We had the good fortune of connecting with Billy Lamont and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Billy, Let’s talk about principles and values – what matters to you most?
I value having integrity the most. I do my best to keep in my mindfulness to honor all my principles. At the core of
my poetry is the desire to help give everyday people hope. Also to be a voice for those without a voice, and for the We The People of NY, America, and the world. This integrity combined with my mind soul growth in performance poetry towards combining my storytelling, with synchronized music and film, and innovation, informs my sacred pop
art creations in this moment.

Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
My poetry career has had an innovative edge so far. This includes my experimental poetry on the written page in my published books, and as a professional spoken word performance poet, and as a recording artist that combined my poetry with electronic music while it was still a new canvas. Then I expanded this vision to a William Blake-like mystical inspiration creating my 40 minute performance poem I called ‘The World’s First Spoken Word Rock Opera’ titled – THE GALLERY OF LIGHT- with electronic, ambient and world music soundscape, as well as using visual layers of photographic slides during live performances. Then came the following album/multimedia performance show – BEYOND BABYLON – with it’s performance poetry, music and film
synchronized. Now my latest book is – WORDS RIPPED FROM A SOUL STILL BLEEDING: POEMS FOR THE FUTURE EDITION – breaking down the fourth wall of performance, art, perception and culture!

There are many challenges you face when creating a new, different or pioneering path, not the least having to resist the pressure to be shaped into a cookie cutter, quick profit, money making mold by someone, or a corporation, that has nothing to do with artistic vision or soul, or originality. Also I am a more collaborative artist, but with different kinds of success in any area of life, you need to beware of those who are more competitive, or worse jealous, or desire to steal from You. This can be avoided and managed with LOVE, healthy boundaries, and excellence in business, like keeping up on copyrights, royalties etc. I hope this is helpful. 🙂

Currently, I am excited about future creations I am dreaming up now! Also about a new poem i wrote and performed at New York City Poetry Festival, and then The Bowery Electric in July, for Janiel Kaur, and Adavasi, First Nation people suffering in India, that are on my heart. My raw first recital was recorded on video and then featured in an article by Father Joshua Lickter on the Assembly for Human Rights website and email list. Here is a link if You would like to check it out. https://assemblyforhumanrights.org/adivasi/f/american-poet-and-activist-raises-awareness-for-adivasi-rights

I consider my performance poetry to be – Sacred Pop Art. –

I would also like to share my BIO 2024 with You that is below : 🙂

Billy Lamont is a NY based American poet, spoken word artist, recording artist, and experimental multi-media performance poet, with a reformer spirit, and international reach. He has been interviewed and performed on national television a number of times, including Joe Franklin Show, MTV, and MUCH MUSIC Television broadcast from Toronto, Canada.

He has toured and performed with Lollapalooza rock festival several times including in the Poetry Tent in 1994, on The Lab side stage in 1995, and representing Jubilee USA/International in The World Of Just BeCauses activism tent, while performing poems of awareness for justice causes, on the Booty Camp side stage in 2003. He has appeared on college and major radio stations across the U.S. including Z-100 live from Lollapalooza in NY in 1994. He has also given in-store book signing events at major and independent bookstores throughout the U.S.

Lamont has three books of poetry, and as a recording artist has nine album CD/digital download releases. His latest book Words Ripped From A Soul Still Bleeding: Poems For The Future Edition is available at Barnes & Noble and Amazon as a paperback, or as an eBook, and all his albums can be streamed on Spotify and Apple Music.

He was awarded a Guinness World Record for his poetry performance contribution to a benefit song for Love Hope Strength Foundation and those fighting cancer, that was recorded by Mike Peters of The Alarm in 2014, and was the ‘longest officially released song ever.’ This song titled The Scriptures was written as a seed of peace for Muslims, Christians and Jews in The Holy Land.

His 1998 debut album CD/digital release Into The 21st Century was a benefit for Teen Challenge, with performances by two of his greatest influences, the legendary Allen Ginsberg and the brilliant Mike Peters of The Alarm on the title track. In his later years, Ginsberg expressed his love and support for Lamont’s poetry with permission to use an audio sample from one of his first recitals of the Beat Generation epic poem Howl.

As a young man Lamont was part of a two week missionary team sent from Smithtown Gospel Tabernacle to Ukraine, in 1992, where he additionally did public speaking, which included him reciting some of his poetry. This experience of spending time with the beautiful people of Ukraine resonates in Lamont’s heart and prayers extra brightly now, in this dark time of Putin led murderous invasion of Ukraine.

Also as a young man, in 1991 and 1992, Lamont organized and performed in a benefit show for Long Island Cares, founded by the late folk singer Harry Chapin, to help feed the hungry on Long Island, in NY. Later in 1992, and then every year following, Lamont would perform his poetry at the Annual Thanksgiving Dinner for Homeless People, at Love And Mercy Fellowship Church, Bay Shore, NY until the Covid pandemic made it necessary to stop in 2020, and then change its format until present.

Billy Lamont has recited his poems of comfort for families of September 11th, 2001 disaster in Union Square, NYC a few days after the tragedy, and in 2013 for victims of Hurricane Sandy in his then hometown of Babylon, NY.

He organized a show and recited his poems of justice on behalf of Jubilee 2000, and a debt free start for nations of the global south at The Knitting Factory in NYC in 2000, after the largest amount of petitions ever was gathered (to that point,) and for the first national mobilization gathering in Washington DC. He would then serve on the Board of Trustees for Jubilee USA from 2000-2007. He would also serve on the Board of Trustees for the Walt Whitman Birthplace Association, New York State Historic Site, from 2005-2007.

Lamont also recited his poems of justice several times at Occupy Wall Street in NYC in 2011, and to kick off a worldwide March Against Monsanto in Union Square, NYC In 2014.

During the creation of Lamont’s strobe light generation book of poetry he was also being encouraged by legendary Poet/Peace Activist, Jesuit Priest, the late Daniel Berrigan, as well as being kindly affirmed by the great spirit Peter Garrett, the front man of Midnight Oil, and the former Australian Federal Minister of Environmental Protection, Heritage, Arts and Education.

All of these experiences and influences are a huge part of Lamont’s artistic vision for the future! In his recent poetry he encourages brothers and sisters locally and globally to, “Imagine A Day, we need an intelligent heart, a loving mind, LOVE, intelligence of the heart will light your mind!”

Poet Billy Lamont, The Other Perspective Media/Management: Email: TOPm777@gmail.com; Official Website: billylamont.net; Facebook: www.facebook.com/poet.lamont; Instagram: www.instagram.com/poetbillylamont; Youtube.com: sage777billy

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
I’’d have to take them to get the best NY Pizza at Two Boots Pizza,, 1243 2nd Ave, New York, NY 10065 and then The Bowery Electric for a band at 327 Bowery, New York, NY 10003

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
A Shoutout to Father YHWH, Lord JESUS & THE HOLY SPIRIT with deepest gratitude and LOVE!!! <3 <3 <3 Also a Shoutout to my son Zion Lamont <3, and to the late Allen Ginsberg, Mike Peters of The Alarm, the late Daniel Berrigan, Peter Garrett of Midnight Oil, and the late Larry Norman for all their LOVE & Support. <3

Website: http://billylamont.net/

Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/poetbillylamont

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/poet.lamont

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/@TOPm777

Image Credits
Hardcore Shutterbug Steven J. Messina, Rory MacNish, Matt Proctor,, Bob Holman, Kaitya Shiuka, Em Kruz

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