What role has risk played in your life and career?

How do you think about risk? What role has taking risks played in your life/career? Check out responses from hidden gems from our community below.
Risks, in my opinion, are a fundamental part of reaching success. For example, when I was in London, I got asked by a friend to try live-streaming to China. Most people would ignore this opportunity and not want to waste their time trying it. However, I decided to take the leap and try it, and within a few weeks, I had thousands of viewers. I decided to invest more time in it by teaching myself Chinese as well as learning to sing Chinese songs to better communicate with the viewers. Within the next 2 months I reached an audience over 110,000 people simultaneously watching and giving gifts to my account. In the process, I gained many friends and fans, both virtually and in reality, and gained a fanbase interested in my music. If I never took the risk and tried it, I never would have opened this new doorway to a whole new world of opportunities. Read more>>
The way I view risk is that it’s always better to take one and fail than to never try at all. We are so scared of rejection and failure that we often count ourselves out before we even have the opportunity in an attempt to “save ourselves” the heartache, embarrassment, or disappointment. As an independent artist, my entire career is pretty much a risk. I don’t have a label or team behind me that can guarantee me a budget, publicity, or success at any turn. You have to trust that it’s worth the risk to live out your dream. For example, every time I have released a song in the past, I know that I am going up against all of the artists on major labels, or with more connections, or more established fan bases for Spotify and Apple Music editorial playlist placements. It’s a gamble. Even the very beginning, leaving a stable job with consistent income, to be an independent musician was a risk. Read more>>
Charlie writes: “I’ve taken risks many times, generally in a calculated way. Of course it’s easier to take risks that don’t have dire, or dangerous, or permanent negative consequences. I prefer to think about the possible outcomes before I take the risk. For example, I like to walk on logs that are across creeks. My granddaddy taught me how. He said ‘Just put one foot in front of the other, and stay on top of the middle, and walk across.’ What if I fall off, I said. ‘Hell son, you’ll get wet, and you’ll swim to the bank and get out, and eventually you’ll dry off.’ Nancy writes: Charlie, as a storyteller, has given a fun anecdote above. But here is another very real example from his life. He went to medical school and began a residency in orthopedics, thinking that’s what he wanted to focus on for his medical career. At some point in that training, he did a rotation in an emergency room. This was way back in time before the show ER. Before emergency rooms were easily available everywhere. Read more>>
Everyone has a different approach to risk taking. In reality, every decision you’ll make on a daily basis involves a certain degree of risk. However, by taking one you are making an initiative to do something that may bring you a reward, or if not, will still teach you a valuable lesson. So, in a way, taking a risk is a win win. I take risks daily and those risks I took over the years have led me to where I am now. If you’ll do nothing, you most likely go nowhere, and if you like where you are, well, just don’t take any risks. Read more>>
When I think of risks I automatically think of preparing yourself to handle the absolute worst outcome that could possibly happen because that’s exactly what you have to be ready for when taking risks, but at the same time have hope. Taking risks is a huge part of what and who I am as a creative, some things when it comes to music, fashion, even the videos I release on YouTube, it’s all about taking risks only now I take strategic risks. Starting out not really knowing too much of anything about the entertainment industry I was always ready to release a song, or make certain connects with many greats in the industry. I wasn’t thinking about the risks I’d be taking financially, emotionally, mentally. Now I know it’s not worth taking unnecessary risks, when it comes to different projects we want to do, make sure you have a steady following of people that want to see you succeed, even if they don’t want to see you succeed the bottom line is that they SEE you and what you’re doing. It’s so many different avenues I can take on talking about risks but just always prepare yourself for the worst outcome while having hope. Read more>>
I am SO drawn to SEVERAL of these questions. It was extremely difficult to narrow it down to one, but if we have a live interview at some point, I’d love to answer more. I chose this one because risk-taking was the catalyst for introducing me to the music industry. I’m from San Diego, CA. In 2003, I was 23 years old. I had auditioned for, and made the Super Bowl dance team. I danced in the pre-game, National Anthem, and half-time shows. I was going to college, teaching dance at schools and gyms, and giving private lessons, but felt in order to take it more seriously, I should move to LA. It was a few months before I turned 24, when I moved. I quit school, and told myself I was going to be a professional dancer. The problem with my mentality back then, was I lacked confidence in my talent and – I can say this now – I lacked work ethic. Read more>>
You know, me and risk have had a complicated relationship. After highschool, and after spending a few years away from my parents trying to survive on my own, risk started to seemed like it was showing up in a bad way, and mostly because I had taken quite a few punches in the gut. On my own there was no one there to help me see the upside to taking risks. There was a bad job market here, having to sell one of my favorite instruments to pay rent there, bad burns in friendships, et cetera. It took a long time down that path and ending up in a very risk averse place to realize I was spending a lot of time in my thoughts looking at all the risks involved, and that my life as an artist was getting more and more homogenized. No ups — because I avoided downs, no breakthroughs — because I wasn’t moving in any direction, and no new creations –well, at the time I figured I wasn’t creating anything new simply because I didn’t have enough inspiration. Read more>>
We view risk as a necessary part of life in addition to change. For without great risk there is no reward or great success following it. We have taken risks throughout our lives together—starting our careers and videography business, uprooting our lives moving to another state, and balancing the risk-reward every time we rock climb. Lauren: I started my own videography business, Red Rascal Films, back in 2014 after people requested to have their weddings captured. It was a big shift from working retail at REI and editing personal outdoor adventure highlight videos, but I soon discovered visual storytelling is one of my passions. There’s nothing more satisfying to me than stitching together unscripted, raw emotions of a couple’s big day for their loved ones to remember. When I’m able to move the viewer emotionally, that’s when I know I’ve done my job well. Filming weddings also gave me the opportunity to capture events in the climbing industry. Read more>>
Being rather young I have yet to take any truly audacious risks. I don’t have a huge amount of disposable income to place on the line. My career has gone through radical transformations because of the instability of our current world. I think the biggest risk I’ve taken is choosing to believe in myself, that my work has a place in the world. It a risk of the heart, to put something you make out there. The first time I had a sale of a few objects on my instagram I felt sick to my stomach. I described the feeling as “what-if-nobody-comes-to-my-birthday-party” feeling. What if I put myself out there and nobody meets me? What if I buy this expensive piece of equipment and people suddenly stop wanting my jewelry? Based purely on logic, these things are not huge risks, however emotionally they feel huge! Being brave enough to make work, to risk it being seen, and to be ok regardless of what comes is I think one of the biggest risks I take as a business. Read more>>
I feel like taking risks are necessary in order to be successful. I don’t think any highly successful person got where they are by staying in their comfort zone and taking the easy route. I took a huge risk going into business for myself last year. In March of 2020 I was laid off from the gym I worked at due to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Although I was able to retain a handful of my clients, the thought of no longer having a steady source of income began to weigh on me as the uncertainty in my future in LA began to set in. It wasn’t until one of my clients reminded me that I had made a name for myself in a very exclusive “market” of clients and had the support of the right people that doubts began to fade and I was more confident in going into business for myself. A couple months after I was laid off, I was asked to return to the gym. After a long thought process I made the decision that I would not be returning and would be starting my own business. Read more>>
The bigger the risk the bigger the reward. I wouldn’t have the success I have today if I would’ve played it safe. The key is to take calculated risks that have a plan of action to ensure the outcome is achieved. In the music industry risk comes with the territory but it takes risk to push the culture forward and to continue to grow as a person and as an artist. Read more>>
I think risks are basically just forks in the road. One path might look easier than the other but you still have to choose one. In my experience, the tougher of the two paths pay off a little better tho! Risks have always been a big part of my personality. I was kind of a trouble maker as a kid constantly getting into trouble but I always did things for the fun of it! I grew up skateboarding right on the borderline of LA/OC county in the mid to late 90’s right in the middle of skate and graffiti culture and that came with tons of risk! seems pretty hectic looking back now but every time I’ve taken a leap of faith it’s led me to the next adventure!. Read more>>
The more that my career has grown the more that I’ve seen that my comfort zone has to grow alongside of it. I’ve realized that a dream can be birthed in a comfort zone but it can never be accomplished that dream in this comfort zone of mine. The solution, the adventure, the growth all take place outside this ever growing Comfort zone of mine. Things I’ve realized about risk: it is always uncomfortable, it never gets easier, and my dream is always on the other side of that invisible wall of fear. I choose to not be bound by that invisible wall but rather walk through with boldness or what I like to call ‘shameless audacity’. Whenever I come up against a situation that I realize that my comfort zone needs to grow I Dare myself (sometimes double dog dare)….. I always writing this to myself before taking a risk: ‘Dare I ask for my dreams. Dare I see the imagination of the soul. Dare I risk! What if I ask and receive? So then, I risk. I’ll ask: May I impact this planet and those dwelling in it for good, growth, peace and cooperative love.’ Read more>>
To me, risk taking is why i even get to do what i love for a living in the first place. You can plan as much as you want but sometimes random things happen you can’t ignore that could end up be the thing you needed the whole time. For instance, i’m from Florida. I came to La to film The Voice and they had a flight booked for me back home. I went with my gut feeling and skipped. I was like wtf am i doing right now but it ended up being the best decision iv ever made as far as friends it’s brought me, experience, and personal growth in my career and person. Read more>>
After highschool, and after spending a few years away from my parents trying to survive on my own, risk started to seemed like it was showing up in a bad way, and mostly because I had taken quite a few punches in the gut. On my own there was no one there to help me see the upside to taking risks. There was a bad job market here, having to sell one of my favorite instruments to pay rent there, bad burns in friendships, et cetera. It took a long time down that path and ending up in a very risk averse place to realize I was spending a lot of time in my thoughts looking at all the risks involved, and that my life as an artist was getting more and more homogenized. No ups — because I avoided downs, no breakthroughs — because I wasn’t moving in any direction, and no new creations –well, at the time I figured I wasn’t creating anything new simply because I didn’t have enough inspiration, yet when I searched and searched for inspiration I couldn’t figure out why nothing ever seemed to speak to me. Read more>>
Life is all about taking risks, challenging yourself. I have a tremendous amount of faith, and I trust the fact that no matter what happens, I’m safe and protected. If I’m being honest and authentic, if I have integrity, then all is well. And that frees me up to be able to jump into the unknown. And I always find that my instincts were correct. There is always something to learn, something to be gained. I don’t think we really grow unless we take risks. Sometimes there’s pain involved in taking risks, but I’m ok with that. It’s like building muscle. You have to tear your muscle apart in order for it to heal itself and grow stronger. It’s painful, but you’re so much better off in the end. If we do what’s safe, what’s comfortable, I think we really stop ourselves from truly living. Read more>>
I tend to be a worker bee and a person who likes control, so learning to take risks has been a very important evolution for me. My story is that I worked for years as a film executive and producer until I completely gave it up 4 years ago when I discovered that I was in love with writing songs. I had been a very passionate music fan all of my life but never had the courage or really the audacity to think that I could actually make music. But after working hard to climb a ladder in film for many years, I suddenly hit a wall. I didn’t want to read one more script or do it one more minute. I suddenly felt aware that film was never my true calling and that I may never know what was. I was tortured by this, until I thought that I should take guitar lessons, just for a hobby. The minute I learned 3 chords on that guitar, I started hearing songs 24/7. I couldn’t sleep. Read more>>
When it comes to doing something you really want to do, but no one around you has given you an example to follow as to how you are “supposed” to do it–don’t let that stop you. Yeah, you’re probably going to mess up and make some mistakes and errors along the way. Mistakes and errors are totally fine, and you need to remind yourself of that fact as often as you can: that you’re going to make mistakes here and there, and everywhere. Taking a risk and falling flat on your face is always okay as long as you learn what made you fall in the first place. Learn, and try again. Keep doing that: take a risk, mess up, learn what made you mess up, and continue with your risk taking. Be that person that goes first and paves the way for others. After I made the decision to go all in writing (quitting my job, going to college, seeking out only gigs that were in writing…), I didn’t have anyone around me that did it before me. Read more>>
My whole entertainment career is about risk and risk management. Prior to the pandemic, 1 million people per year came to Los Angeles to pursue a Hollywood dream. I’m still here. I audition for roles that 1000 actress get submitted for, 100 get seen for and I am grateful to have booked many fun roles in TV and movies. Risk is definitely part of the Los Angeles lifestyle. Another way I take risks is in the choices I make as I act. I try to make bold, daring choices. I seek to break molds. Asking “what if” and “what do I have to lose” is part of my daily process. Read more>>
I believe that taking risks is an essential part of life and incredibly necessary. If it wasn’t for the fact that I left my comfort zone and became a risk taker, I would not be where I am today. To by honest I would probably still be at a 9-5 job that I hate surrounded by people who couldn’t care to pronounce my last name correctly. Not exactly what I pictured for myself in the long run. I wanted so much more. Making the career jump to being a real estate agent was definitely one of the biggest risks I have taken so far, but it has also been extremely rewarding in the long run. Read more>>
I believe that my ability to embrace risk, more than anything else, has helped me build the life I have. The more guaranteed the outcome, the less valuable it is. This is not just a subjective feeling, but an objective fact. Whether the obstacle be time needed, skill required, or competition from others, overcoming big obstacles tends to come with bigger rewards. If you understand this, then you understand why it’s so important to take risks in an effort to get ahead in life. Of course, most people are relatively risk averse. It’s hard enough for people to imagine the future under normal circumstances, but to get them to see what’s possible if they step out of the comfort zone and risk humiliation is basically impossible for many people. I’m convinced that more than intelligence, the willingness to take risks is a major predictor of someone’s success. Read more>>
Life at its core is trial and error. The only thing that we will forever fail at is perfection. Other than that, there are no rules in how we choose to go about our paths. What matters is that our core values are not lost in our journeys, regardless of what transpires. Risk taking is healthy and necessary. It also depends on how one looks at risks. Someone might live on the concept of risk and reward. It’s important to be clear on the reward you want or expect. In my eyes, no matter the result, the “reward” is the lesson learned. Your faith muscle becomes stronger and the question is no longer “should I do this?” It’ll be “What is the best way to go about this”? The decision is already made. As for me, risk is and has been integral in my life and my field. Entertainment is a weird world because it’s predicated on both trends and innovation. Read more>>
Being a successful chef is all about taking risks and setting yourself apart from other chefs. After 6 years of working in some of the best restaurants in LA, I decided it was time for a change. As frightened as I was to leave the comforts of a kitchen line, I felt I needed to push myself to the next level. I needed to develop my own style and form of expression through food. I had paid my dues and earned the respect of my colleagues. This led me to ask myself some important questions. What type of cooking felt the most authentic to me? What food did I feel the most passionate about? What food would define me as a chef? The only way I could find out was to leave restaurants behind and pursue cooking in my own way and on my own terms. I decided to create my own business and start Zoë’s Kitchen Table. Read more>>
I have a strange relationship with risk… I’ve always been a bit addicted to adrenaline. I say yes to any adventure; whether it’s going off-trail to find a secret waterfall, searching for the less-traveled corners of the world, or rappelling down a cliff-side. Yet, it’s as very different feeling-the short term rush of a bungee jump from a bridge-compared to the long-term stresses of running your own business. I took some business risks early in life, and I lost out, big-time. It’s hard to look at what is really “risk” without looking at the situation from all angles…and someone with a large savings account, family money, or some kind of security, isn’t taking quite as big of a risk when they have a safety net. Still, a risk, of course, but one with less consequences. I think of it as rock-climbing with a rope compared to free-soloing. Read more>>
Simply deciding to be an artist was perhaps the biggest risk I ever took, at least in the external sense. Can’t tell you how many times I heard things like “you better have something to fall back on” or “artists never make a real living from their craft”. I have been taking risks all of my life and they became increasingly greater as I went along but you’re never going to know what you got unless you put it on the line. I started out as a musician in my teens playing in local rock and roll bands in Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, but the first real risk came when I quit college to do it full time. I moved to South Street in Philadelphia and got into an all-original post punk pop band called “The Doones”. We played all over the place and I loved it. I loved South Street. I felt at home there among my tribe. From there I became an actor and moved to New York and finally Los Angeles. Read more>>
Risk taking has always been an important aspect of my life and career. Moving to California was a huge risk for me. Now ten years later I couldn’t imagine myself anywhere else. I waited almost two decades before I started making music and releasing it. As soon as I took the risk and started putting it out there, I found success. The new single I have out is another huge risk for me. I have released all hip hop tracks up to this point and PASADENA is not just a hip hop track. It’s r&b. It’s pop. It’s a collection of different things I like and I’m taking a risk in singing. The album I’m releasing this year is an homage to every style of music that has inspired me over the years. Ranging from country to 80’s horror movie soundtracks it’s a risk that I feel strongly about . Risks are necessary for growth. Read more>>
Risk taking is a very important factor for artists or any creative. We take risks by bringing ideas and visuals to life, ad dancers we are vulnerable through movement with our story telling and we consistently invest in our own creative dreams. For me personally I always had the dream of becoming a professional dancer, nothing ever made me as happy as dance or being on stage. Taking the risk of moving to another country, leaving my beautiful Mexico, my family and friends behind was definitely one of the biggest risks I ever took. Theres definitely moments where we all experience some sort of doubt or insecurity but in the end that sacrifice is what drives me and reminds me to not question myself when I wanna take creative risks. If im brave enough to take those big risks than I believe I am capable to make it as a creative. Read more>>
I think risk-taking is the key to all success. The biggest part of risk taking is failing and you have to be willing to fail which is scary, but hey, everyone fails! Once you get that in your head and let up on being perfect all the time, the world can shift for you – it’s what you do with that failure which can amount to success. You either hold onto it, obsess over it, and are afraid to try again, or you let it go, learn from it and try again, and that’s when it’s magic and you find a way to success. The other thing about risk-taking is it never goes away. Even after succeeding, every time I do something creative, it’s a risk, and scary because no matter how good I get, I always know I can be better and can fail. It’s overcoming these fears and going for it that help you grow. Risk-taking is also important because it pushes you to try new things – I remember being terrified the first time I ever wrote horror – once I faced that fear and took a risk to try I found out I was good at it, and now write lots of horror. I’m not so sure you can have a successful career or even life without taking risks – it certainly won’t be as exciting, that’s for sure!. Read more>>
Risk has been a big factor into how I live my life today. I feel like I’ve taken a lot of risks as far as my occupation and how I choose to live. As a young person, this is the time to take as many risks as possible because, unfortunately my biological clock will run its course; I will age and lose energy for the what I was once passionate about. Youth gives me time and energy to pursue what really matters to me because if I don’t, I might regret it when I’m older. My first large risk was dropping out of university on my last year, working towards a Business major. And ever since I decided to drop out, my life has been full of risks that shaped my life into what it is today. If I hadn’t dropped out, I never would have fully pursued music like how I am now. I never would have gained the experience of knowing what it really is like to chase something that I’m passionate about to its fullest extent. Read more>>
I think taking risks is essential for growth. Personal growth or professional i think i’t important to push your limits. I never shy away from a challenge, unless it’s an unreasonable one. I believe that if you really want something and you feel it in your gut that you have to do it, even if people are telling you that you’re crazy, you can at least take a chance. Changes are always scary and rarely easy, but from my experience, it pays off you just gotta keep pushing and figuring it out. I moved to the US when I was 22 years old with $600 in my pocket. I briefly knew the culture, was very shaky on my English, and knew like 5 people in the whole country. Now I understand that not a lot of people would’ve taken such risk, but at the time I didn’t even think about it. I just knew that I wanted to do it so I did it. Last year I quit my day job to pursue photography full time. Read more>>
“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all!” – Helen Keller. As an artist, you have to expand yourself beyond yourself, by taking risks, creating outside the box, dare to experiment, to fail, get up and have the courage to jump right back into the unknown again and again. My whole life was all about jumping first, and then thinking about the landing… I have led an adventurous life with many ups and downs, many crash landings, as well as some amazing discoveries, wow moments, and revelations about who I am as a person. Those priceless experiences shaped my life as an artist, and therefore helped define my art and artmaking process. Being an artist is definitely not a career decision for the faint of heart! Adventure was always on my daily agenda, in order to let the unknown and unexpected appear, and see where it leads me. Read more>>
To be so honest, my whole career thus far can be summarized as a cluster of risks. But, I should add, all the risks I have taken have been combined with a lot of faith. I feel like risk taking takes practice. You have to train yourself to be the type person who would step out and be vulnerable- even if only for a second. I was a new kid at my middle school, had never sung in public before, but still decided to sing at the school’s talent show. While this was a baby step, I was training myself to be willing to look like a fool, if that’s what it took, to get closer to my dream. I’ve auditioned for countless competitions (many of which I never made it past the 1st cut), I’ve stopped music industry professionals in parking lots and pitched myself, I’ve jumped in recording booths saying “I’ve never done this before but let’s try this”, and I’ve taken dance classes and performed horribly embarrassing shows (because ya girl just can’t dance). But I’m okay with taking these risks and sometimes falling flat on my face. Because sometimes, the risks go your way – and that’s what makes all the difference. Read more>>
While attending business school one of the first things that they teach you is that you must minimize risk and diversify your portfolios. The teachings go that you must by all cost have the lowest amount of risk and highest yield to create profit or money in my case I did the opposite. Starting a business is one of the riskiest investments that you can make and starting and food and beverage business will always be in the bottom 5 types of business that will give a ROI. I like to think of risk in not monetary terms but lessons not learned, through my company I had to become everything that was needed in every day to day operations along with new tasks that you never thought you would be doing. Moving careers from an accounting and finance background to serving coffee was a bet and risk that I was willing to make in order to grow and reward myself with not money but knowledge. Read more>>
I kind of think that the music business is the same as any other business. You got to think of yourself as an entrepreneur as well as an artist. It is a hard balance to find, but once you accept that you will see the things that are necessary in order to succeed just as it would be if you’d start or open a business. And one of the most important keys in business is to have the courage to take risk. In order to do that you need to let go of the outcome and really know why you’re doing it in the first place and realize true happiness is in the creation not in the outcome, if you try to control every situation you’re just blocking your energy and burn out. For me it’s scary always to take risks, but I have a sort of deep knowing that compels me to do what i do every time, and a drive that stems from my love for music and art. And know there is no courage without fear. I learn these kind of quotes from self help books and motivational speeches lol. It is very important to have a positive mindset and to surround yourself with positive people and energy. Read more>>
I consider myself to be a bit less risk averse compared to the average person. Fortunately and unfortunately, I’ve lived a life in which I’ve had to support myself from a younger age. As a result, I developed a solid base of financial and general life acumen by the time I was in my low 20s. Knowing this, I was more inclined to take on risks as I knew that I was capable enough to land on my feet no matter what. This had led to me taking a leap of faith into the freelance film industry as a Director of Photography. I quit my job with a company I’d been with for multiple years without a proper network or portfolio in place. I realized the right time to pursue your dreams was yesterday. The next best time was right now. Read more>>
I’m a freelance beauty expert and editor and I currently write for Cosmopolitan, Oprah Magazine, Elle and more. I also work closely with beauty and lifestyle brands to create original social media content for paid partnership campaigns. When I left my corporate editorial job 2 years ago I had zero game plan, I just knew the way I wanted to feel. Best risk I’ve ever taken. Early in my career, a traditional office experience really worked for me. There was a box to work within and I needed that safety net as I was building my confidence. Eventually, however, that box became too small and I naturally wanted to start taking more risks and be bolder on creative projects. Like I said, this was a very organic process and it didn’t happen overnight (it took many many years, infact). Read more>>
Risk is always a factor, especially when creating. Risks can be scary, and motivating at the same time. When I’m working on a painting or a set, there is always a risk to reward ratio. But when you’re designing a production its your responsibility to take on the risk of bringing your creative ideas to reality, same as making art. Read more>>
I have always been one to take risks in my career. I moved to London from my native France when I was 18, alone. I chose it over the safety of going to college. My move to the United States a few years later was also risky. I was like starting over. I had to figure out a way to be able to stay in the US long enough to achieve my goals When you work in a creative field you have no choice but to take risk I think. I never felt I could do my job if I was not willing to take risks. I never wanted to be a follower when it came to my decisions in business or life in general for that matter. It’s always been about my gut feeling and my curiosity for new things and new cultures. Read more>>