Why they do what they do

We asked some of the city’s leading artists and creatives to tell us about how they decided to pursue an artistic or creative career. We’ve shared some highlights below.
From middle school, I systematically pursued fine arts, positioning myself for a future as an artist. During college, I specialized in Environmental Art, particularly attracted to spatial design. Thus, I decided to deepen my expertise in this area. In my perspective, art forms the backbone of interior design. It inspires the concept drawings or images created during the research and development stages of my design projects. Read more>>
Growing up in an art-loving family, my passion for art and creativity was deeply ingrained. From a very young age, I was exposed to the enchanting world of art through vividly illustrated books, which ignited my imagination and fueled my desire to create my own stories. Recognizing my artistic inclination, my mother gifted me my first set of crayons, and I immersed myself in drawing on any available surface. Read more>>
If someone had asked me 5 years ago if I considered myself creative, I would have said no. I always believed that being creative meant that you should be able to create “art” from nothing but a vision in your mind. But then that begs the question of, what is art? Who’s to say that the crappy acrylic painting that looks like nothing isn’t a work of art? Read more>>
From a young age, art has always been a part of who I am. I found myself constantly drawing and observing the world around me, noticing the intricate details, colors, and shapes that others often overlook. Being a creative person in a family focused on business and practical matters was sometimes challenging, as pursuing art doesn’t always guarantee financial stability. Read more>>
Ever since my childhood, I have held a deep passion for drawing, but I never thought about pursuing an artistic career until my high school years. During my younger days, I was captivated by the anime and cartoon characters showcased on television. Inspired by them, I began sketching these characters, using pencils and oil pastels to recreate their distinctive styles on paper. I made the decision to pursue drawing more professionally when I was in high school, and this led me to get enrolled in Shanghai Academy of Fine Arts. I studied oil painting for four years, Read more>>
Because it’s a good alchemic way of converting my fears, frustrations, negative and hateful thoughts into potentially profitable things that aren’t necessarily lethal or poisonous to humans or animals. It has also brought me huge amounts of joy. Read more>>
One of the main reasons I decided to pursue a creative career was because I got tired of the mundane 9-5 lifestyle. I realized I wasn’t fulfilled in anything or any job after college, and I knew something was missing from my life. But also, during this time, I didn’t particularly appreciate taking orders from anyone. I never liked the idea that I was helping someone else build their dream/further their company, and I wasn’t using that time to help myself or my dreams. Read more>>
I was extremely shy as a child, but by the time I became a teenager, being a musician had already offered me dozens of life-changing opportunities. When I was in elementary school, I joined the Richmond Boys Choir. The opportunities afforded to me while in that group helped shape who I am today. My choir experience led me to a memorable and cherishable few years as an actor in the theater where I learned to better express myself. Read more>>
I feel like it’s the thing I can do most competently in life, and maybe as a result of that definitely the thing I feel most personally driven to do. I wanna tell stories and make the kinds of things I would wanna see as an observer of art; I definitely come into it with that “If it doesn’t currently exist, and I want it to exist, then I will make it exist” sort of mentality. Read more>>
I decided to pursue an artistic and creative career because it was a calling that I couldn’t ignore. From a very young age, I possessed a unique visual memory that allowed me to remember and appreciate art in a profound way. I vividly recall being captivated by Janet Jackson’s “What Have You Done For Me” video when it premiered in 1986, even though I was just a four-year-old child at the time. That experience sparked something within me. Read more>>
“I believe that destiny definitely finds you if you are willing to put your heart and soul in your craft”. I have always been drawn to art and creativity since my childhood. Although being born in a family of engineers and doctors, I never saw art as a career choice. Hence it remained a hobby until my college days and then there came a long pause until I became a mom. During my son’s nap times, I used to find a creative outlet and started painting again after a long gap of about 12 years of making art. Read more>>
I pursue artistic expression because I believe it gives me the greatest opportunity to know myself and the world around me. By giving myself permission and authority to create, I often find that what comes out is some expression of who I am, or maybe how I think. It’s a way to crystallize a thought which couldn’t exist in any other form other than the art which it is. It’s a way to show the world what I’m thinking, and sometimes, I find out what that is at the same time everyone else does. Read more>>
This was never a choice, as cliche as that may sound. But I was born knowing that I was going to pursue a life in the entertainment industry. I grew up in a very small, blue-collar town. A place for the newly wed and the nearly dead, as some call it, haha! Read more>>
This decision is not made in a single moment but is influenced by many factors and choices. During my undergraduate studies, I didn’t really ponder over this matter; I was solely focused on honing my technical skills. It was only when I came to the Maryland Institute College of Art for my graduate degree that I had numerous opportunities to see different artworks and visit artists’ studios. Read more>>
Since a very young age, I have always been enamored by storytelling. I found a sense of grounding and empowerment through stories, which helped me profoundly growing up. Being a shy, introverted kid, I always had trouble communicating. But this limitation didn’t exist when I was writing. Naturally, when it came time to choose a career, Read more>>
I have always been drawn to art and creativity because it allows me to express myself and tell stories in unique and impactful ways. From a young age, I felt a deep passion for exploring the human condition, addressing social issues, and giving a voice to those often unheard. Movies hold incredible power—they can create empathy, challenge perspectives, and inspire meaningful change. My genuine passion for storytelling was nurtured in my hometown of Rio Novo, Brazil. Read more>>
I’m not sure I had a choice in the matter. After decades of lawyering in the field of corporate insolvency, I hit the proverbial wall. Maybe it was the years of dismal politics, maybe some pandemic-induced solipsism, maybe something closer to home, but whatever, I just couldn’t muster the will to lift the pen. Music had always been an outlet, but not in a serious way. But writing is in my blood and once I turned it to music the energy returned, and with it my sense of purpose and enjoyment of life. It just wants to come out. And if what I’m creating resonates with people, fantastic! Read more>>
Everything I’ve ever pursued has been artistic and creative. From being a successful hairstylist in the 90’s (they used to call me edward scissorhands), to painting, acting, writing, yoga instructor, fashion and now designing athleisure, I love bringing ideas to life. I am at my best when I’m creating or in an environment with other creatives. Read more>>
I pursued my acting career because I wanted to entertain, bring joy and emotion to the audience with my performance. I also was inspired to pursue my career when I was 5 years olds and watched my first Spiderman movie. The energy I felt from Tobey Maguire’s performance, made me want to bring the same energy towards others and because I also love super hero movies. Read more>>