Meet Veronica Clanton-Higgins | Therapist, Life & Sexuality Coach

We had the good fortune of connecting with Veronica Clanton-Higgins and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Veronica, what was your thought process behind starting your own business?
Initially my thought process was the concept of ending intergenerational cycles of toxic behavior. I figured my work would be impactful if I could teach people how to fight against negative thinking, reframe their perspective on what happiness is , and teach them how to manage their emotions. This starts the ripple effect of goodness, while also assists in ending familial cycles of toxic behaviors. I started VCH Prosperity Consulting in 2016 to address the social, emotional, and spiritual needs of women in my community. (I felt that the women have such a profound role in families. So if I help her, I help the entire household). I have made it my life’s purpose to improve the lives of others by helping them discover their “happy” through the use of mindfulness-based interventions.
Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
I am a Certified Life and Sexuality Coach. Although I am a therapist, VCH Prosperity Consulting is primarily focused on empowered personal development coaching and organizational consulting. What sets me apart from others is my target population and how I provide services. For every paid client, I provide services to a woman in need for free who may need my services, but can’t necessarily afford them. I feel income should not determine a person’s access to healing or personal growth. My journey to where I am professionally was a very tumultuous on. I had to navigate bankruptcy, felony probation, severe health issues, I mean so many obstacles in order to establish my business. It was not easy. I researched and surrounded myself with like-minded individuals to gain the knowledge needed to build the foundation for VCH Prosperity Consulting. I overcame challenges by never giving up. I focused, re-structured, re-aligned, and continued to push forward. One lesson I learned is to get up when you fall. It is ok to cry, scream, or even get angry. But always GET UP and keep going! It is important that people know that VCH Prosperity Consulting is all about emotional wellness. Providing safe spaces, encouragement, professional, and personal development to individuals, as well as organizations. The focus is always on how I can support individuals to be a better version of themselves-no matter what that looks like. VCH Prosperity Consulting is built upon empowerment. Others poured into me when I was at the lowest point in my life, and now I am paying it forward by pouring into others. The ripple effect of healing. That is how I impact change in my community.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
If my friend from out of town were visiting, I would first take them to Pucker Up Lemonade to get a refreshing drink before heading over to the Compton Activist store to get some hot Compton apparel. Then I would take them to Luxe & Glam Beauty Supply to get their beauty needs taken care of! We gotta make sure you look good as you travel through the city. Next, we would stop by the Martin Luther King monument so that they can take a memorable photo to post on Instagram. After the photo op we would head to Patria for a hot cup of coffee, while waiting for our coffee, I would place an order for some delicious healthy food from the Compton Vegan to be delivered at our next location. After grabbing our coffee, we would head over to Barberizm shop to get my friend a nice haircut. After all is done, we will end the day chilling and co-working at Color Compton while waiting on our food from Compton Vegan to be delivered.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
Where do I begin?! There are so many people and organizations that have contributed to my success! First, I have to Shout Out my husband, Kyle Higgins and my sons, Xavier & Hassan. Their love, support, and encouragement has been the driving force behind what I have accomplished. When I first started my business, I worked very closely with Carmen of DragunfliDesignz and Joseph of DejahDesignz. Together they created my website and all my branding. I genuinely enjoyed working with them. When I was ready to scale my business, I worked with RaShunda of Innovative Entrepreneurs Hub. Her company offers so many services and resources for entrepreneurs!!! I was able to solidify the foundation of my business! I would also love to shout out my business tribe for their encouragement, love and support through all the ups and downs of this journey! Dr. Shadeyiah Edwards (Edwards Consulting), Abigail Lopez (Color Compton), Mark Byrd (The Variety Group), Dr. Wendy Talley (Thelese Consulting Group) , Tay Watts (POSH Candle Co.), JaVonne & Matthew of Toss It Up Salad, and Natalyn of Black Business Women Rock! A special shout out to the Long Beach Black Infant Health team for loving on me in sooo many different ways! Also, all the people who have supported me in this journey!
Image Credits
Tedx Photo: ALP Photography