What value or principle matters most to you?

In our view, values and principles are the foundation upon which our lives, careers and relationships are built. So, we asked folks we admire to open up to us about the values and principles that matter most to them.
Authenticity might be a value some people hear often, but it’s also one that others don’t hear enough. When asked what principle is most important for me and for our brand, of course adaptability and agility came to mind because both are necessary every day, but authenticity rises to the top for a number of reasons. Read more>>
Never selling your soul for for a dollar or fame. Cheating to get to the top will haunt you later in life. Read more>>
Meditative stillness. My creativity is going into the cave of the unknown, approaching and engaging with the series of questions which get resolved as one option pulled from a world of possibilities. Finding peace in feeling for a sense of resonance in the resolutions is the core of my practice. Read more>>
don’t want to be like anyone else and I don’t want to do what anyone else is doing. I like to joke that it’s almost a phobia. I started developing this fierce feeling of individuality 10 years ago when I left my hometown’s suburban bubble and headed off to the city for undergrad. Read more>>
Paying attention to detail. That’s the most important principle for me.
I have been involved in several orchestra projects as a copyist and orchestrator in not only LA but also Cleveland, San Diego, and Sydney. Also I’m now working as a composer for an upcoming video game. Read more>>