We had the good fortune of connecting with Natalie Sutherland and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Natalie, what’s one piece of conventional advice that you disagree with?
When I first came to America (and straight to Los Angeles), I was told that there’s a “way to do things in Hollywood”, and that way, was the basic, ‘you try and get an Agent, then you wait for the call’. If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my years in the entertainment field in Hollywood, is that, there is NO one way to do anything. If you are an Artist, a Creative, you NEED to create. You need to find a way to flow that creative energy and “waiting for the call” is certainly not that. We live in a time where we can literally create anything we want. If you can get your hands on a camera, then you can create. No-one makes YOUR path for you, only you can do that. And what worked for one person, doesn’t mean it will work like that for you.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I feel that being an Artist is a calling to create. My whole purpose in my work (and life) is to inspire and uplift humanity.
I knew that my work could never be the same. I knew I could no longer create projects that didn’t mean something. I needed to channel all that was happening in my heart and soul into my work, and that it had to go beyond me. I wrote a film about what happened with her. I changed projects that I had already written to incorporate aspects of what I now lived. Every character and every story had to deal with humanity and hope. As an Artist your life intertwines with your work. You must be authentic, you must put your own Beingness into it. I strive now, every day, to reach people through my work, who are struggling in their own life and feeling like they are alone. My goal is to let them know that they are not. They are never alone. I am still alive. I survived my child’s death. That means I can help others survive too. That is now my work (and life’s purpose).
Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
A few people that impacted my journey greatly are: 1) Milton Katselas. I was relatively new to Los Angeles (and America) and I went on a date with a guy. At the end of the night he walked me home and happened to whip out a book called “Dreams Into Action” by Milton Katselas. I don’t know why he had this book on him the whole evening, but he told me I should read it. I did, and it changed my life. I learned that Milton ran the prestigious Beverly Hills Playhouse and I signed up immediately. I studied there for almost 9 years and his teaching altered my life as an Artist… (PS – That book was the only good thing about that date;) Needless to say, I never saw the guy again! The second book that impacted me greatly (and still does) is Napoleon Hill’s “Think and Grow Rich”. I have read this book so many times and it sits on my nightstand so I can read any chapter as needed. It’s a fast read, and for me, it was the book that set all the lightbulbs off.
My two main supporters who have always believed in me are, my mother Althea and my husband Matthew. Both of whom believe dreams do come true, and if you can see it, then you can create it. I couldn’t do this journey without them.
Image Credits
Credit: Matthew Roth and Bradford Hunter Wray.