Reeta Balwinder Hernes, Psy.D. | Shamanic Psychologist

We had the good fortune of connecting with Reeta Balwinder Hernes, Psy.D. and we’ve shared our conversation below.
Hi Reeta Balwinder, how does tech affect you and your business? How does it help? How can it hold you or others in your industry back?
Without technology, my business quite literally wouldn’t exist. I had a traditional psychological practice that I turned entirely digital a handful of years ago. My original intention was to turn my practice digital so that I could travel the world, and that I did, for a couple of beautiful and adventurous years. And when I chose to get rooted again, I reflected on the ways that a digital practice has served not only me, but my clients as well. Technology has amazingly led to a level of intimacy in my work that I definitely hadn’t anticipated. My clients get to share with me when they’re in the comfort and safety of their own homes, surrounded by familiar things, with their fur babies in their laps. Technology has lovingly afforded me a new way of running my business that has been beneficial not only to me, but everyone I work with.
Alright, so for those in our community who might not be familiar with your business, can you tell us more?
I started out my career as a well-meaning psychologist that unconsciously was waiting for her opportunity to go rogue. I always went a bit against the grain and could tell fairly early on that doing things mainstream wasn’t exactly going to be sustainable for my spirit. So I turned my practice digital, bought a one way ticket to England and set about my journey of evolution. As I traveled through Europe, the Middle East, and Asia, my philosophy of psychology started to change as much as my personality. I began to fall out of love with it, realizing that it was a stellar way of working with the mind, but often neglected the heart and spirit of a person. For a hot a minute I thought I would need to end my career as a psychologist and find another healing path, but as I learned more about holistic approaches from all over the world, this organically influenced the way I started working with my clients. I learned about shamanic practices, the use of breathwork, energy healing modalities, and past life explorations, all of which became part and parcel of my offering to my clients. It was with great joy and validation that as I evolved and my work evolved, I saw my clients overcoming their own struggles and finding their unique path to joy in a way I had never seen before. And thus, my approach to life became my approach to business: life is meant to be lived as a well-tailored suit, not one that is worn right off the rack. The work is in the tailoring and as that takes place, life starts to fit you better than ever and then your connection to intrinsic bliss becomes unshakable. This has led to the next octave of my healing practice as a co-facilitator of medicine and wellness retreats in Costa Rica with Wise Warrior Retreats. I’ve found a group of wise, powerful, and innovative women to co-create with, something I’ve longed for for many years. The retreats that we hold combine Shamanic Breathwork, movement medicine, and sacred plant medicine with the purpose of sparking healing and creativity, all that’s needed to live in wholeness and happiness.
Any places to eat or things to do that you can share with our readers? If they have a friend visiting town, what are some spots they could take them to?
I’ve always been inspired to see things on a grander scale and I love to inspire that in others as well, so instead of going local, I’m pushing the label to go global on this question! These are some of my favorite countries and some of my favorite reasons: Bali for spirituality; Balinese culture is steeped richly in spirituality and it permeates throughout every aspect of every day life. The culture worships gods, goddesses, and nature all in the highest esteem and strikes a beautiful harmony in living as a result. India for the full spectrum; there isn’t another country in the world that is full of exquisite paradoxes like India. Every sense is stimulated to the greatest degree but you also find moments of sheer quietude and inner peace. When you visit India, you truly come to understand what it means to be human. Italy for the luxury of time; Italy brought out in me the capacity to wander gently. Nothing is that big of a deal and nothing requires that much of a rush. My nervous system happily reset in the streets of Italy. Philippines for the medicine of the ocean; water that is crystal clear, turquoise blue, and as warm as a bath. I found my mermaid spirit in those waters and collected all the elemental medicine I needed. Singapore for the ingenuity: exploring Singapore is like being in an episode of The Jetsons! The technological creativity is unbounded and unparalleled and you get to be a grown up kid in the coolest futuristic playground in the world!
Who else deserves some credit and recognition?
The ultimate shout out goes to my loving soul family! They have honored me, cradled me, and hyped me up all along this remarkable journey of transformation. When I couldn’t quite find myself, they shed a little light on my spirit and when I questioned whether or not I had it in me, they reflected back my courage and gumption. And my final shout out is to Bali (which I lovingly refer to as Mama Bali), for it was on her land that I discovered the healer that I am and she gave me all the nourishment I needed to fully grow into that healer.