We had the good fortune of connecting with Jade Green and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Jade, how do you think about risk?
So my whole entire life has been full of risks, choices and risks are one in the same because we never know how they’ll pan out. With that being said risks are beautiful, at least to me. Just the thought of not knowing can be scary for me sometimes but I’m learning to embrace it more and more everyday. Honestly, none of us would be in the positions we are in currently if we didn’t so just put that into perspective.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I feel like what sets me apart from most is just the fact that I’m super passionate. I don’t do what I do for money at all and the people that know me know this is the absolute truth, I do it for a much deeper reason and I’m very proud of myself for even taking enough time to get here mentally to understand this simple thing. Yes, money makes the world go round but so do people and the mere thought of me being able to give someone something or vice versa that is intangible is far more beautiful than any dollar amount to me. Thats’s what my music’s all about, giving an experience that people have never felt before or one that they even forgot existed. I got to the place I am today by learning to be comfortable with myself, spending time with myself, asking myself questions, keeping an open perspective to hear the answers, being okay with experimenting and even understanding that sometimes we need to take a step away from what we love and are passionate about to be able to come back to it in a better headspace later on. This is definitely not an easy task, you will feel alone, you will feel sad, you might cry sometimes or even a lot but its all apart of the journey and it’s all necessary. Im not too interested in the world hearing me, that’s not my goal but my goal is to be genuine and transparent enough so that the people that do resonate with me can also relate to something in themselves.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
So first I’d take them to an art gallery or museum, such as The Getty or The Broad in LA. I’ve learned to love art so much recently and I just wanna share it with everyone. Also, another place I’d take them is to the beach, I found a couple low-key spots out here that are almost disconnected from the world they’re so peaceful and serene. Another place is Crazy Rockin’ Sushi in Hollywood, they’re sushi is so fresh and so fulfilling its almost obnoxious the way they prepare everything. The first time I ate there I was completely stunned from mouth to stomach. Lastly I would take them for a night drive up the coast of Santa Monica Beach, its such a calm experience to experience, just you , the night lights, and some good tunes, definitely ideal if you ask me.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
First I want to give a great big shoutout to my beloved cousin Denny Pascasio who introduced me to Shoutout LA, without him this wouldn’t be possible. Also a big shoutout to my close friends and family who have stuck by my side the whole way, haven’t passed judgement on me for doing things that I hold close to my heart, for believing in me when the masses said otherwise and even for blessing me with kind words and gestures when they didn’t have to do a thing at all. Thankyou.

Instagram: @jadegreenmusic

Other: open.spotify.com/artist/6vAHbh3DxOJczylAwxcKlM?si

Image Credits
Nicol Biesek

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutLA is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.