We had the good fortune of connecting with Rafael Luna and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Rafael, what role has risk played in your life or career?
To me risk is something that we either look for or simply just creeps around your corner at any given time. Life has risks and a career has risks as well. Their both different though in my humble opinion because of the fact that we have values. I’m not speaking of morality in itself but what is most important to us on both ends of the spectrum. We all have different values depending on who you talk to, different paths, ideas, and so forth. It is impossible for us as human beings to compare off of each other in life and in our careers. We all have our own journey and risks which we partake in. I see risk as a personal investment which allows me to learn from two lenses, the outside world and myself. How my mindset connects with the world is how I decide whether to take a risk or not. Though the risks i’ve taken up until now has helped shaped my life and career. i’m constantly going further and further because a life or career doesn’t stop at a dead end, it’s moving forward at all times. It is not solely based on those risks, taken or not. I may take my risks as being personal but that is only because i’m extremely passionate about what I do and how I do it. I take the time to really research, analyze, and organize myself. Without these tools then I won’t learn from myself much less other people or the world for that matter. I’m always unlocking my potential even if i’m not deliberately doing what I love to do. That right there is a risk but you have to trust your process. A lot of people can say, yes, I do trust myself and my process but very few can stay true to themselves much less go further with that same mindset when they’ve reached their goal(s) both in life and their careers. It’s a never ending ride of risks with the mindset of staying true to yourself for what you stand for, for what you are and how no one can replace your essence. I feel like were always taking a risk one way or another but it shouldn’t be a daunting task but rather embrace everything in your life and career, the good and bad, the negative and positive. Both are highly profitable in how things will shape up. It’s funny also, sometimes people will say, you only learn from mistakes and not your accomplishments. I don’t think that’s true necessarily. I’ve learned from both ends which have been valuable to my life and career. Vice versa i’ve learned at times more from one side than the other which is interesting to me how much we oppress ourselves from the mentality that we only learn from mistakes. Mistakes can also be amazing which we may later find out, Man! what a great idea!. Even if it’s slightly unconventional but it is nonetheless an idea that if you take the risk to trust it enough then you will find something that no one else will discover. Discovering who you are comes from risks we choose to fathom in. Your life and career is who you are in the end which no one can take away from you. My role in taking risks towards my life/career is that of an artist. While I am an artist I consider myself a lot of things but I take the role as one to shape my life and career. As my journey unfolds I’m constantly creating railways to my destinations, drawing a reflection of my experiences, finding my voice in a melting pot full of a wide array of sounds, or looking at a palette with colors that I have to choose from. Being yourself is already a risk which may be the hardest risk to break because once you risk your persona then you’re allowing for someone or something else to take over what is most valuable in both your life/career, your entire being (soul). Risks are both good and bad, but both can help shape your life and career and if you don’t stay true to yourself and trust your process you will never find yourself much less allow those risks to turn into achievements. Especially during this pandemic it’s important to be patient in general since it has tested our identities at the core of the seed. I hope this experience allows for more people to know me not just as an artist or whatever else I consider myself lol just simply as a person but to also help others in the process of taking risks and what that means for them.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
What sets me apart from others is my unique voice, story, etc that transcends from my artistic resources and my holistic approach. I’m excited to release a lot of projects in this year, and years to come that will unravel what I consider to be my essence as an artist and creative. Of what i’ll be releasing soon brings both the past and future of my career through sound. It embarks on the things that i’ve done but with no particular order rather each project released will have a story behind it which will tell you a lot about who I am, my experiences, and the fine details that only can be depicted through context. How I got to where I am today professionally is simply by trusting myself and my unique process. Was it easy? well, no, not really but it wouldn’t have been worth taking the path I took had it been easy. It is easy for me to be an artist and creative but that doesn’t necessarily reflect the road i’ve taken which has brought challenges along the way. The way I overcame the challenges was by working hard, overcoming all odds and pushing my voice forward. The lessons I’ve learned along the way have been to be patient to allow for a flow in my journey. It’s important for me to have energy that nurtures the soul and allows to find myself at a deeper level. Not just for myself but with others as well, to have a balance in the midst of the chaos. I would like the world to know me at a deeper level through my life and career. That is what will determine if people will identify my brand and know my story. In order for this to occur I obviously have to make it happen through action. But, In other words, I have to continue doing what I trust is the process i’ve developed throughout my existence. Though this sentence seems like a plethora of uncertainty to the outside world to me in layman’s terms is my way of saying, “Stay tuned, and you’ll find out who I am”. Before you know it my life and career will be launched through my ever flowing art that will reach all over the globe.

Let’s say your best friend was visiting the area and you wanted to show them the best time ever. Where would you take them? Give us a little itinerary – say it was a week long trip, where would you eat, drink, visit, hang out, etc.
Currently I’m in northern California so the bay area would be perfect to hang out due to amazing scenery and nature. Amazing places to eat, drink, visit, hang out etc. In terms of checking out most fun, interesting, exciting people, places or things I’ll say is Berkeley and Santa Cruz because of their long rich history in all this. While the culture in Norcal and Socal are both different I think these two areas are the most exciting spots to be around.

Shoutout is all about shouting out others who you feel deserve additional recognition and exposure. Who would you like to shoutout?
I definitely dedicate this shoutout to all those who have supported me throughout my journey in life and in my career. Without those people I wouldn’t be who I am now or be here at this moment in time, you all know who you are! It goes without saying that there is so much more to this journey and it will be truly epic to share it with you all.

Website: https://www.rafaellunamusic.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/rafaellunamusic

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rafaellunamusic

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rafaellunamusic

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCgb1AnUAY75ZVXOkLUF1fzA/featured?view_as=subscriber  

Other: https://rafaelluna.bandcamp.com https://www.facebook.com/TheRafCollective

Nominate Someone: ShoutoutLA is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.