Lord is my rock, the cornerstone on which I’ve built my foundation. Everything I am, everything I’ll go on to do is solely for the glory of God
Instagram: @faithfilledlda
Facebook: @faithfilledlda
Image Credits
Annie Goh-Payne (Annie Payne Photo and Video)