One of our favorite things to do is to ask the folks we are inspired by what they are inspired by. We’ve shared some of their responses below.

Deb Kramer | Founder and Executive Director

I draw inspiration from how our community members come together to learn, play, and be in our natural environment. As I conduct my work, I see how energized they can be as they meet new people. Also, I love observing that “ah ha” moment when a young person can connect different aspects of nature, such as a bird and an insect as its food. Read more>> 

Sean Kubota | Podcaster, Author, & Coach

I am inspired by individuals that amidst adversity, struggle, and suffering, have taken ownership of their life and their story, and moved forward in an empowered and radiant way that ripples throughout their life, and touches every person they meet. I am inspired and moved to share these lessons with others, and find core threads of truth that can give us sight when we’ve been blinded by our own victimhood. Read more>>

Ashton Scott | Concept Artist

When I create my art, I capture and emphasize elements of our world that appear to come from a realm of fantasy, and I strive to push myself to find original perspectives that warp our view to see something more supernatural. I am heavily inspired by high fantasy and horror from pop culture, such as the films done by Guillermo Del Toro, Studio Ghibli, and Tim Burton, and games such as Dungeons & Dragons, Breath of the Wild, and Dead by Daylight. Read more>>