We had the good fortune of connecting with Axl Phnxx and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Axl, how do you think about risk?
Everyday I’m tryna push myself to stay out of my comfort zone. It’s like the more uncomfortable I’m willing to be, the more I grow and level up in this life. I don’t think there’s ever been a “successful” person that didn’t take risks, you got classics stories like Steve Jobs starting Apple in a garage, or J. Cole talking about just having a dollar and a dream (and there’s countless other stories), I believe in order to be something great you got gotta thru great trial and tribulation. Be born out of fire like a diamond in the rough. And I strive to do this everyday, I’m a ways away from where I’m tryna be in this life, but I make progress every single day by not being scared to take risks and pushing myself to be consistently uncomfortable. I probably wouldn’t even be having this interview with y’all if not for this.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
That’s a hell of a question honestly. I think mainly what separates me from a lot of other people my age doing music is consistency and not being afraid to put in the work. I’m 21 and it’s a lot of real talented people I’ve met along my journey, a lot of people that you’d be like damn why aren’t they famous, they should be big they’re hella good at what they do. And I think where a lot of people like that fall flat is people tell them these things and then they expect the world to hand them everything on a silver plater but it just don’t work like that. Talent is everywhere but a person with a good heart who is willing to put in the work isn’t. It ain’t easy but it’s definitely worth it. You gotta be willing to do what everybody else isn’t doing, that way you don’t end up getting what everybody else is getting. I’m still learning to this day and honestly I don’t ever wanna stop learning, it’s scary thinking you know everything. And no matter how many times it feels like I’ve “fallen” I always get back up and do this thing 10x better than before. In this present moment I’m hella proud of where I’m at I feel like I’m growing at a steady pace and making the music I love. I’m dropping a single this Friday (7/17) called “Feel the Night” I feel like it’s one of my best songs to this day and I’m getting ready to release an album I’ve been working on the last couple years titled “PUER AETERNUS; my poor eternal” hopefully by the end of the year if not beginning of 2021.

Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I know this is supposed to be about LA but I’ma talk my hometown Hanford for a bit. What you gotta do if you ever in Hanford, CA is come downtown get yourself some superior ice cream and kick it with some of the crazy locals. As long as you got some weed and some psychedelic tunes and or hip hop you’ll be aight trust me. Or if you a lone wolf like me you probably enjoy kicking it at Hidden Valley park at sunset. There’s a canal in the back a big ass hole in the fence you can’t miss it, me and my friends used to kick it back there at this oasis all the time back in day; hell of a vibe. Shout out to everybody from Hanford man, Kings County all the way up to Sequoia National park.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Man it’s a lot of people but off the top of my head right now for sure I gotta shout out my mom and dad for loving me and supporting everyday even when it’s from a distance. My brother from another mother Oseph aka Headbeezy, straight up first dude who really believed in what I was doing and been supportive since high school and to this day. Shout out to Sir 7000 and Ambeeka for pushing me and presenting many different avenues of opportunity to help me grow and learn more, and for their continued support of my art. Special shout to my brothers Matthew and Ian who have been my best friends since I came into this world, I love you both very much. And of course shout out to Danni Blackman for being one of my best friends and for setting this thing up.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/axlphnxx/?r=nametag
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5hJo0Ym9U7OyNQQXfA5u3g
Other: https://open.spotify.com/artist/0lH9hkUCjrpEbsHHPupMFA?si=cJYwa0ZKQoiRJcKSqgra5g

Image Credits
Vanessa Velasco

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