Meet Naader Shagagi | Teacher & Guide

We had the good fortune of connecting with Naader Shagagi and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Naader, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
I found my purpose deep within my heart when I was a kid, about 5 years of age. I felt someday I would a become a teacher. This thought of becoming a teacher would surface from time to time during my reflections. Life then took through the first season, the spring season of the soul’s journey. I finished elementary, middle and high school. In high school I chose to major in math as I was not much of a reader. Majoring in math took me to the avenue of engineering, which I was given a scholarship for, ultimately becoming a mechanical engineer. By this time I was 23 and the question of being a teacher kept coming up in me. I thought I would get my Phd and become a professor, however while finishing my master degree, I crossed paths in a library with a scholar. He asked me certain questions about life, spirituality, religion and science. During our discussion, he suggested I read Autobiography of a Yogi. After reading the spiritual classic, I was no longer interested in the physical sciences. As a professor I thought I was destined to teach physical sciences, but then another field opened up, the field of spirituality. The experiences I received at the time all suggested I study sacred sciences. I started searching for a new path, a path that took me to the science of spirituality. As a I studied and contemplated in my new field (at the age of 24), I discovered every soul has a purpose and the purpose for that soul is hidden in the heart. Later on I experienced life has a duty and a service-fulness. I observed life is love and love in manifestation has to play a different purpose for each soul. As I continued my spiritual studies, I discovered every soul has a spiritual duty towards self, towards others and towards the environment, in this case earth. I explored that for every breath we take from this earth we need to render service just the same. For what we receive from this earth we must give back. I called this relationship sacred duty, one that every soul on this planet is born with. Every soul comes to manifestation with a certain sacred duty. Then my wish or desire to be a teacher was fulfilled. I decided my purpose was to become a spiritual teacher and guide.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
“Remember health is not everything, but everything else is nothing without health (body/mind).” I started a school of mysticism which focuses first on allowing students to find the immediate purpose of their soul to be played on the screen of life. Since I found my purpose, which was so sacred for me, I was destined to teach others how to simplify their minds and find what is hidden in their heart. My profession became guiding people in creating balance between their minds and bodies, establishing harmony in their emotional, mental and physical bodies first. Ultimately teaching them the higher purpose of life, which is the purpose of the human kingdom. As the waves of the ocean rise and fall so does every season in man’s life. Success and failure are the rise and fall of each desire, each wish, each direction, each path that one takes. At times we question, is life a free will, will power, destiny or fate? We then discover as long as we don’t have any choices before us life is a free will. Once one chooses anything on the path of life then one has a destiny to fulfill that choice and the way we risk it, the way we play it to fulfill that choice is our fate. Every day, life is equal to 3 struggles; the struggle with the self, struggle with others and struggle with the environment/circumstances. If one overcomes oneself, the self has more possibility of lessening the struggles with others and environment/circumstances. There is no easy way under the sun, especially the spiritual way. It’s always filled with challenges because it has to do with the shadows within oneself and shadows within others. As long as one stays in the light, one has a better possibility of seeing the shadows and maneuvering the shadows of self, others and environment/circumstances. And this culminates the intensity, success and failure of one’s journey, of one’s purpose. My experience is that life has no meaning, but that your purpose gives the meaning to life. The fulfillment of that purpose is your satisfaction, your contentment, but I also discovered there is an ultimate purpose in life, to “Be Still and Know That I am…”, which is finding the kingdom of God within you and all shall be added unto to you. This is what I guide other people to discover within themselves. This is my profession. I guide people to find their soul’s purpose, eventually finding the ultimate purpose of life.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I’d first take my best friends within themselves to see how beautiful their nature is, and then I’d take them to the nature outside. There is nourishment everywhere. There is nourishment in the mineral kingdom, there is nourishment in the plant kingdom, there are other nourishments besides physical food.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
First, the success of any duty belongs to the degree of love you have for fulfilling that particular duty. Essentially, love is the only power that exists and can fulfill any duty. I discovered the source of all love is within one’s heart. We call that source the kingdom of God or kingdom of heaven. If you have that source behind you, you will always succeed. It doesn’t mean you won’t have any challenges. Challenges come from other people such as jealousy, envy, criticalness, attachments, possessiveness, etc… towards one’s success. There are always those that go against you, and one’s only fall back is in that kingdom of love within you that sustains you, that powers you, that moves you.