We had the good fortune of connecting with Rae Dominick and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Rae, we’d love to hear more about how you thought about starting your own business?
My ultimate goal in life is to run my own business and my passion has always been in the fashion industry. The one thing that I am constantly thinking of is how will my brand help the community? What can I do for people who shop my brand other than just provide style. I want my business to have a purpose and a contribution, and that is something I always think about when I am planning.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I feel as I grow as a person my career path changes along with it. I’ve worked at several high profile brands such as Yeezy, DOEN, and Skims. I started as an intern and have been working my way up and exploring different departments and positions. I learn as much as I can within each different role, figure out my strengths and weaknesses, and improve myself to the best of my ability. I’d say my biggest challenge is the “what’s next?”. What comes after this role? Do I want to move up the ladder or do I want to explore a new path and essentially start over? It’s often uncomfortable and scary to pursue something new, but that is the most exciting part to me. I am always learning, growing, and meeting new people that influence my life, art style, and work ethic. Change is my favorite thing about being a creative.

Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
I believe that everyone I have surrounded myself in life has helped me in one way or another. From my family supporting me mentally and financially through the ups and downs, my closest friends helping me prepare for launches or pop up events, and coworkers motivating me and giving me advice from their own experiences. My biggest inspiration would have to be Katie Contreras. She’s the most badass designer I know and ultimately brought me into the world of fashion and design. She’s taught me more than fashion school ever has and has always guided me and provided me with amazing work opportunities.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/raedominick/

Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/rae-dominick

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