We asked some of the most inspiring folks in the community to tell us where they want to be professionally by the end of their careers.

Ieuan Cooke | Content Creator, Maladaptive Daydreamer & Wannabe Global Popstar.

This question is one I think about a lot, as I’m sure many people do. For many many years I was so career and plan obsessed – I had to know what I was doing next, where that was leading to and what the best possible way was to capitalise from it. However whilst I was in this mindset and I was applying for jobs that I know would provide me with the chance to make a lot of money I realised that it wasn’t necessarily making me the happiest. Read more>>

KURMAN | Musician/songwriter

I want to be a respectable figure in the music world, who is passionate and relentless about music. Read more>>

Versell “VERSEatyle” Motley | Hip-Hop Influencer

Some of the goals I’d like to achieve by the end of the my career are a number of accolades, such as mentoring a potential group of talented proteges towards their artistic careers, inspire my family, friends, and loved ones to pursue any dream or goal they want to achieve on the largest scale possible for each of them individually, gain the experience with becoming a voice actor for a video game or animated series, provide knowledge and guidance for future artists whether it requires me to create an independent record label or not, Read more>>