We had the good fortune of connecting with Joanna Tarnava and we’ve shared our conversation below.

Hi Joanna, what role has risk played in your life or career?
“Risk: a situation involving exposure to danger.”

Every moment; we have a choice. Where to go, how to respond, what to do, what to ask. We weigh out “risk and reward” and dance between “safety and danger”, this sexy wager on success, of our businesses and our lives is where all the magic happens. Honestly, I don’t think about risk, I think about trust. I trust myself, my experiences, my connections, my power. I trust that no matter what I do I am equipped to handle it all. My business is founded on this trust, and it is what my clients come for. It is the exact purpose of my offerings. Are you willing to “risk” facing yourself, in all the ways you need – to become the best possible you? Are you ready to “trust” facing yourself, in all the ways you need – to become the best possible you?
I came to this amazing city, in absolute trust. I had never even visited before, I didn’t know anyone! I only had 1/10th the amount of money I had calculated would be needed to start here, but I wasn’t turning back. I went all in! I’ve been here 5 years, I have had and lost it all, literally! Built a 6 figure business and watched it crash as covid and the world had other plans, started again stronger than ever, with a fresh perspective. How we perceive danger is what makes it all so exciting. What could be tragic for one, is not even noticed by another. Some people say you need the trifecta “right person, right place, right time”. When they all come together it’s epic! But you most definitely can not let one of them slip away because you’re afraid you don’t have the other two. Plant the seeds. Make the connections. Say the things. It all comes to you when you’re ready.

Alright, so let’s move onto what keeps you busy professionally?
As a Creative artist business owner, where my canvas is human beings, it’s definitely always a tricky task to categorize.

As a society, we are conditioned to like things to be simple. We tend to give a person a job title and placement. I don’t fit that mold, nor do my clients. I have learned that change can be scary, and inviting people to invest in themselves, to do the work themselves – is really tough. People want instant results. “10 day course to change your life”. I can’t give that to them. (no one can but themselves) What sets me apart is, I can’t be bought. I am here as a conduit to help you harness your own power. It isn’t about selling packages, or “client funnels” or sales pitches. It is about people deciding they’re ready to level up, and trusting in themselves, and in my guidance to get there.

I got where I am by staying absolutely true to myself and my mission. I turn down clients and offers that ask too much of me or aren’t ready to take control. I don’t put my success on how much money is in my bank or how busy I am, but on how I can assist a client to have a major life breakthrough, with no exhaustion on my end. It’s always that gamble of turning down multiple lower paying opportunities, or things that would take a lot out of me, trusting that the right client will call and book the session I’m meant to give. Once you can navigate the abundant waters of fluctuating from $10,000+ a month to $0, you can likely do anything 😉

I am most excited about hearing the feedback of profound life shifts. People dropping addictions, having “aha” moments in a few sessions instead of decades of stagnancy or years of therapy. I am proud to know that I have worked with such a range of clients, from A list celebrities, to “blue collar” workers, friends and family and everyone in between. My “target market” is people ready to wake tf up and love their lives to the fullest.

The lesson I’ve learned, is that… It’s a hard sell. People mislabel you, don’t understand you, aren’t ready to show up and participate. People like their routines “the devil they know cant hurt them”. As a person, and a business – I just stay true to myself. I want the world to know that it’s time. Let go of the old toxic paradigms keeping you in a cycle of mundane complacency. Stop your trauma bonds from dictating your realities. Work on yourself, hold yourself accountable. Trust that you are worth $500 million dollars, and you ARE an artist. I want people to believe in themselves, and to seek help when they need it, and to move on when it’s time, and to put in the really freakin hard work to break away from all the gunk that parents and teachers and jobs and society has covered us in that prevents us from shining.

If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
This happens a lot for me, as I’m Canadian :). I love SoCal so much! If surfers visit, we obviously hit the coast! From Ventura down to San Diego – pack the vans and away we go! So grateful for all the surf spots, camp sites and epic scenery along the way. Going east for some desert hikes and secret hot springs is a must. Palm Springs, Anza Borrego etc.

I love taking people DTLA to the garment district/Santee Alley for fabrics and jewels and artsy heaven!

One of the many reasons I moved to LA is the abundance of Farm to Table food. Grass fed, organic, local. I couldn’t possibly name them all here. I always find a rooftop for a sunset cocktail, and usually a fun underground show, whether comedy, dance or avante garde experience.

The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
It all starts with my own dreams, and then those incredible moments where others have them too, and we bring them to life! Definitely my healing path started with the book: “Kundalini, Evolution and Enlightenment” by John White in 2009. My close friend of 10+ years, Sherry Froman has been an amazing support and connector all over California and in all avenues of study. If I ever “want to look into something” she knows all about it and is probably friends with the founder. I am forever grateful for her wisdom. A lot of my trust, patience, perseverance and strength has come from my Buddhist studies. From the Three Jewels Center in Vancouver, CA, to Vipassana Meditations around the world, and here at Inner Way LA.

Website: www.ritualmetta.com

Instagram: @ritualmetta

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Yelp: https://www.yelp.com/biz/ritual-metta-venice?osq=ritual+metta

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Nominate Someone: ShoutoutLA is built on recommendations and shoutouts from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you or someone you know deserves recognition please let us know here.