Meet Ebony Belser | CEO, creative director, designer

We had the good fortune of connecting with Ebony Belser and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Ebony, why did you decide to pursue a creative path?
ECBC, LLC started in 2016, and honestly at that time I had an idea/vision for my business but I did NOT have a clear direction in which I wanted my business to go in. It’s a nice thought to have, going in to business with all the answers, but the reality of it all will very much humble you. My goal with ECBC, LLC, was/is to CREATE with the INTENT to inspire other creatives and like-minded businesses/brands to embrace THEIR craft, whatever that may be, mines so happens to be crocheting/designing clothing and accessories + MORE! I’ve personally always been the type of person to express myself through my clothing, which ranges from so many styles and aesthetics. I just love the art of creating/designing LOOKS! Plus as a FEMI, who doesn’t love to play “dress up” lol In high school I attended a Visual and performing arts school, so I was able to dabble in a multitude of Art Expressions. With that being said I have a smidgen of experience in Drama (acting), drawing, painting, graphic design, etc. With that, I incorporate all forms of art to build, market, and shape ECBC, LLC one way or another. I have creative directed, with the help of my photographers, ALL of my marketing shoots and I’m always making content for ECBC, LLC via Instagram, TikTok, and now my new platform for expression, “Crochet & Convos”. Crochet & Convos is a visual BRAWDcast focusing on trendy, informative, and motivational topics while watching/learning how to crochet. This platform can be found via YouTube. Art is/has been the epitome of the ECBC, LLC brand for all of these reasons and I plan on continuing to incorporate multiple art expressions to keep my brand, fun, exciting, and “different” or “rare” compared to other clothing brands. I don’t look at my brand as just another clothing/product brand, I sell handmade goods and INSPIRATION.
Can you open up a bit about your work and career? We’re big fans and we’d love for our community to learn more about your work.
What sets ECBC, LLC apart from others is when you think of ECBC, LLC think “Simplicity at its FINEST” lol. I like to create simple pieces, with ‘DEPTH’ if that makes sense. There are so many crochet artist and brands but ECBC, LLC has transitioned, more times than one, from creating simple pieces to simple but luxurious ensembles + MORE! Along with creating luxury HAND MADE ensembles, ECBC, LLC also promotes “clean beauty” with sister brand ECBCosmetics. ECBCosmetics offers vegan, BPA, paraben, silicon, and cruelty free glosses, liners, polishes and skin + body care, as the focus is on “healthy beauty enhancement”. Lastly, there is ECBhome, ECBC, LLC’s baby brand, which is still in the works and will be focusing on and promoting handmade “LUXURY” home decor and goods, Along with ECBC, LLC’s vocal platform, which is still in the growing stages as well. “Crochet and convos”, which can be found via YouTube, where viewers can learn how to crochet, while staying informed on trendy topics and news and/or to gain inspiration/motivation . If you’re going to invest in yourself, why not do it FULLY. I apply this motto in my own personal life so it also applies to my brand as well.
I got to where I am professionally by staying dedicated and staying informed as much as possible, but mainly the dedication. I could go on about so many things but consistency, prayer for my purpose and doing the work is what got me to where I am. The key is to not give up!
Starting and maintaining as business is not easy although many of us make it look that way, there is so much tied in to starting and maintaining… ANYTHING! A business, a job, a baby, etc. especially if you don’t have a supportive team of people, whether that be 1 or 20. If you run in to challenges, which you will and we all do, the best thing to do is never give up but find other ALTERNATIVES. Sometimes we psych ourselves out believing there is only one or two ways of going about what we want to achieve, but it’s always another way if you’re willing to not give up and find another way.
What I would like the world to know about ECBC, LLC is this brand/business started out as a VISION, to now an impactful, multifaceted brand and if I can do it from scraps and scratch so can you, as long as what you’re doing is TRUE TO YOU. BE YOU! In the words of the great Nipsey Hussel, “ITS A MARATHON NOT A SPRINT” greatness is never rushed, so if you want to do great things, don’t rush YOUR process and never give up on the race.
If you had a friend visiting you, what are some of the local spots you’d want to take them around to?
I am from the Bayarea, Oakland to be exact, and the bayarea over all is so vast with everything from music, art, cultural restaurants and businesses to family orchestrated events and scenic activities. So many names and places to go and know I’d be listing all day lol you just have to visit and get the ‘EXPERIENCE’ because that’s exactly what it would be.
The Shoutout series is all about recognizing that our success and where we are in life is at least somewhat thanks to the efforts, support, mentorship, love and encouragement of others. So is there someone that you want to dedicate your shoutout to?
I would love to shout out my mother, she was the one who introduced me to art being that she is a Teacher. She has been and is still an inspiration to me and one of my #1 supporters. I would also like to shout out my present and former brand ambassadors Sola and Nina they can be found via Instagram @thesolasystem and @bombassninas big shout out to these ladies for always supporting me and my brand while building their own legacies, follow their growing businesses @blkassfleamarket @solainthcity and ! I would also love to shout out my photographer since 2014 Jessica she can be found via Instagram @jessiemariec and @snapsbyjessiemarie + so many more people who have been supportive such as friends, family, and even local and non local peers. Big shout out to the @trapxart family as well, this was the organization I started out promoting my business with and they were a major stepping stone in to where I am today.
Instagram: @ecbcllc @ecbhome @ecbcosmetics
Other: TikTok; @ecbcllc