Pivot or Persevere?

To pivot or to persevere? Or more bluntly – to give up or to not to give up? This is a haunting question, a question that has ramifications far after an answer has been chosen and it’s also a question that almost everyone in our community has had to face at one time or another. How do you know when to give up and when to keep trying?
I feel like this is really THE question, especially if you’re someone who, like me and so many others, has faced “no’s” and hurdles in the universal experience of being an artist. It’s inevitable to ask: “Should I just give up?” I think the simple answer is no. I really believe that if you’re pursuing a dream, there’s some way to get there—even if it’s by shifting the dream. As long as you continue to take actions in line with what you care about, what’s meaningful to you, and your own identity, then I think you’re on the right track no matter how much you might feel like abandoning the endeavor. For me, as a writer, I started fairly late, hit a bunch of snafus along the path, and have had many moments, days, and seasons of truly considering giving up what with the uncertainty, doubt, and feeling like I didn’t have a tool large enough to clear away the brambles and get through. Read more>>
I think everyone has those loud, negative voices in their head that say the MOST horrible things. Those insidious voices make us doubt ourselves, make us feel worthless, unattractive and not good enough. But it’s that little voice that lives in your heart, the one that whispers quietly “Keep going” – THAT’S the voice we should be listening to. As long as the voice in my heart keeps telling me to ‘keep going’, then I’m not going to give up. Following what my heart is telling me is my internal gauge on whether to keep fighting or to hang it up. Read more>>
I believe a way to measure if something is worth pursuing is whether doing so makes “getting closer to the ideal self.” the process is meaningful to you, or it is hard for you but has a meaningful purpose for you. The original intention of persistence should not be becoming better than others, but to be better than our previous self, to grow as an individual, and improve one’s craft day by day. The subject is asked when to keep going or when to give up. I believe there is no answer because sometimes persistence does not have a reasonable reward, but it doesn’t mean you are not growing and improving.
What’s more, sticking to it often doesn’t work at first- like my first five years of learning piano. I always hated it during this learning period. Honestly, I did not have the slightest love for playing the piano. I participated in many competitions and did not win any outstanding awards. Read more>>
Easy…… you don’t quit. Read more>>
It’s impossible to know! Sometimes you need to give up and see how you feel. Do you feel more like your self? Do you feel a sense of relief and freedom? If yes, then it was a good idea. However, if you give up and don’t feel like yourself anymore, then get back on it!! I’ve done this a few times and I think it really made me realize that I’m an artist whether I choose to be or not. Read more>>
Giving up should only be done once, you’ve accomplished so much that you’re tired. As for me, I am far from tired. I truly believe one should never give up. I pursued music, my career is music, and I know that it is a long shot that I’ll actually make it, but I have to try. I have to put all of my energy into it before I fold. If I never make it to the top, I want to at least said that I gave it my all and touched a few spirits along the way. Read more>>
You have to decide for yourself if you want to keep going. I think about it CONSTANTLY. At this point in life, I’m 36-years-old and can’t keep a regular day job after like 15 years of having 3-4 day jobs. So I have nothing to fall back on and I keep going automatically. Read more>>
I feel like making a decision is such a difficult thing. It requires a lot of factors to determine the choice. When I get older, the factors pile up and get more complicated. And that makes me feel uncomfortable sometimes when I have to finally choose something. Even though there are so many reasons that potentially distract me from the goal, I do believe that the only reason that will surely keep me going on is that I love to do it. It needs to step back for minutes, stay peaceful with myself, and ask myself loudly (yet internally) if I still enjoy doing it. There are times when I feel very discouraged with what I was doing, but once the answer is absolutely I still enjoy working on it, I keep going on with it. And yes I’m still keeping up with my goal to be a successful producer by working on film-related projects almost every day. I would recommend following your heart and you will know whether to keep going or give up. Read more>>
It’s hard for me to know whether to keep going or to give up. I’ve been through some horrific things and somehow, I managed to never give up. We all want to do our best in everything we do but it’s not without consequence. I often find myself exhausted and fatigue, because I didn’t want to give up. I didn’t want to acknowledge my failures. I know it’s interesting that I associated giving up to failure. But that’s how I’ve always seen it. So, I can never see giving up as an option. Read more>>
Passion has to met talent in someway or another. I think it’s a delicate balance between being talented enough but also being passionate enough. The work can’t feel like work; it should feel like a pastime. Failure can’t be deal breaker either because failure , for the people with the calling, is just redirection. I think Dave Chappelle said it best, and I’m paraphrasing, but that “being unique trumps talent”. In someway that has to be a factor in manifesting your dreams also. Read more>>`
As an illustrator, there have been a lot of moments in my process (and within my career) where I’ve had to ask myself that exact question. There are always so many things to consider (e.g. your time/energy/effort, if the circumstances are favourable, and so on). Most of the time, I’m inclined to keep pushing on because I’m slightly idealistic. Perseverance doesn’t always work out, though. If my gut feeling starts asking me if it’s worth it, I’m the type of person who’ll overthink their choices. I try to talk to other people about it! It’s a good way for me to step back from the situation and consider things I might’ve missed. Breaks can be a good time for me to rethink my goals and my commitment to them. Read more>>
That’s a tough question and I think a lot of what it takes when deciding whether to pursue a goal or not just varies from person to person. Honestly, I don’t think quitting is as bad as people make it seem. If you don’t like something that you’re doing, quit that $#@t. That goes for people too. I’ll never understand the amount of frustration or stress people put on themselves doing something they really care nothing about. Now that is much different from giving up on something that you are passionate about or you need to do. Many times I’ve felt the desire to quit from something that I have been passionate about (discouraging things happen) but when I’ve pushed through, I feel like that challenge made all the difference. But to answer the question, deep down I think everyone knows. Read more>>
The most important thing is to start. And you don’t have to wait for the “perfect” moment to start because that opportunity may never come. Once you start, keep going so you’ll learn more about the process and about yourself. Sometimes the journey is more valuable than the destination. Even if you fail, you’re able to take those lessons and apply it to the next thing. If you have to quit, make sure you gave your best effort first. If you have to sacrifice your mental or physical health, I believe it’s not worth it to keep going. Read more>>
I found my recent success at age 44 after over two decades of trying. There were many times I wanted to give up, threatened to give up or fantasized about a life free of the exhaustion of trying to make my dreams come true. Two reasons I never did: (1) As a teenager, I read a Reader’s Digest article about the singer, Jewel, who said she never had a “plan B,” and so there was no option to fail – even if it meant living in her car for a time. I took that advice to heart. And (2) my wife wouldn’t let me quit and continued to believe in me even when I no longer did. So, it’s partly a mindset of never giving up, and partly surrounding yourself with supportive people. I knew I had some talent. I had a few signposts along the way that encouraged me, such as earning a spot in the Groundlings Sunday Company. I felt deep in my heart I had a gift of entertaining people. But beyond that, it’s just simply never, ever giving up. Read more>>
My mom has always led by example when it comes to my persistence as an artist. When I was in elementary school, she was the assistant art teacher in my art class, and was known by all of the teachers for her work ethic and artistic eye. When my mom is tasked with a project, she refuses to stop until it’s perfected. No matter how simple, she devotes herself wholeheartedly to every assignment and puts in the time and effort. When I was in middle school, my mom would stay on campus late into the night to finish painting backdrops for the school’s theater performances. Other teachers would advise her to spend less time on the paintings, saying they were just for a high school show, trying to assure her that no one would notice the minute details she had painstakingly designed. Read more>>
What drives me to keep going is the fact that I know that most educators in the U.S. have mental models that Martin Broadwell would call the level of “unconscious expert”. In particular, I mean that it is a common and extreme difficulty for many educators to break down their mental model in a way that relates to students who are just learning the material. That is, it is very difficult for instructors to even remember what it was like when they were first learning so that they may relate and incorporate that experience in their teaching practices. I find that the biggest challenge in Mathematics, in STEM really, is confidence and a support system . It is relatively easy as an underrepresented minority student to think that you’re not cut out to succeed in math when you don’t have a proper support system and a strong belief in yourself. It is easy because we are often already dealing with many other unfathomable societal repercussions directly relative to our ethnicities. Read more>>
First of all I am my own worst critic and own that. I mean in a world full of social media there is never a shortage of critics. I definitely thought about quitting initially with my entry level gear, learning curves and all the barriers that come with being self taught. A big issue was comparing my work to others work. Now I use others work as inspiration and want to see everyone come together and build instead of all the hate. What has really kept me going is the passion for the art and it being a form of therapy. Plus actually being able to look back and see how much I progressed. Along with help from my two sons who have cameras of their own now and seeing the same passion in their eyes. To anyone that reads this, if you’re passionate about ANYTHING don’t give up and you’re not the only who has felt like you do. Most of all mistakes are OKAY! That’s part of the journey have fun. Read more>>
When you hit brick walls, road blocks, dead ends, detours, relationships end, connections stop, little to no profit coming in – (raising my hand) “I’ll take to give up for $200 Alex” LOL! I remember calling my sister MANY of times crying, feeling discouraged and defeated because, I hadn’t seen a profit for years, connections were lost, I was tired mentally and physically and I didn’t know what the next step was. I felt like my daughter, sister and friends were my only cheerleaders. I would question me. Do anyone else see me? What is the purpose of all this? Am I doing this in vein? Am I good enough? Am I good enough for this? Am I the right person? Am I pretty enough? Do I dress right? Questions, challenges, obstacles and life hit you, it makes you want to throw in the towel and give up. No more headaches, sleepless nights, staying up at night crying or trying to fit a square into a circle days. Read more>>
At a very young age is when I first heard music. The rhythm, the pulse, the magical melodies were so mesmerizing to me. As a toddler, pots, pans, plastic serving bowls were my favorite drums on the kitchen floor while my beautiful mama cooked up our favorite meals. I loved listening to music and would often sing throughout my days. I started snare drum in the 5th-grade concert band. In the beginning, I heard girls were not supposed to play drums, that it was a boy thing. It made me want it even more. I should have given up then, according to who? The boys in the band who saw me getting better and faster than them? I had to keep going. Always, no matter what, there has been music in my life. I know it is cliché to say that music chose me as I have been chasing the perfect song for most of my life. As a songwriter, it is the best outlet for me being my therapy essentially a child with a tangible dream, as long as I kept going. Read more>>
To me, if you ever think about giving up, then what you think you want is exactly that—a “want.” But if you truly need something—more than anything in the world—then you will rarely, if ever, think consider giving up. Read more>>
Sometimes my mind plays little tricks on me and I end up believing my inner saboteur. I know that I should keep making work because I’m curious about what I’ll make next. Often I have inspiration or an image I really like and transfer it to something tangible to see if it hits. Sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn’t, sometimes it may need more time to stay with me. So, then, my creative process becomes a fun journey where I’m kept entertained by my curiosity. Read more>>
I don’t give myself a Plan B. I know without a shadow of a doubt I’m meant to pursue acting no matter the struggle. I willingly signed up for a career path that can be unstable and unpredictable, but nothing else brings me the same satisfaction, peace, and joy than when I’m performing. Giving up and being pulled in a new direction are two different things. Don’t let yourself feel like you’ve failed at something, if your life takes a turn down a different path and you start loving something else. Otherwise stay fully committed to your goals and don’t let giving up be an option. Read more>>
I feeling like quitting all the time. It’s a battle I struggle with everyday and I constantly wonder if I pursued something different what my life would look like. But, I know I’m doing what I was meant to do; because whenever I want to walk away, a door opens. It won’t let me give up. Read more>>
After this previous year, I think we’ve all been faced with this question in one form or another. How do we know whether to keep going or to give up. In my opinion, giving up is never an option. Maybe there are times when we need to take long breaks or when we need to sit down and recuperate but giving up is not an option. Life is not a race, it’s a marathon; sometimes we sprint and at other times we jog. Sometimes we transition from a jog to a slow walk. But the moral of the story is we never stop moving. We keep going and we never give up. Read more>>
I think for me, when I want to give up… I just take it day by day, sometimes hour by hour. Late at night, when questions start swirling, the stillness brings to surface all things I kind of push to the shadows during the day, in a created busyness of avoidance. There’s no running in the stillness. I’ve been trying to meet all those questions that are waiting for answers and just sit with them. I mean, of course, I can- and also have- run further. How many episodes in Veronica Mars? 76 episodes plus a 2 hour movie and I just finished the last of them…(please dm me to discuss the ending!) So now what? Do I keep going or give up? I think when I feel like giving up, I put the decision on hold. Why not continue and revisit the question tomorrow? Like a carrot on a stick ahead of me, but in this case maybe the carrot is behind me… following me.. looming. Read more>>
The best indicator for me to keep going – or to give up – is whether I love who I am in the doing of it. There has to be passion. I can be as dogged and determined as the next person, sometimes to a fault. But love generates its own excitement + curiosity + courage — and those are the things that make the going worthwhile. Read more>>
I’d say the only reason to give up would be because you no longer derive any joy or satisfaction from what you do. Striking gold and going viral are urban legends and it won’t happen to you. We’re all just out here driven by fascination, excitement, and a belief in the process. I think if you have a critical eye and/or ear and still enjoy your product, someone else will too, but because there is so much out there, the process of getting your work seen is painstakingly slow. But if you stay steady and focused and always keep learning, your reach will only continue to grow. Read more>>
Being an artist is not what I do, it’s who I am. Giving up on creating art would be denying my identity. I use painting as way to process the world around me and engage the viewer in a dialogue of interpretation. I communicate through bold imagery in order to create my own vibrant world. Luscious color and alluring figures are depicted with great detail to seduce the senses. I use realism as a means to expose the lack of reality in socially constructed norms. I am interested in society’s complex emotions around what we desire. Reality is often superficial where artificially alluring and nostalgically innocent context marks darker thought, ideas, and actions. I play on the usual tropes of mass marketing and vintage advertisements to explore the ways reality is obscured when presented as ostensibly attractive. I use art as a means to navigate pop culture in an era of “fake news”, social media and alternative facts where nothing is as it seems. Read more>>
I think the pursuit of ones own journey is measured by how far they are willing to take that ride. In my experience within my own journey, I’ve tried to look at situations that didn’t fit my current vibrations as a checkpoint to the next chapter of my existence. Not everything is for everyone, and when you can realize that, you’ll see how easy it is to open up the doors for things that are. I think self discipline plays a huge role in how far you’re willing to go and for how long. I enjoy my career. I mean I LOVE it, so there was really never a question on whether I was gonna give up on it or not, but choosing what situations/opportunities were going to water it so it would flourish into what I hoped it would. Now, I worked really hard to plant every seed that would eventually make up the backbone of my career, but I needed to be patient in allowing them to grow. At any given moment, I absolutely could’ve given up and chosen a different route, but just imagine everything I would’ve missed out if I did!. Read more>>
Two things, one if it’s something you can’t stop thinking about and if in 1, 5, 10, or even 30 years from now you’ll regret not doing it, then you should do it. If you know deep down in your being that this is what you’re supposed to be doing, then most likely it is. In addition to that, we should pray and meditate on it and then be still. We’ll be able to make the right decisions once we hear from God. I believe there will always be a sign to continue forward if it’s in Gods’ will. Never give up just because the road gets rough. It’s supposed to test and challenge you to strengthen you. It will test your faith in God and in yourself, build your character, integrity, and strengthen you in order to be able to carry the weight of the blessing. Read more>>
I remember my first year of art school, I was having a really difficult time adjusting to the workload and feeling confident in what I was doing. I thought to myself, “if I could pick any other major, what would it be?” Nothing else came to mind. Pursuing art was something that I have been wanting to do for many years, and I couldn’t imagine myself being anything else. So, I decided to keep going. Even though that was six years ago, I still ask myself the same question when I begin to doubt my abilities. I just recently started doing art full time, and no matter how hard it gets I know I wouldn’t be happy doing anything else. If I have made it through every obstacle I faced in the past, then I can do whatever I put my mind to in the present day. Read more>>
I believe the most important factor in knowing weather to keep going or give up is asking yourself: does what you are doing bring you joy? I can’t count the number of times I have wanted to give up on my princess party company, knowing there are other companies similar to mine that have been established longer and are more successful than mine ever may be. But in spite of all the stress, in spite of working multiple jobs to make ends meet, I have never been able to walk away because there is nothing else I can think of that I would rather be doing! The infinite hours of work behind the scenes (and the tears too!) are made worth it by the smiles, hugs and excitement of the kids I get to interact with each weekend. Entrepreneurship is a long, hard road filled with challenges so you really have to have the passion for your work. If you don’t, life is too short to be unhappy. The moment your business becomes more burden than than fulfilling is when I would say it would be time to move on. Read more>>
Simple the answer will always be KEEP GOING. You’re tired? Keep going. You aren’t seeing too much success yet? Keep going! Because as long as you press forward and learn form your mistakes you will succeed. A lot of small businesses get hung up on the fact that there is someone’s else out there doing exactly what they do. Sometimes they are more successful and sometimes they aren’t. The point is NOBODY is YOU, and nobody is going to promote and run your business the way you do. You are a unique mind and that’s something to be so very proud of. I don’t care if there are 100 people in my area doing what I do, I will alway give my work 110% and promote it like it’s the only thing on the block. Successful businesses thrive by ignoring the competition and finding their groove. Once you find what works for your business—believe me it takes time—you’ll be so proud of what you can accomplish. Read more>>
This is a hard question. And life being an entrepreneur is filled with a lot of pressure but, you never give up. When you know you have a good product or service… you can never give up. Now, not everyone is going to love what you have to offer but, until you’ve turned over every stone and shook every tree, you must keep going. Someone somewhere needs what you have. The one thing, for me, that keeps me going are all the positive emails, text messages, reviews, and social media notes from the women that have used Lady Patch. Hearing their stories of how this “Tiny But Mighty’ patch has changed their lives and given them back their freedom… that’s my fuel!. Read more>>
I believe the answer to this is to ask your heart what it is believing for. If what you want and believe for hasn’t happened yet, keep going because that dream and passion was placed inside you for a reason. We all bring something so unique to the world, no one else is you. Read more>>
The only conclusion I have come to is; Giving up is never an option. It’s never an option because giving up only guarantees that what you are trying to accomplish will never happen. Sometimes hope is the only thing that can fuel you to keep going. I have learned from experience that even when I intentionally try and let go of my dreams they haunt me! They won’t let me rest when I try to put them to bed, they invade every corner of my mind until I acknowledge them. So I figure I have two options either keep going and see what happens or give up and torture myself by daydreaming about what could have been. If you keep going you create endless possibilities for yourself! Because it can lead you to new opportunities and spaces that you would have not gotten to had you given up. If you can shift your perspective to believe that everything somehow works for your good you can make it through anything!. Read more>>
I inherited the base of my clients from another young mom who was about to have her first child. She decided to pass on her client base to me. Some would define that as quitting. To me it was the most selfless act I’d ever seen. She gave up everything she worked for to help someone else like me get their start, and ultimately she was doing it for her baby on the way. It gave me a whole new perspective on “quitting”. I think there are times to “quit” and it can be beautiful. It can be a pause in your own career while helping someone else get their start. This is the premise for how Graphted was started. I wanted to pass on that same legacy and knew that someday I’d want kids of my own and would need to take a pause on work. This is why I started taking creatives on under my wing, giving them creative direction, training them in how to get clients, how to work with clients, how to write contracts, and how to bill. Read more>>
That’s always the one that makes me chuckle. Well I guess when your talents along the way have paved the path of consistent directions and you have nothing else you want to do in this life…. Survey says: Keep going!. Read more>>
Even after I have heard 100 straight no’s. Even after I have $1 left in my bank account. Even after the majority of women in my age category are married with children, buying a house, and having kids. This is what I signed up for. Creating makes me happy and fuels my fire. I truly do not want to do anything else. Is it hard, yes. Is it at most times grueling, and exhausting, yes. If I wanted to have a guaranteed salary for the rest of my life I would have chosen a different career. I have heard many artists say “If you could be a tiny bit happy doing ANYTHING else, go do that.” Because this path is not easy and you need to have a strong mind to be able to push past all of the rejection. I love acting and I love filmmaking. It brings me immense joy, so I am so grateful to be able to be doing what I love, I never want to take that for granted or give it a second thought. I just have to keep DOING THE WORK. That is being an artist. The “yeses” come from yourself when you work on your craft, and who knows, maybe you get paid for some of them. But it doesn’t matter because you are doing what you love and are passionate about. Read more>>
Often times, our dreams and goals are clear, yet life will throw us curve balls, and make us question if its worth it. I always say, if your dreams, or business idea have never wanted to make you quit, than its not that significant enough. When you truly feel a calling to pursue a goal, it will consume you in ways, like nothing ever has before. There will be moments when you’re exhausted, happy, regretful and optimistic, but you stay in the race because you know deep down inside, you love it, Giving up for me is no longer an option. I’ve experienced enough at this point to know, that life comes in cycles. If you are diligent, open to change and are patient with yourself, than eventually you will see the fruits of your labor. Read more>>
I’m a firm believer that if you work long and hard enough at something, you will find success in it. You may not be an Oscar winner, but you will definitely make a good living and be successful. The only time I think someone should ‘give up’ is when they can honestly say that their heart’s not in it. In my opinion, there’s no point pursuing something you don’t love, because you’re going to be doing it for a very long time, and that could be a long time working and just waiting for the weekend, or working and the weekend is just a bonus. Read more>>
It’s simple, if it’s truly your passion then it is impossible to give up. I am a musician/producer who specializes in a niche market of sound. The songs I produce for people have a nostalgic grip on production techniques from the 60’s and 70’s while integrating modern pop-hooks to maintain relevance. My whole craft is outdated. People have given up making these songs 50-60 years ago. But the fact is I wouldn’t do it any other way. An artist is an artist not by choice but by the way they choose to interact with the world around them. A person does not pick up a paint brush and decide they are going to paint landscapes for a living. An artist admires the serene and expansive beauty of the empty Joshua Tree skyline and takes pleasure filling in each unique cactus that riddles frame in front of them. A person does not pick up a pen and decide to be a poet. An artist sits in on their roof writing stanza upon stanza with selective end rhyme about the overwhelming yet freeing sensation of simply being. Read more>>
When I no longer feel passionate or feel any joy in what I do, that is the sign to move on. Read more>>
I am a big believer in trusting my gut. Sometimes the logical choice isn’t always the best one for you. I’ve had several opportunities to pursue more traditional paths, with better pay and benefits, but i know in my gut that i’m on the right path for me. At the end of the day if you don’t feel happy or fulfilled doing what you’re doing, then what even is it for?. Read more>>
This work is really hard. Being an entrepreneur and building a career in a new industry, with new people, and a new audience takes many hours of labor, energy and thought. It takes a certain abundance of love and care to be present for people. Luckily, rewards like freedom derive from our hard work. Being able to create and design gives us a feeling that we value in a way we can’t yet describe with words. When we’re racing towards these rewards we know that it’s important to keep going. Read more>>
I feel when things start falling into place, that is a key indicator to keep going. Of course it has to be backed up by hard work and dedication. I feel like the only time to give up is when you have exhausted most of if not all of your resources and are still not seeing your desired result within a certain time period. But even in that case, maybe you just need to rework how you are approaching a situation, and possibly tackle it from a different angle. Read more>>
how do I know whether to keep going or to give up? Lmao. I’m laughing because this is pretty simple for me: what does giving up get anyone? I’ve never and never will give up on myself. It’s not in my thought process. And when things get foggy just means it’s time to reset. You can press that reset on life button as many times as you’d like or need to. But giving up? Nah. Read more>>
Life is very short, if you’re not doing what you love, how are you gonna feel about your life when you’re old and you look back in it?. Read more>>