Meet Paul Cabanis | Yoga teacher

We had the good fortune of connecting with Paul Cabanis and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Paul, what inspires you?
I am inspired by the long history of attempts to find a way to integrate the variety of human experiences with transcendental insight. There are so many approaches to preparing the ground to be receptive to the ineffable, non-linear and non-conceptual awakening to reality that some individuals seem to have realized. I am in awe of the efforts these individuals have undertaken to share the communicable aspects of their experience.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I enjoy facilitating an open space to investigate the possibilities inherent in physical activity according to Hatha Yoga principles. The three main aspects of this process involve inquiry, observation and response. I aim to encourage participants to tap into their inherent intuition with regards to specific explorations as expressed in the tradition of asana and pranayama practice. My approach to this buisiness has been not to rely on it as a primary source of income but do it in my off time and then work in a consistent manner so as to eventually build a reputation. The fact that I have a regular student base now is mostly due to over 30 years of nearly uninterrupted teaching. For most of those years I have worked as an employee for Yoga schools and it was Covid that opened a door for some online buisiness.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
Huntington gardens for High Tea and beautiful Japanese Garden as well as mind boggling collection of succulents.
Due to the multicultural diversity in Los Angeles and surrounding cities there is an opportunity to explore almost any cuisine from any country in its authentic form. For example Mayura Indian restaurant on Venice Blvd, or the plethora of regional Chinese foods in Alhambra and Monterey park and of course the wide variety of foods from the central and southern part of the continent.
Griffith Park observatory
Getty Center
The grand performances series of free concerts with international artists.
Green umbrella and Monday evening concerts for those with an interest in contemporary music
Book shopping at the last book store and Record shopping at amoeba.
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
BKS Iyengar and family as well as the Yoga tradition in general. BKS Iyengar is the author of the seminal Yoga treatises “Light on Yoga’, “Light on Pranayama” and “Light on the Yoga Sutras of Patañjali”. These books contain a highly practical approach to the ancient body/mind disciplines as well as including their more modern iteration through Asana practice. These disciplines are presented in a way to support mindfulness and present moment awareness. In his and his families and disciples teaching the practice is elevated to the level of art and therefore ultimately fostering individual expression. Further inspiration can be found in the vast canon of spiritual teaching from the Yogic Shastas to the Buddhadharma to the various mystical illuminations worldwide. I’m also indebted to my friend Bob Thiele Jr. for suggesting that I begin teaching online.