We asked folks to tell us about their favorite quote or affirmation and to tell us what it means to them. We’ve shared some of those responses below.

Jordan Burnett | Visual Artist & Musician (under the name Mav Rose)

You can have what you want, but work with what you got. My mom said that to me once and it stuck. I’ve always had a carefree mentality when it comes to what and how I create so when she told me that, it gave me some defense for any new pressures of being a perfectionist. When I see others with more money and resources creating content at a higher level, it doesn’t stop me from making for myself but it can be discouraging at times but, hence the quote. I just keep that with me at all times for that extra support. Read more>>

Airyen Vay | Singer&Songwriter

” Be a bringer of the light. For your life can do more than illuminate your own path, you can bring the light which truly lights the world” – Neale Donals Walsch This is one of my favorite quotes from one of my favorite books. To me this means to be change you want see in the world. Read more>>

Travon Naim | Multi-media Artist

“All good things.” To me, hearing/saying this out aloud or mentally can either affirm positive things that art already happening, or combat any negative things that may be surfacing. It the understanding that although I do not have full control over every situation, I do have control over how I choose to react. So I choose to remind myself of “All good things” in all scenarios to keep a positive outlook on all that is and all that can be. Read more>>

Kir Beaux | Queer Witch, Psychic & Orator

“Faith Over Fear” baby! And I take that very seriously. When I say this some people balk because it immediately takes them to a religious place or a place of willful ignorance but that’s not what I’m saying. To me, that faith is ultimately faith in myself. It’s being in a courageous relationship with possibility. Read more>>

Chris Gaunt | Actor, Producer, Director and Screenwriter

“Do What You Think You Can’t Do” It is amazing what can be accomplished when operating with this mindset every single day! I see so many people who operate in a very safe and secure environment where most things are quite controlled and predictable. Read more>>

Diana Garcia | Brand Creator & Administrative Assistant

The classic “Do or do not. There is no try” by Master Yoda. It’s one of the quotes I use with my brand because there shouldn’t be an in-between when you are wanting to do something. You either do it and see what it results or you don’t do it and forever wonder what could have happened Read more>>

Jemia M. Warner | Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Speaker, Advocate & Consultant

My favorite quote actually was told to me often by my mother, “you have bad moments, not bad days.” Many individuals have said this but coming from my mother it has always stayed with me. I love this quote because it is so easy to feel like the day is ruined because you missed an email or your coffee spilled, however it’s an event that went bad not the whole day. Over the years I have learned those events/moments that caused me stress didn’t outweigh the enjoyable parts of my day. Simply put: Life is too short to sweat the small stuff and time is precious. Read more>>

Dominique Smack | Creative Strategist & Entrepreneur | Lifestyle Creator

Get LOUD is the affirmation that I am going to deem as my new favorite, which makes me more proud of it is that it’s my own. It has shifted my mindset in more ways than I could imagine and has transferred to my community and beyond just as boldly. Just recently I went LIVE on my social platforms for an impromptu Coffee and conversation chat and had a vulnerable conversation that at the time I had no idea of the value it held nor the lives it would have led to impact. Read more>>

Debra Hovel | Designer and Maker- shoes jewelry and fashion

EMBRACE CHANGE is a phrase that I live by. To me it means that change is going to happen, whether or not we want it. I choose to embrace it and delight in learning new things. Through my life I have done many things. many media, many ways of being creative.People who know me will attest to the statement that I am always busy. I do not like to waste time feeling blue or worrying about something over which I have little or no control. I choose to embrace the inevitable change, be nimble and learn new things so I may explore the future with joy and resiliance. Read more>>

Pierre & Alexis Mr. & Mr. | Designer & Architect

“Sentimental objects for everyday living” , this quote mean our footprint on our creations. It is for us, the additional value on our objects. From either, orders or self productions our process of creating signifies a radical departure from usual routines. Combining craftsmanship and the transformation of materials and uses. Our objects comprises an blend of hybrid design that works outside of the confines imposed by the notion of innovation. Read more>>

Justin Hall | Multimedia Storyteller & Artist

“I have just described an unforgettable event in my life, and yet I hardly ever get a chance to speak of it. It doesn’t fit the framework of social discourse.” I love this quote that I recently read in Ruth Klüger’s book, Ruth Klüger, Still Alive: A Holocaust Girlhood Remembered. She’s talking about some of her experience as a Jew in the ghettos in World War II Europe. Read more>>

robert russell | Artist

Work begets work by Richard Serra. This quote says everything there is to know about any art practice. There is no amount of thinking that will produce an artwork. Great works come only from doing, not from thinking. Read more>>

Aurora Mesot | Artist

It is hard to choose one. I would say the famous quote of Pablo Picasso: “Everything you can imagine is real.”. It is really close to what I am. I like this quote because it reflects the purpose of my art: this infinite possibility of creations, this energy between an image and a human, this open door to a new universe, the imagination who become blurry with what we call reality. It is full of hope, and full of meaning to me. Read more>>