Happiness: it’s what matters

We asked some of our favorite folks what makes them happy and why?
It’s taken me quite a while to get to the state of happiness I find myself in today, at home and in my career. I find each day different in terms of what I need to maintain my mental health. Some days I am more motivated to work out and go out with friends, while other times I want to stay cooped up in my room and have no human interaction. Read more>>
A simplified answer is “The Process”, the process of getting up everyday, knowing there’s work to be done, and finding ways to get it all finished. The process of of using my eyes, the science of light and this machine to shine light on those around me. I read a quote once, “I’m only happy when I’m making great work”, and I sat on that idea for month. The ripple effect of making great work can not only bring joy to oneself but joy and inspiration to those who digest the work. Read more>>
What makes me happy? . MUSIC! WHY? Music is the Universal Language throughout the world! I recognize the significance of music as a survival mechanism from a young age. I fell in love with every aspect of music…listening to it, performing it and discovering there is soo much of it! My greatest reward is the privilege to perform before a LIVE audience and their willingness to want to hear me! It is indescribable! Read more>>
WOW! What a question! What makes me happy is a film or show that’s so well done it inspires me, my husband making me laugh everyday so I can’t take myself too seriously, witnessing pure random acts of kindness and personally being a part of someone’s growth, someone’s glow up, someone’s “a-ha”. These things make me happy because they allow me to see the World in the best light and to experience confidence, bravery, beauty, success at the highest level right before my very eyes. How can that not make you happy? Read more>>
A cup of boba tea always makes me feel better after a long day of work. When you having a bad day, having someone to talk to can make a world of difference. Also, just seeing random happy doggies at the park will boost up my day too! Read more>>
Whether it’s through teaching, channeling healings, or a good giggle, my happiness is empowering others and self through connection with Universal Consciousness. By tapping into the bliss of Universal Consciousness, I set aside my day to day concerns and just feel my joy. My joy amplifies when I can be of service, assisting another to remember their connection to Universal Consciousness. Then our connection and joy magnifies each other’s into a big bliss fest! Read more>>
When I’m spending time with my family, my friends, my children, I am experiencing happiness. Watching my children learn and play, catching up with friends on weekends, the simple things can be extremely fulfilling for me. I truly believe that human connection is the most important factor in human happiness. Read more>>
Being surrounded by the incredibly talented, kind, and generous people in my life makes me very happy. It feels like everything is possible and that you can accomplish ANYTHING. In contrast, when you don’t have that— you start second guessing yourself in all facets of your life, and that can make you incredibly miserable. Read more>>
Golf and craft beer are in my WHEELHOUSE OF HAPPY !! When I’m doing my BREWS WITH BECK beer reviews for my YouTube Channel, drinking beer with friends, playing golf, and/or watching PGA Golf I couldn’t be a happier man. I guess the reason I love reviewing craft beer and playing golf is because there is plenty of thought that goes into both – combined with relaxation and extreme enjoyment. For example, drinking a phenomenal barrel-aged coffee stout and/or making great shots on the course take a lot of thinking/precision and a the same time create the best feeling and relaxation I can think of. Read more>>